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Mythomania [Open]

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Apprentice Petra
Apprentice Petra

Posts : 24
Join date : 2016-02-27

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PostSubject: Mythomania [Open] Mythomania [Open] Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2016, 06:24

A dull pain throbbed through the bottom of the young pup's pads as she sauntered through the dense undergrowth, her lambent amber gaze held low and unfocused. She didn't really know where she was going; these lands were still an enigma to her. This was only the second time she had left the Agavos camp, and the somber pup had resigned herself to holing away in her den, hidden from the prying eyes of those who had stolen her away. No. They didn't steal us. They just picked us up where we were left. Like carrion. She could not refute the truth any longer, not after what she'd heard at the meeting, what had shattered the facade she had so carefully built between her desires and the truth.

She had lied to herself. She had prevaricated so thoroughly and tried so desperately to believe what was false, and yet she couldn't successfully ignore reality. No one could, not forever. How could she ever have thought that her family wanted her? That perhaps, underneath her father's blatant disgust, her brothers' carelessness, her mother's apathy, there could have been love? The elite's words had done very little to comfort her, and Xymesina's statement was spoken from a confidence Petra had simply never had. Her half sister was full Erenyx, she wasn't a runt, her brothers actually liked her, her mother...

She halted her meandering for a moment, her hollow, downcast gaze bleakly trailing along the various detritus scattered across the forest floor, the entangled roots, her bruised paws, and she listened to the resolute voice she had hidden away, had always known was actually herself. Her mother... Had actually wanted to have her.

Petra had been a happy pup, certainly, despite the neglect and brutalization she faced, but she had not been oblivious, not entirely, no matter how hard she strived to be. The rumors had reached her, like they had all of her siblings. She had simply refused, for the entirety of her very short life, to accept that which was true. Her mother was a reward her father had given himself, for winning his colossal tournament against her pack. She had his pups, not because she wanted to, but because she was forced to. Her father longed for sons, sons to love and train and groom into wolves of power, the kind of wolf she so desperately wanted to be. But her birth had disappointed him, and a strange, solemn kind of smile slowly stretched across her maw, her claws sinking tenderly into the loose debris beneath her as she finally admitted the final truth she had heard yet so ardently attempted to efface. My father tried to kill me when I was born. She knew that, had known for awhile. She had been far too young at the time to remember it, but her mother knew, the autay knew, the pack knew. Everyone knew her beloved father could not tolerate the notion of having a daughter.

Her body shook and shuddered for a few moments before falling into a deathly stillness, her empty smile still present on her maw. She slowly pushed herself through the remainder of the unknown forest's dense underbrush before emerging at the grassy shore of a eutrophied river, and she stalked directly up to the water's algae carpeted edge, her stomach rippling and twisting with inexplicable knots. She deftly struck out a paw, slowly dipping the end of her foreleg into the thin green covering and pushing it aside, tearing a gash just large enough for her to glimpse her own reflection in the murky depths underneath.

She was usually fairly happy to discover something new, that sanguine enlightment easily suppressing the fear that domineered her being. Knowledge made her better, she'd always thought; it brought her just a bit closer to who she wanted to be, the superior, the authority. Knowledge was a method of control. This, however, was almost horrifically different, and she couldn't help but feel as if she looked smaller than ever in that distorted brown mirror, small and ugly and useless, the paradigm of unwanted. That was the truth. This was what her family who she so aching loved saw in her. And she smiled in shallow despair, her lambent amber gaze completely and utterly empty. She remembered how her father looked at her. She remembered how her mother had so often left them to their own devices. She remembered the expression Tulie had alotted her sometimes, when she killed the moth. She remembered the mutilated lizard's body struggling beneath her. How beautiful that was. How undeniably ecstatic she was, for once. She watched her own reflection in silence before laughing softly to herself, her demeanor rocked with an aguish that had already torn away and obliterated every lie she had constructed about herself. She laughed, because there wasn't much more she could do. I am disgusting.
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Beta Fel
Beta Fel

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PostSubject: Re: Mythomania [Open] Mythomania [Open] Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2016, 21:42

Fel’s scheduled run of the gully had been mainly to check for the absence of dangerous predators. Erabus had been one too many casualties to nature within the pack, his mauled remains found out in the neutral lands with pieces missing that could only have been consumed by a particular, very large, reptile. It was such a waste too, for he was a rather skilled and powerful wolf. If Fel picked up the sight or sign of such predators in their waters, she would have to pull together a group. Desmond had specifically instructed that she was not to risk her life like that again if possible, and she knew she could not take an alligator alone. It would be much safer to do that with a team.

But through her search today, she had found no traces of any of them in this gully. Her instinct told her they were out there, but she could only scan the top of the waters… The beta sighed, turning to return to the clearing with a tentative report until more data could be gathered, but then she caught the whiff of one of their own. Or rather, it was not their own, but instead, one of the pups she had helped carry away. She wondered if it was the same one she had taken by the scruff, while she trotted in its direction.

When she saw the apprentice, she recognized her as Petra. There were few faes, and this one’s coat was one of the more unique ones. She was Juno’s child, if she remembered correctly. The little form was sitting by the water, laughing eerily. The laugh was not laugh of amusement or joy. There was something wrong… Something hurting her… Too bad Fel didn’t give a rabbit’s tail about her feelings.

The dark fae approached the smaller one, tail swinging limply in rhythm with her stride. She halted only a step away from the other, eyes fixed upon her while her ears remained facing the water. If there was an unnatural ripple, Fel would probably hear it. But there was no point in keeping the pup here. “Petra, why did you come to these waters? I understand the youth’s need for exploration, but I advise you not to visit these waters in this season. Monsters that lurk in the deep tore apart a fine Warrior of ours last year, a brute about the size of me. Admittedly, it did not happen in this very place, but the type of waters are similar. These creatures cannot run in anything but straight lines on land, but if they drag you into the water, you will never be found.” Her words were advisory, but with the tone of an order. She stretched a leg out, barring the other from coming any closer, “Step away from this brown muck. There are better rivers in our lands, if you would like direction.”

// Rage against the dying of the light
tag  | ###  | notes: n/a
credit to kenz.
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Apprentice Petra
Apprentice Petra

Posts : 24
Join date : 2016-02-27

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PostSubject: Re: Mythomania [Open] Mythomania [Open] Icon_minitimeJune 27th 2016, 06:40

A shadow fell over the diminutive pup as she watched her reflection ripple and waver along the water's mud brown surface, and her soft cackling ebbed away into a hollow void as she recognized the massive black form invading the mirror. Her empty smile never faltered, however, though she hadn't really expected it to. Her expression was more of a wood carving, a whittled outer shell that she had no means of changing. Subsequently she grinned sweetly up at the towering fae, her lambent amber gaze aglitter with troubled feelings. She knew this immense wolf was the pack's beta, and, unfathomably, she almost wanted to laugh again as the oh so familiar terror flooded her veins and clamped her maw shut, rooting her to the riverbank with a confidence reminiscent of the tangled mess of the woven knoll.

The idea of monsters lurking beneath the thick green carpet didn't disturb her in the slightest. By contrast she was somewhat intrigued. How did these creatures successfully slaughter adult wolves the likes of the one standing before her? She was eager to learn. She wondered if there was one slinking about the murk as she spoke, waiting patiently to pull them both under. She knew for certain the family she loved so dearly would be glad to know the burden had finally been obliterated, or worse, they simply wouldn't care.

She gaped up at the great, austere fae for a quiet moment after she had completed her scolding, her exterior demeanor an odd kind of placid, her smile sanguine and graceful. Inside her fear was churning up into something different, writhing and breathing inside her gut like billowing smoke and choking out whatever else there was to her. That indomitable terror, the means of control- it had folded itself into her ambitions, and suddenly it had transformed into a bold disregard not so much brave, but more manic in nature, and she armed herself, not for the first time, with the weapon so often used to strike her down. "Your name is Fel, right?" she inquired lightly, her tone simple and open, as if she were talking to herself. "I didn't come here for a reason. I was just having a look around." She responded candidly; she hadn't any reason to do otherwise. She wasn't interested in exploring another river at the moment, however. The beta's presence and mind were for now far more enticing subjects for her curiosity.

"Desoto said he and you used to belong to my father's pack. Did you know the alpha?" She tilted her head slightly in quiet observance, her little voice ringing with an eerie emotion masquerading as delight. "He's the most powerful warrior I know. I'm sure Ambrose and Thad will grow up to be just like him, but... Something Desoto said has me worried. He said bad things happen to pups in Erenyx." She calmly stepped away from the water's edge, though instead of trundling back as the beta commanded, she took a few slow steps directly towards her. "What bad things happen to pups in Erenyx?"
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Beta Fel
Beta Fel

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Age: 8
Purchases: Extra Large Wolf: 93 cm

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PostSubject: Re: Mythomania [Open] Mythomania [Open] Icon_minitimeJune 28th 2016, 03:52

Although the fae did in fact step away from the most dangerous area of the bank, Fel was not pleased. Her order had been an order, not an earnest request. Besides, Fel was directly beside her, and the tiny, tawny steps did very little for the sake of safety. But was there a point to tearing a chunk out of this pup? An angry alpha in return for teaching a child about submission the hard way? No. Fel had better plans. ”Child, if you ever want to be taken seriously, you are to follow the direct orders given to you. Enjoy your solitude without my answers. I give no information to those I do not respect. And I respect none who disrespect me.”

As soon as she finished, the dark fae simply turned to the side and walked away in silence towards the treeline. If the pup wanted answers, she would and could easily stop her by following her and giving an apology. Fel would even pause for a moment to lick her paw in the shadows of the trees to give her that opportunity. She knew the pup was curious, and curiosity usually wins over dignity in the young as they have little to none of the latter. Petra could grow from this conversation… Or she could stagnate in that misery.

Answers or stubborn stupidity. The choice was hers.

// Rage against the dying of the light
tag | ### | notes: n/a
credit to kenz.
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Apprentice Petra
Apprentice Petra

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PostSubject: Re: Mythomania [Open] Mythomania [Open] Icon_minitimeJune 28th 2016, 19:20

The little pup cocked her head in tranquil interest at the beta's unexpected response, though her outwardly ecstatic disposition did not falter. That was the facade, of course; inside her curiosity buzzed and thundered like a distant storm. Her pride had not been wounded by the older fae's reproach, mostly due to the fact she had very little to speak of. Pride was a product of love, and she was the runt of the litter, the scorned sex, an abomination born of rape by her mother's eyes and a weakling burden by her her father's. She gifted her affection openly, but her abundant offerings had only ever earned her disdain and ignorance. To a pup so often crushed beneath the fear instilled by others, dignity, honor, and empathy were in vastly scarce supply.

Her ambition for power and belief in her own potential were expansive, however, and she watched Fel saunter stolidly back towards the tree line, her expression calm with intrigue. The beta was certainly a wolf of superior authority, and whether she was aware of it or not, Petra was actively learning from her behavior. It was by her phrase that she discovered concepts like respect could be traded for hostage information; in essence, if she knew something someone else didn't, she held power over them. She could control them. Fascinated, the petite juvenile pattered swiftly after the stoic she-wolf, and from her days in Erenyx revived all she had already ingrained what she knew about submission and respect. Tulie had made certain to teach them, but even more entrancing were the examples her pack mates made of themselves before her father. Consequently she bent her head, her snout brushing the springy green grass as she sat facing the black fae's back, her ears folded back and her tail tucked beneath her as she emulated every terror stricken well she'd ever seen face her father. Only, she wasn't afraid, not this time. That viscous, suffocating emotion had solidified into an indomitably ominous desire.

"I'm sorry, Beta Fel," She stated resolutely, earnest if not for perhaps the wrong reasons. She made certain to address her using her title; she knew in Erenyx the commanding wolves often grew fervent when their honored ranks were forgotten amidst pleasantries. "For disrespecting you. I will obey your orders." She knew not the worth of a promise, but she didn't believe it mattered much anyways in the future. When she was grown, the other wolves of these lands would bow and cower in fear of her.
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Beta Fel
Beta Fel

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Age: 8
Purchases: Extra Large Wolf: 93 cm

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PostSubject: Re: Mythomania [Open] Mythomania [Open] Icon_minitimeJuly 12th 2016, 05:31

As soon as her tongue let go of the short fur that covered her ankle, the rustle of little paws came up behind her. Fel turned her head slightly in the apprentice’s direction, looking at her pathetic display with boredom. The apology, she assumed, was empty. Of course it would be… Petra is a pup, and one who is not very keen of the wolves around her. Only Blaire would apologize to her in a way that she knew was genuine, for she earnestly did not want to hurt Fel’s view of her. The icy gaze slowly rolled back to looking ahead, and the brutish beast continued walking a few steps. “I expect you understand that though an apology is adequate, it is your future behaviour that is the true test of whether or not you are a worthy wolf. Arrogant wolves in Agavos are rewarded only with the rank of omega… We had one brute by the name of Noble who knew that all too well.” Fel suddenly turned so that her flank faced the pup, and there she lowered herself to lay down comfortably, tail flicking to rest by her side. The older fae wondered if there was any resemblance that rang in the youth’s mind between herself and her father, as she had about the same stature and color of coat - although that is where the similarities ended. It didn’t really matter, anyway. With a bored tone, she continued, “Yes, I did know Teren. He accepted me at the border. I served in different ranks - beta and elite - before I found Desmond in the neutral territories and convinced him to create his own pack. In Desmond, I found what Teren, Azul, Fenris, and Quinn never had. And as for your father being a warrior of any skill - that I disagree with. He is a fool, and there are mightier wolves who are waiting for the right moment to strike. And the best part is that he will never expect the attack because he is so full of himself.” She recalled the names Petra had mentioned, “Ambrose and Thad… Are those your siblings?” Fel focused her icy stare upon the tawny features, “Tell me, young one, are you the offspring of Beta Juno, or do you belong to Braelyn?” She had known that she would be bringing pups from both litters to safety in Agavos, but she did not know who belonged to who. Admittedly, she cared little for any of them, but the ones that belonged to Juno mattered slightly more.

// Rage against the dying of the light
tag | ### | notes: it took a long time to figure out what Fel would do
credit to kenz.

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Apprentice Petra
Apprentice Petra

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PostSubject: Re: Mythomania [Open] Mythomania [Open] Icon_minitimeJuly 20th 2016, 10:25

The diminutive pup watched the far more massive she-wolf lift her head stolidly from her calm endeavor of cleaning her paws, her lambent yellow gaze keen and attentive. The beta was, in many respects, intriguing to the curious pup. She had never met a female of such an intimidating height, nor one of such a prestigious rank. It was one of the more notable differences between the pack of her immigration and that of her birth; faes appeared to be of equal standing with the males, a significant change the juvenile had not previously considered but now greatly appreciated. When she stared up at Fel, examined her, how she commanded her surroundings and the will of those around her, she was able to glimpse a tantalizing opportunity that had formerly been much further from her grasp.

She tilted her head slightly in composed interest at her austere advice, and she slunk through the edge grasses up nearer to the great wolf's side, keeping a determined pace as she walked. From the way she spoke, she did not seem to think very highly of anyone, and the omega she named appeared to leave a particularly displeasing taste in her mouth. Petra was well aware how such wolves ranked, and she did not plan on holding the status herself, but she had met an omega before in Erenyx who, as interesting as she was, had not seemed overly perturbed by the title. Julianne was the name she pulled from her memory, and she easily recalled how she had not been fazed in the slightest by addressing Tulie, who technically outranked her. While the prestige and responsibilities of a high title enticed her, she could conclude the rank itself held as much meaning as a name. What really mattered was the wolf attached to it.

"Only the future? I thought the past mattered too." She commented blithely, her attention fixed unwaveringly upon her subject. "Erenyx fears my father for what he's done. Ideas of what he could do and their fear about that all come from knowing what he did before. That's where power comes from." She commented casually, easily relaying the knowledge she had accrued through observation. "And... The pack already has an idea of who I am, because of where I was born and who my parents are. I can tell that by how they look at me and my siblings. It's always either pity or contempt. How I act from here on out may change some opinions, but I don't think that first idea is ever going to really go away." her tone was simple and unaffected, though the facts she had relayed only worked to tighten the already excruciating vice on her chest. Thoughts, once cemented, were difficult to change; her own family had proven that much to her. Gaining the acceptance of the wolves here would be a staggering task, but it was not one she was going to shy away from. She was done being a servant to fear. She wanted to be the master.

Hearing someone refer to her father as a fool was a new experience, and one that lifted a strange kind of weight in her innards. She loved Teren, and she thought, for a moment, that she was supposed to feel some kind of indignance about her relatives being insulted, like Xymesina had, but there was little available to be had. The quirk struck her as odd, but she supposed she was simply aware of the frivolity of offending Fel. "What is that, what Desmond has but no one else does?" She inquired, sitting quietly in front of the Fae and laying her tail comfortably around her paws. This was of prime significance to her; attributes that could contest with the authority of fear were not common.

She pricked her ears slightly at Fel's question, though she did not answer immediately, as she would have easily before. Information held power; that she had discovered from the beta herself. An answer warranted something given in exchange, but she knew Fel would not continue her conversation with her if she refused to comply. Aside from that, the dark she wolf had already revealed something unknown and of potential value to her: her mother had been Helidos's beta. "Thaddeus and Ambrose are my brothers, and Juno is our mother." She responded after a moment, a soft smile evident on her maw. She would not reveal more than what was necessary; if she wanted to know about Memphis, Xymesina, and Ragnaar, she could ask, and Petra could gain something more in return.
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Beta Fel
Beta Fel

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Purchases: Extra Large Wolf: 93 cm

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PostSubject: Re: Mythomania [Open] Mythomania [Open] Icon_minitimeJuly 27th 2016, 14:18

Fel blinked her eyes slowly, noticing the subject matter that the pup was most interested in. With a cool tone, she responded, “Your past is of no concern, for you are an apprentice and have little history. A pup cannot be judged solely based on its lineage, though there are characteristics that are hereditary. The pack observes you in your every step and judges who you will be, which is why I advise you to watch your actions. You were forgiven for your behaviour before, solely for your youth and relocation. But now you have been warned.” Fel paused, licking a fang boredly, “Your father is not intimidating to me, and I personally know several Erenyx wolves who do not fear him or his so-called actions. All he has done is overthrow an old bag of bones and the pack hated the previous alpha so much that they just accepted him, then kill two faes about half of his size. He hasn’t done anything noteworthy, and his leadership is idiotic. He wastes his resources for the sake of personal pride, but doesn’t do any dirty work himself. Some are blindly loyal to an alpha, some are loyal out of duty to their pack and rank, and some feign loyalty for the sake of gaining an advantage - be it for personal gain or a better shot at him. The only wolves I can think of who fear him are the weak and the young… Even I’m bred from far a more intimidating brute.” The dark fae looked over the younger wolf before her, wondering if she feared her father. It was possible. Fel only feared one wolf, but for far different reasons. “As for your reputation, we were both at disadvantages. I overcame them through my effectiveness in my duties. I am a wolf Desmond can rely on, and he and the pack know that. Only training and good behaviour will help you for now though, as those are your responsibilities. Have you decided upon a mentor?”

Fel smirked at the other question. What did Desmond have indeed? It was not chivalry, nor was it any intimidating factor. “My alpha is a wolf who is actually worthy of respect. Unlike Azul, he would not step down from his post out of sheer selfishness. Unlike Quinn, he is a strong leader who knows when to assert himself. Unlike Teren, he does not waste the lives of those who might be of some value, and he does not overlook the strength of wolves with more brain than brawn, nor those of a sex opposite of his. Unlike all three of them, he is cunning and intelligent, and that makes all the difference.” It was a little bit exaggerated of a response, but Fel only sought to prove the point. Physical strength was very important in a wolf, but if there is a lack of intellect, they even simpler to fight. She released her back legs from beneath her, letting them lay casually out by her side. Her head was still held upright, and one ear still flickered towards the water and then around to their surroundings. But the shade was enticing, and she figured this chat would last a bit longer.

A bird chirped its song in the distance, the sound floating and echoing through the trees. Petra confirmed that she was indeed Juno’s pup, and at that Fel wondered why she had only sent one. Perhaps the others were too much like Teren, and she even preferred to let them die. Fel knew she intended to keep one for her own safety, but why this change of heart? “Apprentice, do you know why you and the other two pups were sent here?” She was aware that the arrangement had stated the pups would be oblivious to their upcoming relocation, but it was unclear whether Petra had acknowledged that reason in her turmoil.

// Rage against the dying of the light
tag | ### | notes: n/a
credit to kenz.

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Apprentice Petra
Apprentice Petra

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PostSubject: Re: Mythomania [Open] Mythomania [Open] Icon_minitimeJuly 29th 2016, 12:56

The pup tilted her head slightly in quiet curiosity, a soft smile present on her maw. Some attributes are hereditary. She'd noticed that, subconsciously at least. All of her brothers looked more or less like their parents, with their onyx coats and immense statures. She of course subsequently wondered why she had been born so different; she didn't really resemble Teren or Juno, not outwardly at least. Perhaps aesthetic characteristics had not been Fel's dereliction. That notion, like copious others of its sort, immediately intrigued her. "Then... Are there parts of me that just can't be changed? Like..." Her steady amber gaze veered off towards the empty grass, her disposition taking on an unprecedented uncertainty. "I know I'm never going to be as big as my brothers, or most other wolves. That's already been determined, but... Does the same go for my personality, and that of my siblings?" As interesting as the hypothesis was, on a deeper level of her being it filled her with a notable disappointment. Was there nothing that she alone could control? It was clear what she accomplished in the future would determine the worth of her being, but was that seemingly arbitrary potential actually already laid out in front of her? No. Even if there is a path there, I'm not going to follow it. She straightened up slightly, an odd kind of determination dampening the sweetness of her grin. I'll destroy it. I'll destroy everything if I want. I'm the one in control.

She listened to Fel's harsh critique of her father's leadership in quiet bewilderment, her expression more inquisitive than offended. The stories she had been told in the autay den had certainly built him up more than what the beta thought him worth, but the pup was still skeptical of her dismissive retort. "But no one has succeeded in over throwing him, and he already has two heirs waiting to take his place, three if you consider Corruption. If these wolves are waiting to strike, they seem like they're wasting a lot of time. Why put it off so long, if they aren't afraid of what will happen if they fail?" To her, inaction seemed relatively fruitless. She remembered her father's intentions clearly enough from the spars; he was going to conquer the surrounding packs. Once he achieved that, his power would be uncontested. Weak was, of course, a comparative term. Everyone was weak relative to the one wolf stronger than them all. The strongest wolves were usually the alphas, and if her father wiped them all out, that would just make him the apex of the hill, wouldn't it? She feared such a wolf, and then, oddly even more so, she wanted to take that wolf's place. She wanted to be admired and awed like that, and she beamed somewhat at the mention of training, her seemingly pleasant demeanor unperturbed when she shook her head. "No but, I want to be a warrior. I want to be trained by the most capable warrior there is."

She listened intently as Fel compared Desmond to his counterparts, and she absorbed their weaknesses just as swiftly as she did his strengths. Most tantalizing was the ideal that one's intellect could be even more powerful than another's physical strength, and she found herself enticed by the notion, liberated even. No she would never be as big as her brothers, or Fel, or Teren, but wit was another matter entirely. "Cunning... What else should an alpha do, to be respected like that?" She inquired, her head tilted slightly with interest. She was starting to like Fel; they were similar, in a way. Though she couldn't imagine a wolf of her stature at a disadvantage, it was easy to believe when one considered where each had come from, and it seemed their fathers weren't so different.

Her famished curiosity dulled somewhat at the beta's next question, however, and the determination and power pulling her smile slowly ebbed away to leave a fairly hollow grin on her maw. "Desoto and Desmond told us we were taken in order to protect us from our father." She replied steadily, her tone far calmer than she could have fathomed it being. Somehow it seemed as though the tittering of the birds above them had halted altogether, and she glanced down at a diminutive white flower waving gently by her paws. She dug her claws savagely into it, her demeanor, tone, and expression imperceptibly casual. "But I don't think any of my brothers are really in danger with our father. If they were, our mother would have sent all of us, wouldn't she have?" She tore the diminutive plant to fettered pieces, keeping the remainder of her thoughts to herself. I'm the one who was in danger. Of both of them. Neither of them wanted something like me. That's why I'm here, Fel. She stared down emptily at the carnage she'd caused, and was quietly frustrated by the lack of any feeling gained from decimating it. This hadn't been harder to kill than the lizard, nor the moth. It hadn't even fought back. It hadn't bled. She needed something more difficult to conquer.
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Beta Fel
Beta Fel

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Purchases: Extra Large Wolf: 93 cm

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PostSubject: Re: Mythomania [Open] Mythomania [Open] Icon_minitimeJuly 29th 2016, 14:24

Fel shrugged at the little one’s question. “Of course there are. Instinct can be overriden, and emotions can be controlled. Personalities are somewhere in between hereditary and developed… They are very strong qualities that a wolf is born with, but they alter throughout life and can be stamped out or changed by sheer will, if the will is strong enough. However, it is easier for someone else to beat it out of you - to destroy you and build you up again. I have done it before, and it has been done to me when I was young. There are strengths to every personality though, and it is important to crush only what you need to.” The fae, she assumed, wondered if her personality was inherited. Fel thought that there was something of Teren within her, a sort of power-hungry quality that flowed through her. That quality, for instance, was one that needed to be crushed. Fel could put two and two together, as this wolf was making a lot of questions about strength, leadership, and intimidation. Ambition was a great characteristic, but not when mixed with a lust for control over others.

The little retort was a well-qualified one. Fel smirked, rather enjoying their conversation. “Let’s put it this way: when Teren assumed power, most were just happy to have a different wolf. Since then, disloyalty has spread throughout his pack and hatred has spread beyond his lands. Teren is the center of a festering sore… The longer it festers, the worse it gets. The trouble with attacking an alpha is not the alpha, but the loyal subjects he commands. As time goes on, there are fewer of those subjects and therefore a better chance at success. For an outsider to come into Erenyx, they would have to fight a pack if everyone was loyal. But if everyone hated him as much as the outsider did or simply didn’t care anymore, they could walk straight to him. Strategy is the reason for the wait.” She chuckled, “And some wolves, like me, are just waiting to catch his face the next time I see him. He seems to only come out around young Helidos wolves that don’t even make a fair fight.” The dark wolf gazed over the other thoughtfully, considering some options. “There are several wolves worthy of a title of a reputable warrior. You ask for the most capable, and I simply cannot answer that for you. Our ranking wolves… and creature, are all capable, for they would not be in their ranks if they weren’t. The Elites, Breeze and Desoto, are granted by their ranks the title of the best fighters. Lead Warrior Narla is the lead canine for the rank and file warriors. And there is me, the once-Elite and now Beta of the pack. Breeze has the lightest personality and is very outgoing, Desoto is antisocial, Narla is unique, and I’ll let you decide on what I am for one cannot accurately describe oneself. Any of them would likely be happy to train you if you asked, but if you ask me, you will be forced to partner with Blaire. You are around the same age, and it would be well for both of you to learn from each other’s mistakes as well as from my training. However, I do recommend someone else to give you their full attention.” Fel wondered who Petra would like to learn from. In any case, she wanted some joint training sessions so that the pups could spar against each other and use what they’ve learned in a fairer fight than against their mentors.

Reaching over to lick at an itch on her side, Fel nearly ignored the next question, giving a simple, “I have given you the beginning. It is upon you to find the other chapters through observation. But I will give you a hint: it is the way an alpha behaves that gains respect, or loses it.” She continued grooming the spot, ears flicking from direction to direction as words continued to come out of the youth’s maw. It was as she thought: the pups knew no more than what they were told at the meeting. The faes had kept their word, even if solely for their protection. Lifting her head back to its position allowed for her uncaring eyes to settle upon the flower and then float up to the face above them. “Wrong.” Smirking, Fel dipped her maw to lick at her paw, paying careful attention to the stub that held her dew claw. The claw was becoming unnecessarily long and dull, and it needed to be scraped down soon. In fact, all her claws could do with a good grind against a rough rock or tree bark. She had allowed her silence to settle for a while before she ended the grooming session and began to elaborate upon the subject while slowly raising her head to stare at Petra. “The last batch of pups in Erenyx were raised and trained until they were yearlings, at which point Teren called for a sort of cleansing to happen: each litter was forced to fight in a free-for-all battle to the death until one pup of each litter remained. Striker is one of the survivors of that fight, if you do not believe me. So, when I ran across Braelyn and Juno in the neutral territories and found them both to be pregnant, I offered them the choice of sending some of their litters to Agavos for safety. Juno had to keep one or two for her own safety, as she would be killed if she lost all of you. But the shortage of pups should urge Teren not do repeat the battle, given that he has already lost too many. It is still a possibility, but a much smaller one. Your mother sent you here so that you, of all of your siblings, would be the most likely live to become an adult. I’d actually assume she valued you the most, given that she used the rest as a canine shield for herself.” Fel had respect for the old Helidos wolf, but she could not grasp why she had only sent one. Perhaps the other two were worthless, or too much like Teren. Fel guessed she would never really know.

// Rage against the dying of the light
tag  | ###  | notes: n/a
credit to kenz.

Last edited by Beta Fel on August 9th 2016, 22:01; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Mythomania [Open] Mythomania [Open] Icon_minitimeAugust 9th 2016, 21:57

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Apprentice Petra
Apprentice Petra

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PostSubject: Re: Mythomania [Open] Mythomania [Open] Icon_minitimeAugust 10th 2016, 11:03

Petra kept her snout upturned towards the beta as she listened, her left ear flicking back for a moment in slight discontent at the idea of tearing herself down. She almost felt as if that was an experience she had already suffered, or if not that, one she was merely incapable of having in the present moment. Could someone really destroy a monument that had never really been built? She didn't want other wolves to beat her around anymore. She didn't want to feel powerless compared to someone else ever again, even if it was for the sake of purging adverse qualities. I'll work. I'll just keep getting better, so my strengths far outweigh any weaknesses. She thought decidedly before chewing determinedly at an itch in her paw, imagining in silent excitement the ultimatum of her ambitions. I'll be better than any wolf who ever lived.

Fel's account of Erenyx's stability was particularly intriguing to the little Fae. She hadn't been aware before talking to Fel how her father had initially seized his power, and now that she knew, she was beginning to understand his own flaws. Teren had the pack's terror for his brutality, but not for his mind. It was the cunning that Fel had placed so much value in which her father lacked. His subjects, if they were properly pushed and inclined, could outwit him easily, or at least there was a subconscious confidence that they could. The terror his abilities induced did not run deep enough to inspire proper respect. She supposed, if one really wanted loyal subordinates, they would have to be aware that their superiors intellect far surpassed their own. A soft, casual smile fell on her maw then, her tone easy and almost careless. "Fair point, but a revolt only works if most of the pack is involved. They'd have to band together, and before they did that, they'd have to know those they allied themselves with also felt the same way before talking to them. And, anyone can lie about where their loyalty stands. It seems like a pretty easy opportunity to offer traitors to a merciless alpha in exchange for favor. When there is so much uncertainty and terror surrounding the outcome, I don't think forming an organized rebellion is a very attainable goal." It seemed to her, with a pack whose internal structure appeared to be corroding as Fel claimed it was, it would be far more efficient for a more powerful force to conquer it from the outside.

She listened keenly as Fel described her possible choices for mentors, her vibrant yellow gaze brightening slightly with an ominous ambition. The elites seemed to be fair choices in their own right, though her curiosity was pressed upon hearing the beta refer to the lead warrior as a "creature." Did that imply that they were something other than a wolf? Her placid smile remained fixed upon her maw as the beta offered to train her herself, though it appeared she would be sharing her time with another pup, a prospect that somewhat enticed her. While she and her brothers had sometimes gotten into play scuffles, her only real fight had been against Tulie, and the autay hadn't even been trying. Possessing an actual combatant was a perfect opportunity. "Blaire... Was she at the meeting?" She remembered a small minority of other somewhat young wolves, and it was difficult to forget the one who had gotten into a verbal scuffle with her half siblings. If that was to be her sparring partner, she was looking forward to the challenge. She offered the beta a determined grin, the blaze of her ambition concealed behind her sweet facade. "I would be honored to learn from you." She wondered if it would be possible to learn from all of Agavos's superiors; the more perspectives she gained, the more versatile she'd be in battle, with far fewer weaknesses.

It appeared Fel had no more wisdom she wished to share on leadership, though the pup didn't ostensibly mind. There was plenty she had garnered from her observations alone, anyways, and there were a plethora of hypothesis she was eager to test out. First I'll have to establish myself as a feared warrior, and perhaps snag one of the lead ranks in the process...

She narrowed her eyes in quizzical silence at the beta's curt denial of her explanation, her stomach writhing with an eerie emotion she couldn't quite explain. The beta was silent for several moments as she worked at her paws, though when she finally did speak her response was certainly far from Petra's expectations. So, it wasn't just her their father had planned on having killed. She tried to imagine how such a battle would unfold, and she silently sunk her claws into the dirt, her expression aloof and distant, as she easily projected the result. She would have died. Not for a lack of her own ability, but merely because she never, ever would have considered raising a paw against her brothers, out of fear or love. There really wasn't a difference between the two to her. There was still the potential that such a slaughter could occur, and she could feel her heart tearing with a profound concern. "Thaddeus... He's so much smaller than Ambrose. If Father makes them fight..." Her quiet remark trailed off into silence, her gaze empty and distant. It had nothing to do with their capabilities as fighters; Thad's intellect greatly rivaled Ambrose's strength, but size mattered to Teren if not to fate. Thaddeus would never be allowed to win. At least Memphis would have been given a fair chance. "Mother... If she really loved me... If she really loved any of us... She would have kept us all together, no matter what. What she's done to Thad, and Ambrose... That was selfish." It never crossed her mind that her own longings were really no humbler. She loved her brothers and her parents if only their company could suppress her own loneliness.
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Beta Fel
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PostSubject: Re: Mythomania [Open] Mythomania [Open] Icon_minitimeAugust 11th 2016, 18:46

Fel’s ears flicked back in annoyance momentarily. She did not appreciate when her words were misinterpreted, since she spoke rather bluntly. “Child, there was no mention of organized rebellion. It is neither practical nor necessary.” Straightening her ears out and returning them to their surveillance, she continued, “As one wolf told me when I joined Erenyx, all he needs is for others not to get in the way. Teren doesn’t even deserve the honor of facing an army single-pawed. One wolf can kill him, as one wolf kills another again and again on this earth. So long as the pack is distasteful of his regime, there will be few that stand in an usurper’s way.” She thought of Samael for a moment. The kid was a jackass to her, but also he seemed more level-headed than Teren. It was clear which Erenyx alpha she preferred.

The question pertaining to Blaire made her nostrils flare in a snort. Maybe her intellect had been overcalculated. “She was there, as were all of the leading canines of Agavos that I mentioned. If you had paid attention, you would know who was who already.” Fel then eased up, taking into account Petra’s state at the meeting. Desmond’s timing was off. He should have told them his talk at the border and left the pack meeting to a later date. ”But I suppose you were distracted. Blaire has the ginger coat of my creature and eyes like mine, but more vibrant. I am her adoptive… owner, as I call it. She was an orphan I found in the woods, but she is turning into a fine warrior of good strength, wit, and passion for self-improvement.” The choice of mentorship was met with a shrug. They would train together, and that would be all there was to this agreement. ”Meet us in the training pasture tomorrow at sunrise.” Fel would be back from her dawn patrol of the inner pack. It was a tiring life, but at least she had no trouble sleeping. Not that she ever really would. There were few decisions in her life that she disagreed with, and she tried not to dwell on them.

Fel finished grooming her paw and sat up quietly. The conversation was turning from interesting to exhausting as it went further into the emotional side. It was nearly time to go. Rolling her eyes mentally, Fel appeared calm and focused but still visibly bored. “Foolish pup. Keep you all together and what? Watch two of you die at each other’s jaws? Or send you all over here and die herself? She sent just enough to save you all. I don’t know about love, as I do not believe in its existence. But she must have cared about your survival.” This mess was pointless. She said her dues, and she didn’t intend to argue with a pup about her own mother. Fel and Juno had never quite been friends, but there had been a lasting respect between the two females. This fae knew nothing of her as a delta, beta, or even as a pregnant and desperate fae. She had only seen the captive, defeated wolf that Juno became as a result of Quinn’s idiocy. Petra could vilify her if it helped her sleep at night, but Fel had better things to waste her time on. “Stay away from the water.”

She stood up quietly, swung her tail into a position parallel to her back, and slowly tread into the shadows that led to the clearing.

// Rage against the dying of the light
tag | ### | notes: n/a
credit to kenz.
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