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Brick By Boring Brick (Open)

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Brick By Boring Brick (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Brick By Boring Brick (Open) Brick By Boring Brick (Open) Icon_minitimeJuly 14th 2013, 19:17

Finally all the waiting had payed off and both him and his younger siblings were released to roam the lands of the Helidos pack, however with it came greater responsibility of which he knew. The caretaker den never fit his needs, he felt claustrophobic with the other pups surrounding him and fought the urge of bounding out of the chambers by isolating himself from the rest. They had only been freed a view days in yet his parents still treat him as if he were a foot tall, showing affection that he couldn't fight off and telling him repetitively to stay out of danger. He knew they cared, but he had had enough and wondering off for air seemed like the greater idea, and so he did. As the young wolf padded on his small paws through the hollows, he admired the scenery, taking it in like a sponge and all the scents that came with it for him to remember later on. Apollo found it essential that he knew these smells judging from his father's and yes, mother's words. Seeing that the land had flattened out and marked with other several different paws, he lowered his snout to sniff them, sniffing up dirt particles causing him to sneeze. 'Okay, not doing that again.' Was all he could think as he shook his head.

As the dirt phased into a darker color, it felt softer under his pads while he walked, hinting of a different scent that smelled of sweetness. Lavender. Through the trees he could tell it was almost time for the sunk to sink to his next job, so Apollo quickened his pace to the trail's end to lead into a colorful terrain, hills flourished with bright colors and plants he had never encountered before. The scene fascinated him enough to pull him forwards, lowering his black and tinted red tail to rest at his legs. As an adolescent, he was rather small, but knew later on he'd become just like his parents, lean, build and a strong warrior, possibly Beta just like them or Guardian so he could use his skills to protect his family and peers from danger. Apollo's head reached just above the flower's tops as he lingered up a small hill towards the top to rest, sitting comfortable near a patch of yellow and white flowers. The floor was scattered with tiny petals of various light colors, getting stuck within some of the softer dirt where their original homes stood from. As he rose his snout to sniff one, pollen dotted his black nose, bringing up his snout like the dirt had before and sneezing involuntarily. "Ouch." Pawing at his nose, he stopped to look up at the skies, a war of color colliding into each other of orange, pink and purple. His reddish brown back shining a dark orange with the horizon's light, his mother's green eyes shining a lime green with specks of yellow within them. Apollo sighed happily, remaining quiet as he enjoyed the view atop the hill.
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Brick By Boring Brick (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brick By Boring Brick (Open) Brick By Boring Brick (Open) Icon_minitimeJuly 14th 2013, 23:10

Alanoth had always had something of a sixth sense when it came to pups, which was why his old pack had consented to making him a Caretaker. That sixth sense carried with him into Helidos, and it always alerted him when a pup wandered astray or was in distress. He wasn't the only Caretaker around here, fortunately, and so when he sensed Apollo wander out of the Caretakers' Den, he could justify following. So he followed the pup from a distance, until he reached the Amore glade. The pup was still young, so Alanoth knew he couldn't sense the older wolf's approach, therefore he concerned himself only with staying close.

He watched the pup explore the area, smiling as he remembered his own years as a pup. They weren't anything he could be fondly proud of, but some of them were good memories. His first few days close to the Helidos pack lands were much like this pup now, curiosity and the need to get out and explore. He padded close to the pup as he sat on a hill, but kept a reasonable distance out of respect to his parents. "A wonderful place, isn't it?" He said kindly to the young pup, hoping he hadn't upset or startled him.
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Brick By Boring Brick (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brick By Boring Brick (Open) Brick By Boring Brick (Open) Icon_minitimeJuly 14th 2013, 23:48

His eyes started to doze off, but every time his head dipped close to the ground, Apollo would shake his head and straighten back his stance to regain focus. It wasn't everyday that he was used to traveling along at such a time of evening, if only he had someone his age to accompany him on his small journey. If he were lucky, there would be a possibility of him returning home by memory, though it was doubtful at this point. He was too young to remember, or was he? Getting here wasn't as hard, but returning he had his doubts, however that wouldn't stop him from eventually finding the luck of a passing wolf to help his way back home closer to camp. All he knew is that his parent's den was huge, he'd only slept in it two, three times after he was released, but it was big enough for him to be separated from the rest, that is, unless his sister or brother couldn't sleep. Then he would near their side until they would fall asleep again, eventually having him doze off into a light sleep and to start the day all over again.

As he smiled to himself, Apollo perked his ears at a sudden voice, barely turning his snout to see who it is for he remembered by their tone. He sighed disappointedly, "It was wonderful..." The dark pup glance from the side, keeping his stance clear, "I'd be nice to be alone for once. Why are you here? Did you follow me or something?" He replied in a cold, bored tone of voice to the Caretaker, pinning his ears as he knew it wasn't polite, but he didn't care. For once he wasn't being watched, to be free, in yet someone is still there to breath down his shoulder. The pup looked away, trotting through the floor field to separate himself further from Alanoth. He knew that the brute wouldn't know what he was thinking, and sometimes Apollo was grateful of that, but when his parents would give their affection in front of others to him and treat him like he's just a small pup, it angers him. He wants to feel normal, treated like a normal wolf instead of a dumb and foolish pup. His training lacked, he did not deny, but he would improve, eventually, right? He sighed slowly, stopping a few feet short of the Caretaker to look back and turn his gaze to the sky for his own distraction in order to calm his thoughts.
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Brick By Boring Brick (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brick By Boring Brick (Open) Brick By Boring Brick (Open) Icon_minitimeJuly 16th 2013, 05:25

The little Princess awoke with a quiet yawn. Her tail beat down on the earth of the den as her jade coloured eyes peeped open whilst simultaneously stretching out her limbs. She whipped her head around when she felt nobody pushed against her. The pup had slept all day and now nobody was here when she woke from her rest. Stumbling on her still sleepy paws, she strutted to the mouth of the den and peered around. It seemed the pack was away hunting or doing their other duties. Although she was old enough to go out on her own, she was still hesitant to go where her father or mother or indeed Apollo could not watch her. However, staying home alone was no fun for a fae who desired attention, so out she went, daintily trotting over the ground.

Once she had journeyed so far, she realised how nice it was to be able to just roam as she pleased. No Caretakers telling her to "get back or I'll tell your parents you can't have any bones today". Juvenile eyes stared around at some of the plants and animals she'd never seen before like she'd seen a rabbit with fangs. Faintly she could smell the scent of her older brother, which was relieving because the poor dear had just about come to the conclusion that she was lost. Sniffing the air and the ground as she followed his trail, she felt great like she was a Hunter finding her prey. The tail hung from her rump wiggled happily until she came to a meadow of many pretty flowers. She stood there mesmerised for a moment before she realised that now she could not find her sibling's smell among the pungent plants. Silently the Apprentice dropped down onto her stomach and kept herself small among the flora, not wanting to be spotted by any "pup eating" things that Dad had told her about.

There she stayed laid with her head on her paws, quietly shivering. After some time she saw a wolf moving in the corner of her vision and her head perked up. Caretaker Alanoth! Scrabbling to her paws she shook with joy and she raced through the tall foliage whipping at her like it wanted to hold her back. As she grew nearer she was yipping and yapping at him out of excitement. Slowing to a bouncy trot then Ryland heard the voice of the brother she had tried to follow. A huge grin was plastered on her face and her eyes as green as the grass were bright when she plodded over to Apollo, for she was so pleased to see him "Why didn't you wake me? I was left alone and then I came to find you and I almost got lost!" She lowered her haunches whilst she sniffed at a flower. The smell was so strong that she coughed and sneezed. To add to the drama and gain full attention, she crossed her eyes. The young fae couldn't help but giggle.
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Brick By Boring Brick (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brick By Boring Brick (Open) Brick By Boring Brick (Open) Icon_minitimeJuly 28th 2013, 14:13

((sorry, irl has been crazy))

Alanoth watched the pup pad away from him, but he didn't follow. In the middle-aged Caretaker's experience, every wolf needs some alone time to think. Oftentimes that does not occur until they are adults, but sometimes pups too need time to themselves. In this case, he was certain that Apollo did not need an adult, but he simply needed to think. Or perhaps the company of another young wolf his own age would be helpful.

Almost as if Fate were responding to his thoughts, he saw Apprentice Ryland out of the corner of his eye, sneaking up on her fellow pup. He just smiled to himself and sat on his haunches. This place was safe, the pups would be alright if he let them wander a short distance away. Perhaps these two needed to be around eachother, who could tell? So the Caretaker simply watched them from afar, ready to spring into action if they should get hurt.
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Brick By Boring Brick (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brick By Boring Brick (Open) Brick By Boring Brick (Open) Icon_minitimeAugust 5th 2013, 00:47

At last, his luck turned around, being left to his space and peace away from the Caretaker. Apollo calmed his emotions, keeping still as he looked to the skies for serenity of his own mind. What an imagination he held, was what his mother told him, what great things could be filled, all the techniques and strategies he could come up with with the proper training. Now that he and the rest of the pack’s pups were freed from the bonds that trapped them under one’s watch and care, he could come to soon meet more of the lives walking about the Helidos land, who’s more capable of taking on the ambitions he has set for himself towards the future. His released a long, tired sigh, thinking it were time to head back before mother, or father returned with food to fill his and his siblings’ bellies. There weren’t much he could relate to though, and from what he realized with his brother, Griffen, their terms of fun were entirely different. As for the moment, he had only heard little of the other pups his age, a young fae like Ryland, along with two others and two more from the Omega he had found out from overhearing his parents discuss around the situation at paw. He wished to encounter these ‘pups’ of his own age, hopefully to then become their friend and ally when in need towards the ages come and he has turned into a powerful warrior like his parents. All there was left now was a mentor...

Just when Apollo was beginning to loosen up his ways and go apologize to the Caretaker, his paws were stopped by the sound of dainty paw-steps bounding over to him. He turned his head, seeing the dark amber and brown swirled female pup nearing to his side, a musical and more than familiar voice to speak into words. He sighed, smiling a bit to see his sister, “I didn’t want to disturb you, and what do you mean you were left alone? I thought Griffen was sleeping next to you..” He widened his islamic green eyes slightly, mouth agape. “Oh, he is going to be in trouble when he hasn’t returned before dark. Shouldn’t we go find him, or leave it to Mom?” Tilting his head, he moved over a bit and laughed at the flower that she whiffed and sneezes, much like he had done earlier. As much as their fights lasted and were frequent, he loved her dearly to his heart and promised their father to keep her out of danger, along with Griffen. “You found your way, didn’t you? You’re such a drama queen, Ry, just be glad you found me and used that mind of yours.” He chuckled, falling back to rest on his haunches and curl his tail around his side.
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PostSubject: Re: Brick By Boring Brick (Open) Brick By Boring Brick (Open) Icon_minitime

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