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Rebel by heart, bad by choice

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Rebel by heart, bad by choice Empty
PostSubject: Rebel by heart, bad by choice Rebel by heart, bad by choice Icon_minitimeApril 4th 2014, 20:08

Loki watched as the fae walked swiftly away, her bobbing white tail was the last thing he would see of her. "Nyx, Beta Nyx. Find your own way home, brute." He recited her exact words throughly in his head. There was something about those blue and brown orbs. A sense of dizziness washed heavily over him, as he got to his paws. His head swayed in a cool matter as he breathed deeply in her sharply sweet, and now becoming stale scent. His auric orbs searching around hesitantly as he padded around, tracking her scent—and giving a lazy job at that.
He soon came to a large thicket of trees and large undergrowth. It was as if the green were to consume him at any moment. A border of brush hit him, but it still seemed her scent had gone this way. What if this was some other hostile wolf's territory, and what if she had planed to make it hard for me to track? Thinking silently. He gave a slight growl at the thought, too many times had he been passive, and it proved—he needed to pick up his game. He sighed as he followed the bramble, still on her scent, mixed with a hint of grass, forage, and dry hay, probably brought here by wind. He bounded forward, picking up his rather slow pace, until, with a sudden, nothing happened. It was as if she wasn't there at all. He almost fell over, when backing up, a wall of desperation filled him to the brink. God dang it! What the heck is going on here? He thought bitterly, muttering a few obscenities under his breath, continuing to walk on. If I were to be a hunter, what good would it do if I can't track a sharp toned fae? Cursing himself for being so foolish. He gradually became more slow, as he loosened his pace, and finally leading to a halt. He lifted his muzzle, and with sincere desperation, took in the air's fresh scent. It was there, but not enough he could get a grip on it, for the wind kept moving, washing away the scattered smell. He thought for a moment, before deciding to continue on, what could happen? Upon doing this, he quickly came to a large, exposed piece of land, where her scent drifted heavenly into his nose, returning, as he huffed in relief.
His ears and eyes, as well as his nose became attentive, searching for at least the slightest sense of movement. Some measly birds, the ones that must've been lurking in the trees earlier hopped around, taunting him with their sweet sound. What was with this place!? On the other hand, a flock of ravens and larger crows seemed to be circling something close by him. Something dead... he thought, as he padded in further. I welcome death. Inside, he gave a malevolent chuckle, resisting the urge to do so out loud. This for sure was the land of Erenyx, no doubt, the land became more ashen, the birds were picked off one by one, some fleeing, others, for no reason in particular, but the crows and ravens, they became louder, as he came upon them, matching the land, dark, and black, filled with sinister cackles of the birds' echoes. He pulled his lips back in a snarl at the annoying sounds. Ugh... He thought, although he had nothing better to think of, as his muzzle came back to his normal. He ducked behind the soft enclosure of a night colored poplar tree, its shade providing loose cover, if there was anything lurking out there...
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Rebel by heart, bad by choice Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rebel by heart, bad by choice Rebel by heart, bad by choice Icon_minitimeApril 5th 2014, 08:56

[OOC: I hope you don't mind me joining in]

The endless silence of insomnia had lifted her from her den that morning. Woken early by the caw of some unknown creature she had been thoroughly unable to return to the peace which was rest. Instead she forced her dark eyes open, cream eyelids withdrawing, revealing brown eyes with a slight crimson fire within. She checked her surroundings, signs of wolves this early in the morn were uncommon, but not unheard of. She then started at a gentle trot to the hunting moor, curious to see what meat she might harvest this day. It was a rabbit which was unlucky enough to cross her path, the blood of it pleasantly washed off in the waters of a stream which she quenched her unending thirst with. Wandering about took up most of her time, a possible nod to a fellow member, but mostly alone. This took her into the afternoon, the sun's light heating her coat and the thoughts of a cool nap underground seemed to invade her thoughts. With this in mind she headed back to her den on the furthest edge of the pack clearing. But as she reached the burrow, prepared to dive in, she smelled the scent of Beta Nyx, the wretched demon from her first day in Erenyx. It disgusted her to think that Nyx might find her sleeping in her den, a profound act of laziness and probably a reason for death in the Beta's mind. So instead of tucking herself away, she lead her tired body into the pack clearing, doing her best to act alert as well as unassuming. Such had been her demon's mission since the beginning, to remain unseen and unheard, a quiet ghost among demons. But her plans had not come without hitches, first being the dislike the Beta seemed to have for her. But that wasn't particularly suspect, the fae seemed to hold scorn for every wolf to pass over the Erenyx borders. Her thoughts were interrupted by a new smell, a thoroughly foreign smell which both entranced her as well as set her on edge.

Following the the scent, as if it were a visible entity, she found herself lead to a poplar tree. Behind its well formed trunk was the shape of the outsider, the stranger, the unknown. Raising her voice, the first time that day, other than the quiet curses while hunting, she gave it a slightly sweet flavor. Tinged with this sweetness it lit the air like a candle, its nonexistent aroma spreading through the air. "And who might you be?" She left her words short, not giving away much to this beast which now inhabited her home. She took on the slightest bit of innocence, but if her eyes were not so dark the wolf would have seen the fire below. The knowing fire which did not care who it consumed, merely that the demon inside her got his meal lest he might devour Cassiopeia, her sanity and all.
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Rebel by heart, bad by choice Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rebel by heart, bad by choice Rebel by heart, bad by choice Icon_minitimeApril 5th 2014, 19:22

[OOC: Not at all.]
"And who might you be?" The words slipped softly out of the fae's lips, as dark as obsidian. Her ivory coat stood out of the barren land, her eyes, an unusual and deep scarlet interrogated him. Indeed, she was beautiful, and she seemed to stand out in another way than Nyx. He lifted one ashen foreleg, and stepped out further, the now sun kissing the land, washing it in an alluring and majestic pale gold turned his pelt into a lighter shade of honey, glancing for the first time at the fae in a clearer view. He dipped his head in greeting, and at the same time, set his paw down, looking over the large female wolf. His light orbs glanced from her to the moon, on the other side of the grove, standing proudly, the sky gradating from a dark navy, and clashing with the sharp and sour tangerine color, those two hues alone stood out from the fast moving like fresh snow shaded clouds.
One sentence slipped calmly out of his mouth. One sentence, so subtle, even he swished his tail to be dramatic. "Hunter Loki." Answering so simply, yet there was more to his voice, a certain edge, yet to regular ears would think he was mild, something he rarely showed. He lifted his head slightly to let her gaze upon him, seeing her stern face, a few short gaps ahead. Her position told him there was more to her question, something she possibly was hiding? These wolves of Erenyx... mysterious and somewhat stealthy, they were nothing like what Loki had imagined. He had indeed heard of, Steele, whom he reigned undeniably without mercy, and the tale of Erenyx, the beta too savage for the peasant's life of the pack of Helidos. Right in every way, for him to do that. Helidos, from what he had heard, were too passive, docile, and bowed down to cotton tailed rabbits. It was a wonder why they weren't yet claimed by another pack yet. In his mind, Erenyx were indeed ambitious, and thought anyone would be crushed if somebody stepped so much as an inch out of their orderly line. Erenyx, as one of the members standing in front of him, was like this, yet everyone seemed to be hiding something huge, something no one could ever know, yet it was killing them not to shout it out loud, much less scream at the top of their black lungs. He shifted his weight to his right side, grimacing as he did so to the wound that pained him to think about. One dark scar, barley visible, yet in his head as prominent as a vibrant blue stripe across his face.
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Rebel by heart, bad by choice Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rebel by heart, bad by choice Rebel by heart, bad by choice Icon_minitimeApril 6th 2014, 10:17

(OOC: I hope it's ok for me to jump in too? ^^)

It had now been a few days since Raven had been accepted into the pack by Delta Irrationality. She had spent them just resting in her den and making sure she healed. Now she was fully healed, it was time to explore the Erenyx territory and learn more about her new home and pack. Waking up by the warm sunlight, streaming across her face as she slept inside her new den near the entrance, Raven blinked a few times in the dazzling light and rising to her feet, she padded out into the warm sunshine and stretched. Looking around her, Raven decided to go to the pack clearing nearby and see if there were any wolves there. Stretching once more, she turned round and headed off towards the clearing.

Arriving at the clearing, Raven could see a few wolves dotted around. She settled herself deep in the shade of a tree and spent the morning observing the comings and goings of her fellow wolves. During the afternoon she spotted two wolves on the other side of the clearing and decided to try and greet them. This would be the first time that she had met any of the Erenyx wolves apart from Delta Irrationality who had accepted her into the pack. She had looked around for Delta Irrationality but couldn't see him there yet. Getting to her paws, she padded softly across the clearing and approached the pair of wolves, one tawny and one cream coloured. Once she was close to them, she stopped and said "Greetings" in soft voice, neutrally and respectfully. She felt a little nervous but hid it well under her normal cool, calm and collected mask.
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Rebel by heart, bad by choice Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rebel by heart, bad by choice Rebel by heart, bad by choice Icon_minitimeApril 6th 2014, 10:52

She let her chocolate eyes wander about him, finding his golden orbs of slight interest. They were not the same shade as her Delta's, but their hues were of the same rich family. His white muzzle faded into shadows as charcoal furs mixed with browns to create a unique effect. He was small for a male, but she could see that he was not absent of muscle. She was slight for a warrior, but they neared each other in size, a small warrior and a perfectly sized hunter. This amused her, had he been a warrior, he would have been considered small. She, as a warrior, was often underestimated, but she was of average size for a female. She waited for him to say more, but he seemed to be satisfied with leaving it at just his name and rank. She was similarly content with this, it gave her room to work her craft, spinning her words throughout the air, a delicately placed spiderweb. She was a black widow, prepared to catch prey among her exquisite silk. "Warrior Cassiopeia at your service," She laced this with sarcasm, offering a bow to humor the moment. A split second of a grin was all she extended to signify that she found her words amusing.

With playfulness in her voice, something she was unsure if she was feigning or if it was a true emotion. "Loki, I see, the God of Chaos, might I ask why you chose our borders as opposed to another, say, Helidos?" Her voice allowed itself to rise and fall, like the waves of the sea, its tones alluring. She twisted it, making it seem that she might be asking something more than the recognizable words. She knew her hidden question, but would he figure out her puzzle, would he be brave enough to answer? It was the answer which would decide if he fit into Erenyx, or rather, how well he fit. It was the niche of Erenyx, an attribute which every true member held. They differed from member to member, she having her crimson demon to grant her access. What was it to this new wolf, one who seemed too confident in his conquest, what did he wish to gain from the dark shadows of the harsh pack?

But her thoughts were interrupted by another, her less than innocent plans halted by a mere fae. Her scrupulous eyes took in the femme form, sleek black fur, thinned by the heat of the summer, spread over a myriad of scars. The most noticeable of which being the ones which covered her muzzle. Cassiopeia could see the nicks in the ebony one's ears, most likely from fights of her past. She could only guess that the word 'Warrior' would soon come from her mouth in reference to herself. Deciding to help her along in the process, Cassiopeia turned her perfectly simulated voice on the fellow warrior, with a question she knew at least half the answer to. "Greetings as well, I am Warrior Cassiopeia, who are you?" She then silenced herself, watching both warily to see if they knew each other. She was also curious to see their reaction to her words, the kindness which forged and presented to the two.
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Rebel by heart, bad by choice Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rebel by heart, bad by choice Rebel by heart, bad by choice Icon_minitimeApril 6th 2014, 17:26

[OOC: Sure]
The brute was focused intently on her dark eyes, such poise, yet something hidden lay behind the innocence of her bittersweet voice; poured out like honey, and let to settle into something dramatic. She crafted her words so perfectly, nothing could be hinted, yet so much left you to wonder. He wondered how she remained calm, like they shared a few words, yet the brute was new to her voice. Loki gave a small grin as the ivory fae spoke, in the split second it seemed they had known each other since they were pups, and sharing a mere joke.
Cassiopeia. So that was it. In his mind he replayed it until his mind came up with the story of her elegant name. "Cassiopeia, more beautiful than all of the Nereids." He smiled something warm, then let her speak once more. She giving a curious question, Loki not knowing whether it was a trick, he answered, having no regrets. "I chose the shelter of Erenyx because I think it's wise to join a pack that can actually succeed and know the meaning of it." He said this as calm as possible, although the answer was quite simple. Most of these wolves either had dark pasts, or they thought it fit to join a pack with at least some common sense. His thoughts surrounded him, for there were so many reasons he had joined Erenyx. To thrive was one, to be around others with his same problems was another, and three, simply because he wanted to be proud of something. "What about-" His words were cut short by a new ebony fae, eyes of orange, and faint scars covering her compact body. Cassiopeia's attention was now directed to the small sound emitting from the female's jaw. "Hello, I am Hunter Loki of Erenyx, pleased to meet you." Not sure whether he was pleased or not. She seemed tiny, innocent. It was amazing she had survived through the trials of life. She must've been a good fighter to get through it all. He imagined her to be a warrior, exactly what she looked like. She was almost as tall as Cassiopeia, and how odd they were, both as short as Loki. He reprimanded his thoughts, for they were female, it would be odd if they were hunters, considered large for their height.

Last edited by Hunter Loki on May 2nd 2014, 21:00; edited 1 time in total
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Rebel by heart, bad by choice Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rebel by heart, bad by choice Rebel by heart, bad by choice Icon_minitimeApril 12th 2014, 09:13

[OOC: sorry this is so short and delayed, wrote this and suddenly had to go out.]

"Pleasure to meet you both. I am Warrior Raven." the black female said, giving nothing away in either expression or tone of voice. She was pleased to meet two of her new pack but wasn't about to show it. For she knew if she showed the slightest sign of emotion or weakness, then the two before her would probably jump on that and use it against her at every opportunity. So the cream one was a warrior like herself? They would have to spar together sometime, Raven thought to herself.

Now she was sat with them, Raven was able to get a good look at the pair. Loki was the perfect fit for a hunter whilst Cassiopeia was built along similar lines as herself, with all makings of being a excellent warrior. Loki - an interesting name, Raven thought as she looked over them both, She wondered if he lived up to his name as the god of chaos. "How long have you two been in Erenyx then?" she said softly, keeping everything neutral and respectful. She was not about to start needless aggression as she was clearly the underdog here.
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Rebel by heart, bad by choice Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rebel by heart, bad by choice Rebel by heart, bad by choice Icon_minitimeApril 12th 2014, 19:56

The brute was something else, charming and handsome, a despicable duo which would touch many girl's heartstrings. But his only misstep was that Cassiopeia had lost her heart long ago to someone else. Someone who allowed it to get crushed and broken until the shards and ash were mashed back together to form her very own demon. Such things were not to be said allowed though, he would only know that she was here. Being in Erenyx said something in and of itself, she had passed up Helidos as well as every other pack in the lands until she found Erenyx. She liked his answer, it was enough and something she slightly agreed with.

Her eyes turned on this new wolf, dark brown invading every crevice of this presence. Raven, a name too easily placed with this wolf, her and the cawing bird shared their ebony colors. Her voice sounded staged to Cassiopeia, as if she had been planning her words ahead of time. Their was nothing particularly wrong with this, only the slight suspicion of where it might be heading. Her question was an unusual one, one which Cassiopeia had yet to answer and had to put some thought into. It sounded as if this fae was rather new as well, thinking about it, she could smell the scent of Erenyx only faintly on both of these wolves. "I fear I am the elder here, Erenyx has been my home since the winter, yourself?" Her question was already answered but she preferred to hear it in the other wolf's words, see if she couldn't get her to loosen up a little. She shared a glance with Loki, wondering what he thought. For some reason she appreciated his presence, far from affection, but she couldn't help but admit she had a little bit of respect for him already. Her gaze moved back to Raven, if her eyes had been clearer one might have seen the judgement which had formed. This Raven had proven nothing, she was still a complete stranger, an unknown with a name. If she was expecting allies within this community, especially in the demoness, her walls would need to fall, even in the slightest bit. Allies were not formed across walls, especially two deep, they were shared across wolves with common goals.
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Rebel by heart, bad by choice Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rebel by heart, bad by choice Rebel by heart, bad by choice Icon_minitimeApril 27th 2014, 21:22

[OOC: sorry this took so long, had some sudden issues with my wifi]

The brute watched as Raven grew comfortable with both Loki and Cassiopeia, already she had sense of where her limits stood. Loki envied her talent, being able to slip into any situation with perfect ease. She had asked a question, a simple one, and just as soon as she had asked it, with a brief hesitation, it was answered. So indeed Cassiopeia had been the older of Erenyx between the two. The ivory fae had casted a gaze on him, making him discreetly glance at her before snapping his attention to Raven, a name that fit her too perfectly. He let his mind slip before returning to full focus.

Loki thought his scent had been a dead giveaway, but now he was the one the question was directed to. "I don't think I have been in these lands as long as both of you, for you see, I have just arrived at these borders, with permission from your Beta. I only know of Steele, Nyx, and you two, but I can confidently say I have enough information about Erenyx to know I am in the right pack." He gave a curt nod, and glanced at the floor, having finished his answer. In his mind the thought of Nyx came back to him, her pelt sharing the same colors of Cassiopeia. If one of her dark almost red eyes were that pale blue, it would be hard to tell the difference between the two. Except for that sharp temper. That was probably Nyx's only flaw. Yet, Loki could see the reason in her tone, giving attitude like she was the queen. If one could believe they are master, show they are master, and prove they are master, then that one is the master. They just have their high horse by their reins, and good reason to push everybody around. Loki had realized his thoughts were now making no sense, and remembered sanity was limited here in Erenyx. He better keep his mind. He looked up from his quiet thought back to Raven, who had asked the question. He acted like he was one of them, yet he knew only little of this new pack. He was the lesser age between the two, and he did not care. But what he did was what they would think of him.
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Rebel by heart, bad by choice Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rebel by heart, bad by choice Rebel by heart, bad by choice Icon_minitimeMay 4th 2014, 07:20

As she continued to sit with them, Raven slowly began to relax slightly. Though still alert, she would allow a little more emotion to slip into her voice and appear in her eyes when she next spoke. It would seem that Loki was the newest wolf out of the three of them, judging by the conversation. Realising that she had not given her answer to Cassiopea, Raven spoke again, also deciding that she felt safe enough to divulge a bit of her past as well. " I joined Erenyx only a few days ago. I consider myself to be very lucky to even be accepted, considering I was injured when arriving at the border and from what I've heard, the alpha doesn't allow injured wolves to be accepted. However Delta Irrationality accepted me and for that I will be forever grateful to him, as it must have been a big risk for him to accept me." Raven said, the emotion in her voice and expression, leaving the other two in no doubt of the high respect that Raven held for the Delta.

"As for why I joined Erenyx, well from what I've heard on my journey, the pack has very similar qualities to my old one, with perhaps little less love, though I am not sure about that. My old pack was small and it was constantly having to defend itself and its territory, so the pack raised and taught pups, all the skills they would need in life with a mixture of love and strict discipline, with an emphasis on learning to fight to defend the pack. So when I was growing up as well as learning about life in a pack, I and the rest of the pups were specially trained to help defend the pack when called for. It would seem that I had a talent for fighting from an early age. My father was quick to notice my talent and when I was old enough, he began allowing me to help him teach the two litters of pups who were born after me to fight. I am good at fighting, but I am nowhere as good as I would like to be. I always believe that there is room for improvement in whatever I do, even if I do my very best." she said modestly, fondness creeping into he voice when she mentioned her father who she had been very close to. It was true, Raven was always looking to improve herself and enjoyed learning and practising her skills. Looking at Cassiopea, Raven was sure that she could learn much from the cream coloured wolf, plus it would be nice to have someone new to look over her form. "If you don't mind Cassiopea, would you mind sparring with me one day in the near future? I think could learn much from you in regards to being the best warrior that I could be and it would be nice for me, if someone from Erenyx could look over my form and give me advice. Whilst I am not blood lusty, I do enjoying learning new fighting skills and honing the ones I have." she said respectfully.
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Rebel by heart, bad by choice Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rebel by heart, bad by choice Rebel by heart, bad by choice Icon_minitimeMay 4th 2014, 12:00

[Loki, change your avatar.]
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Rebel by heart, bad by choice Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rebel by heart, bad by choice Rebel by heart, bad by choice Icon_minitimeMay 4th 2014, 13:52

[Hope you don't mind another warrior in your story? ^.^]

Ariste prowled the camp, stealthy as a cat. Her paws fell light on the ground, as she avoided stepping on the crisp, crunchy autumn leaves. A bout of wind whipped through her coat, biting into her flesh, butshe didn't mind. She lowered herself to the ground, she had been practicing her hunting skill, since she lacked in them because of her captivation. She wasn't a huntress, but she felt knowing at least a bit of everything was best over all, in case it was ever needed. She wished that, at least, she would be able to get a chance to prove herself, even though it had only been a couple days since she was accepted into the pack. She knew that, until she had show her natural and practiced skill, she would never get any respect. Her tail rested limp, wagging slowly from side to side. She kept to the shadows, expertly hiding from curious eyes. Her silver and gold eyes flicked over the ground, searching for anything really-pawprints, animals, holes.

She licked her nose, sniffing for any scents of other animals. She perked up as she caught three-all pack members. She crouched lower, before straightening up, ears standing erect. She took long, graceful strides, still keeping as silent as she was able to. She kept under the shade, trying to blend in as best as she could in the colorful leaves. She smoothed her silky and ruffled fur, stopping behind a tree. After a moment, she made herself visible, but didn't immediatly go over to them. 'I have to meet my packmates sooner or later, so suck it up, and get over there!' She told herself, and quickly trotted over, eyes emotionless and deep, as if empty. She gave a curt nod to them in greeting. She schooled her features so they didn't give anything away. "Hellow warriors Raven and Cassiopia, and hunter Loki." She said poilitely, staying standing. If they allowed her to stay, she would sit, but to reduce awkwardness in case she wasn't wanted, she stayed on her paws.
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Rebel by heart, bad by choice Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rebel by heart, bad by choice Rebel by heart, bad by choice Icon_minitimeMay 5th 2014, 19:05

And the walls fell with a crash, all battlements and blockades seeming to fall with a single dash of the Queen's hand. Cassiopeia hadn't been especially pleased with the sudden autobiography, she did savor her sweet time. She looked over the warrior for signs of her said injuries, deficiencies were what they should really be called. If she thought herself well enough to fight though, Cassiopeia had no plans on holding back. Well maybe just a little, she didn't want to kill a warrior, something which was needed for the greater good of the pack. She let out a snort when the ebony fae mentioned love, especially when she related it to Erenyx. There had been little of the intoxicating drug shown to Cassiopeia, and even less that she had given out, her demon certainly preferred it that way. The emotion in the fae's voice didn't seem to be faked, she really did feel for the things she was speaking of, meaning she was opening up to two complete strangers.

The creamy succubus really couldn't decide whether to applaud this brave soul, or tackle her to the ground for being weak. Swinging her gavel, she decided it was a naive play at courage. Something which could come back to bite the wolf in the ass one day, especially if she kept it up. "It seems advantageous to the pack and how could I turn down such a pleasant tone? The smallest drips of sarcasm tainted the water, stealing the clarity of what she really thought of this fae. The smoke and mirrors in her tone was most likely caused by her inability to decipher what she thought of this fae herself. But such things were interrupted by another, again, a new member, and again, a female warrior in an ebony coat. She would simply have to hold off on making her decisions about this fae for a later date, possibly at this so-called spar. She certainly hoped this one to be better then the last.

"Greetings, it seems Erenyx is blessed with yet another fresh face," Her words had a certain grandeur to them, but she spoke it more as a joke then in seriousness. Her eyes now flicked between all of them, they were a quartet of strangers, maybe they wouldn't be such when they left this place. Of course, more often then not, one considered Cassiopeia a known, when they truly knew nothing of her. She took a certain pride in this, allowing her words to twist and flick among the truth, careful not to reveal all. She was a marvelous treasure chest, engraved and ornate, and with key in filthy hand, dirtied the work it took to arrive at this place. One would find that it did not fit the lock, and once again the cherished truth got away in the clutches of her sly silver-tongue. Her eyes settled on the hunter, drawn in by the silent mystery which he held. It could be nothing, and if that, then with a blink she would dismiss it, but she wished there to be something, a pearl which hid behind lupine eyes.
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Rebel by heart, bad by choice Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rebel by heart, bad by choice Rebel by heart, bad by choice Icon_minitimeMay 6th 2014, 04:00

Ariste narrowed her eyes ever so slightly, sitting and watching the warrior that had greeted her. Her tail wrapped around her legs, brushing the ground, and resting on her paws. She glanced between these other wolves before her. She hated being around other wolves, as it usually meant revealing things. And she knew, she had a story to tell. Her two scars were much to visible to possibly ignore,  one from her ear, over her eye to her nose. The other from her front left leg over her chest, up to her neck. Though the others had scars, hers stood out prominently, and she hated it. She dug her claws into ground, still expecting a wolf to spontaneously attack her to 'test' her. She didn't trust many wolves, and it wouldn't be easy to earn her trust. And until then, any question will be met with a snarl and snap. Her ears flicked, as she heard the small animals rushing to prepare for winter. Ears roved, so she knew what was happening, without taking her eyes off this fae. Her silver and gold eyes flashed in interest, ears moving back to the front of her head. Her eyes briefly flicked between the three, before returning to Cassiopeia. Her ear flicked again, she had only heard the last piece of the conversation. Her tail tip tapped on her paws, but she remained silent, waiting for the others to speak. She should not reveal anything before they had even voiced what their thoughts were.
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Rebel by heart, bad by choice Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rebel by heart, bad by choice Rebel by heart, bad by choice Icon_minitimeJune 8th 2014, 15:59

(OOC: Sorry for the delay! And hidden in the post is a taste of Loki’s mischievous and devious twin—The devil within :3)

Loki gazed intently on the wolf who introduced herself as Ariste. Yet another onyx wolf, with yet another rank of Warrior. Loki's ears twitched when Cassiopeia spoke to Raven, possibly the hunter could have imagined it, but it seemed tension was present between the two faes. He ignored this, though, he now knew the ecru colored warrior was sarcastic, with a hint of mischief. He nodded to the new warrior, and opened his maw to let his words spill. "Hello, Ariste." Saying simply that. He did not yet want to unveil his devious personality, the fun little games he loved to play, how he could murder at any second. Indeed, he was raised perfectly, until he witnessed his own father being butchered before him. He wished nothing but to be bigger than the wolf that had so pleasantly enjoyed watching Aspen fall before him. He fantasized about killing the monster, raking his claws against the brute, teasing him, letting death hug him until suffocating the life he had once lived so hideously. He almost grinned at the thought, before lifting his ears, beginning to droop. Exiting his dark mind—one in which he wanted it to stay dark—Loki would return his attention the the night colored warrior, Ariste. It had dawned upon him that, when finally up close, she had two long jagged lines, one across her hind leg continuing to her shoulder and ending at her neck, the other, starting from the tip of her ear to one of her silver eyes leading to her perfectly proportioned obsidian nose. The female seemed afraid of something, he watched intently as she sunk her claws into the earth, making an anchor of some sort. He became alarmed at this, and politely asked, hating being nice for a change: ”Ariste, is something bothering you, you seem… tense.” He eyed her paws, now submerged in the turf. He let the breeze take him over as he patiently awaited.
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PostSubject: Re: Rebel by heart, bad by choice Rebel by heart, bad by choice Icon_minitimeJune 9th 2014, 08:08

Ariste frowned when he only said hello. 'Interesting fellow. She though sarcastically, ears teisting around to listen, before returning to the front of her head as the Hunter spoke again. She narrowed her eyes, ignoring the question all together. "How is storing the kill for the winter going?" She asked instead, taking her eyes of the female warrior to flick over the hunter. He seemed to have been lost in his thoughts for a while. Her ears pushed forward, a smirk gracing her lips, as a casual ghost. "And don't act so shocked... Is there something bothering you?" She inquired sassily, her eyes meeting his, before returning to watching nothing. She remained standing, still tensed, but slightly less so. Finally, she lowered herself into a sitting position, tail moving to rest over her forepaws. 'Careful around strangers... They may be your pack mates, but they can still attack you.' The voice in her head whispered harshly,  causing Ariste to involuntarily tense, this time watching the Hunter more intently. Her tail brushed the ground as it unfurled, laying out behind her. As the fall wind dashed through her coat, she quivered, her hind legs tensing further, as a leaf danced over her muzzle, seemingly taunting her as it landed over her nose. She instantly opened her jaws and shook her head, shaking the annoying object off, and crushing it in her teeth. She dropped the peices of it, spitting the sour tasting leaf out, lazily dragging her tongue across her teeth as her attention returned to Loki. "Disguisting leaves..." She muttered as she scraped the remains of the crunchy leaf off, spitting it out, before looking back up, annoyance clear in her gold and silver eyes.
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PostSubject: Re: Rebel by heart, bad by choice Rebel by heart, bad by choice Icon_minitime

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