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The Dead Can't Testify [Private]

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Athena of Helidos
Athena of Helidos

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PostSubject: The Dead Can't Testify [Private] The Dead Can't Testify [Private] Icon_minitimeJuly 17th 2014, 04:31

Athena looked to the sky. The winter sun shone coldly down at her. It was peculiar to her that the sun was supposed to give her warmth, but it did nothing. Instead, it only hung up above her and watched her suffer. It had been weeks since Creek passed on, but the wound stabbed at her heart still. She refused to ever show this feeling inside of her in front of the pack, but it tore her apart each day. And yet, she had to carry on. She promised she would, and Athena was not going back on that. With a sigh, she trotted out of the territories of Helidos in hopes of finding someone to break her solitude or finding peace in the dead nature. Amber eyes stared at the ground below her blankly the entire trip, and she did not notice where she had arrived until her claws scratched solid ice. Immediately, her body fell rigid and she jumped back, looking around. The healer identified the frozen mass of water as Mirror Lake, recalling when she and Apollo met here, though she had not seen him much since then. How long had she been walking? Athena looked up at the sky, trying to decipher how much time had elapsed by the position of the sun, but she no longer remembered where it was when she left. With a defeated sigh, she brushed away a bit of snow off the gravel with her tail and sat down in the shallow pit.

The lake looked desolate. It was frozen solid at the banks, yet she was sure there were some thinner spots towards the middle. Upon scanning the surface, she found that this was true, and there were patches of water among the ice at the middle. For a moment, Athena’s mind slipped into a day-dream. She could see herself walking across the lake and feeling her paws suddenly slip under the surface. What a nice way to go. Comforted by the bone-chilling water, one would simply watch the world grow farther and farther away from them, then close their eyes and exhale for the last time. The rushing of the liquids into their nose and mouth would not be so pleasant, but it would not take long if they accepted their fate. No. Athena shook her head. This was not her destiny. She had to remain strong and alive for her pack and her family. But then again, what was her family besides broken? Her father apparently didn’t care for her, neither did her mother. Neither one spoke to her since Lucy fell sick. Her brother Lucas was the only remaining wolf she could’ve possibly talked to, and he swore allegiance to a band of evil-doers. He had always been cruel, but she still missed him as her sibling. Saddened by her train of thoughts, she lifted her muzzle up to the sky and released a blood-curdling howl of loss. Through the voice that echoed over the trees and ice resonated her sense of abandonment of everyone that she held dear. As her song ended, the healer felt a little bit better, as if a small piece of the weight that crushed her had chipped off. Mind clear of all thoughts, she sat and watched small snowflakes slowly drift down from the heavens in peace.
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Lucas Of Erenyx
Lucas Of Erenyx

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PostSubject: Re: The Dead Can't Testify [Private] The Dead Can't Testify [Private] Icon_minitimeJuly 21st 2014, 09:35

Many things had changed since the day Kenai was killed. His whole life had taken a turn for change. There was nothing from his old life which he had left. His father had betrayed him, in his own mind. His mother was so sick she was probably going to die. Deimos was dead. All that remained was Athena. Since they were pups together, they did not get along. She was too good for his own taste and somehow Lucas knew he did not belong in Heldios. There was a stronger calling to him. So when his father turned on him, he turned on the rest of the pack. He left the lands of Helidos, seeking the lands ruled by Steele. He knew the brute from his days as a Beta within his father's lands. Even then he knew there was something else to this midnight wolf. When he made it to the border, not only was he greeted by Steele, but also his demon spawn son, Samael. That pup was also black as night, but his eyes, they were two toned. One color had been green, the other was silver. He was large like his father, and they shared an air about them. Samael was something else, but they accepted Lucas in with the promise to betray his father. He would happily do it. Meanwhile, in Helidos, Lucas had no idea of the happenings there. He suspected that Athena would take her own life just so she did not have to live with the lame wolves of Helidos anymore. On this day, Lucas moved from his den, he stretched his body out, eying the snow which had fallen to the ground. It covered the land in its cold chill. Lucas did not worry about the cold. He did not care for it, but he was not afraid of it. As he moved from the lands, he decided to make it to the neutral lands. He had not decided which one he would actually visit. It was not until he heard a voice he had not heard in a long time. It was his sister, Athena. Quickly he moved from the place he stood now, he rushed to her. Sure she was a Helidos wolf, but she would always be his sister.

As he moved for the lake, he saw it was completely frozen over. Such a stunning sight to see. In the snow and the ice, he saw his sister and she looked to be a mess. Her call had been so upsetting that he was worried something horrible was happening to her. He moved right towards her, and in the silence of the weather, he pressed his body against hers. He laced his chin over her shoulders and moved to stand right beside her. "I'm here now, you're going to be alright. Everything is alright." He held her close to him, even though he did not know what was wrong or what was going on. He was there for his sister, unlike how his father had been there for him. "I'm sorry I left you, but I couldn't stand it. I couldn't stay."
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Alpha Teren
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PostSubject: Re: The Dead Can't Testify [Private] The Dead Can't Testify [Private] Icon_minitimeJuly 21st 2014, 10:02

Within a matter of weeks, Teren had transformed the pack into something for the better. In his eyes, things were better. He was presented with a pack that was useless. They were weak, and the first part about building a pack, was destroying the weakness from within it. A pack was only as strong as its weakest member. Teren knew this, he watched it in his old packs. The Alpha walked around the pack clearing, watching the other wolves. He had already explored most of the Teren, picturing it in his memory as he moved from den to den. He analyzed each structure and made mental notes to himself about their work. Some were good, others were not. He did not speak to his pack, just keeping track of everything. He would keep this all in mind for when he would need it in the future. He moved from the area, heading for the neutral zones. As he approached, he moved for a land he had not yet discovered. He did not know how it would be there. He left his home, heading for the lands which he knew did not belong to him. In the clearing, as the trees broke away from the area, he saw two wolves standing against one another. Standing down wind from them, their scents told a morbid tale, one he did not want to be seeing right now, one he would not allow. Quickly his tail arched over his spine, the hairs along his back rose to the occasion. His ears perked forward and his chest rose to show his size and strength he held within. A snarl behind clenched teeth emerged into the air. Without warning, he charged the Erenyx wolf and grabbed him by the scruff. He pulled him from the female and growled as he bit down. Once they were separated, he stood over the male, snarling and growling angrily at him. "Back away, now!" Saliva shot from his maw as he spoke to the male. Then he quickly turned on the other, the fae. Oh how stupid she had been to love a wolf from his lands. This fae was not the smartest. "What are you doing here? Thinking you can meet with an Erenyx wolf in secret? How can you be so ignorant?! I should send you home with a broken neck for this type of display? What would you Alpha say about something like this? You know what, forget that. I will kill you here and now for this to not even be mentioned."
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Athena of Helidos
Athena of Helidos

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PostSubject: Re: The Dead Can't Testify [Private] The Dead Can't Testify [Private] Icon_minitimeAugust 6th 2014, 19:25

((Terribly sorry for the wait. Irl stuff had me very busy))

Silently, she sat there and stared out into the frozen wasteland. It seemed cold and empty, like her den. Her life was not that far off from the comparison either. Everything seemed so… pointless. She almost did not notice the pattering of paws until her brother’s scent overwhelmed her chilled nostrils, and his fur pressed against hers. The feeling of his chin over her shoulders was unexpected but very much welcomed. Immediately, she buried her snout in his chest and began to mumble in a hoarse, broken voice. “It’s okay. I understand. You went where you needed to go. Everyone takes their own path. But you’re wrong. Everything is not alright. I’m not alright either. Creek is dead. My mentor, the only wolf who cared about me, is dead. Azul hasn’t spoken to me at all. He has stepped down as Alpha to some new fae. Everything is lopsided. I’m alone. That’s the worst part. I’m always alone; the den is almost empty. I know no one but the dead, Lucas! Father hasn’t even visited me once. Lucy is never seen. I don’t know anyone anymore. No one is there for me to talk to.” A soft whine escaped her. Letting her emotions slip was not something she often did, but she was overwhelmed now and did not want to reach the point of hysteria. Athena closed her eyes and fell into the comfort of her sibling’s fur. Lucas was, in her eyes, all she truly had left of family. Everyone else had turned their back on her and left her to wither away like an herb neglected in the winter. “Lucas… I’ve missed you so much…”

Some muffled snarl resonated in the air. In the next moment, the heavenly white fur of her brother was jerked away from her, making her stagger slightly before rising to her paws and turning in complete confusion. She blinked, staring at the much larger, older, and more intimidating male. The healer’s ears fell back; her tail tucked between her legs as she lowered her frame slightly in a mix of fear and defense. The brute before her looked like a monster and smelled awful. He was barking words at her, but they fell upon deaf ears. Her soft, amber eyes flew towards Lucas on the ground a few steps away from her. There was something running through her that made her feel numb, the surrounding noise fading to a muffled murmur. Athena stared at Lucas, mentally telling him to get up. She searched his body for injuries before her full consciousness returned with a snap. She heard the last sentence – that this wolf would kill her. Her gaze flickered up at him curiously. Why did he want to kill her? He’d been talking for a while now. His overall appearance and even presence was frightening and repulsive, but his threat was almost calming to her forsaken soul. For her to die and never be mentioned of again… It seemed nice. Her voice was still choppy from when she confided in Lucas just moments ago, but she spoke nonetheless. “I would’ve preferred to fall below the ice, but that’s not that bad either. Who even are you though?” As soon as she finished speaking, Athena looked back to her sibling painfully. She prayed he was alright. He had much more to live for than she did. The fully grown fae struggled to comprehend the situation. She felt light, as if she was in some dream or trance.
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Lucas Of Erenyx
Lucas Of Erenyx

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PostSubject: Re: The Dead Can't Testify [Private] The Dead Can't Testify [Private] Icon_minitimeAugust 10th 2014, 07:28

"I am sorry to hear of the terrible news. I suspected Azul no longer cared for either of us, when he started staying around our mother more times than not. Not once did he ask if I wanted to train or to help me in my efforts to grow. I see you too are calling them by their names. I cannot stand the fact that they have done this to us. Do they even care where their pups go or what they become? Has Azul spoken of me? It was horrible watching Elite Kenai die, but the bastard of a father we have, did not care that my life was almost taken in the same instance. Not once did he ask if I was alright, just 'how is Kenai' and wanting to hear all about his tragic end. In my honest opinion, I think the illness will take over Lucy and Azul will be forever alone, left to ponder on his own complicated thoughts, thinking of what all he had done wrong. I am sorry to hear about Creek. She was a very kind soul, good to any wolves she came across. It is unfortunate that she is no longer with us. Perhaps the wolves of the other forest will accompany her on their journey through the afterlife, and she will find peace there." He stood over her, resting his chin upon her back and pulling her as close to him as he could. It was unfortunate that two siblings were left with nothing. They lost their mentors, their parents, and worse, their place among a pack. Athena was feeling lost as was Lucas, with all the changes in Erenyx. He held her close and felt her nose pushing itself against his chest, taking in his scent as a form of comfort. For this, Lucas was glad she could find solace among his coat. Perhaps things really would be alright now. "I have missed you as well."

But just as the silence was peaceful, it was also dangerous. There was no sound around them, not the moving of tiny creatures or the rustling of bushes or branches, only silence. Lucas wished he could be closer to his sister, for they needed one another more now than ever. Erenyx would be no place for her, but he knew that leaving that pack, he would not be allowed to rejoin his family in Helidos. His life was about to be so much tougher, harder than just leaving everything behind. But in an instant, he was ripped from her side and tossed to the ground. His fall had been cushioned by the large amount of snow which had piled itself atop one layer at a time. His golden orbs looked up to the trespasser, seeing the large emerald orbs staring down at him. Immediately he averted his eyes from the Alpha, knowing full well this new leader was not the warmest of the bunch. He liked violence and aggression, almost seemed like he welcomed it to their pitiful lives. "Please, I beg you, do not hurt her.." It was the only thing he could do to try and keep her alive. Teren was a monster, one with great cunning and experience. He alone had been able to best their Alpha and even ripped his heart from his body and devoured it before the rest of the pack. This morbid creature now stood over his sister and for the first time in a long time, he wished he would die in her stead, so that she could live another day. Never before had the young warrior wished to die in anyone's place, not even his "father".
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Alpha Teren
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Alpha Teren

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PostSubject: Re: The Dead Can't Testify [Private] The Dead Can't Testify [Private] Icon_minitimeAugust 10th 2014, 12:58

He could not believe what he was witnessing right before his eyes. Two wolves, one from his own pack, the other from the clan of losers. He was angered by the fact that his wolf, from his pack, would be so into being around that of the lesser beings. He did not care their relationship, even if it was winter and he was about to stop them from the worst decision of their lives. The alpha male did not listen to the plea of the white wolf, instead he stood over the female. His eyes, green and bright, stared down at her. "How dare you ask me who I am! Do you not see how this fool acts around me? I am Alpha Teren of Erenyx. I have killed Steele, taking his place within my first night in this crummy pack. I ripped out his heart and consumed it before the eyes of everyone around. I am malice, I am danger. One who is to defy me stands not a chance for their life. Only death awaits them in the shadows, lurking behind the figures and demons, waiting for the opportune moment to kill you. So I ask you she-wolf, why do you stand so close to a member of my pack? You smell like the weakness and empathy. Who do you think you are to feel safe around one of my pack mates?" He curled his tail high over his spine, while his jowls pulled back to show the fangs within his mouth. Saliva dripped from the corners, falling to the snow and sinking through like a splash of lava rolling over a patch of dirt.
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Athena of Helidos
Athena of Helidos

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PostSubject: Re: The Dead Can't Testify [Private] The Dead Can't Testify [Private] Icon_minitimeAugust 11th 2014, 23:02

Athena blinked up at the alpha as he spoke. His words drifted in and out of her mind, allowing her to hear what he was saying but barely comprehend the danger she was in. The brute before her killed Steele in front of the entire pack of misfits and devils. Steele. She had heard of him many times, his treachery still resonating among the thoughts of wolves in Helidos. But how could it be that he altogether disappeared now? His rotting carcass was somewhere, returning his abused strength to the earth in a mineral form. How calming of a thought that was – to be reclaimed by nature. Perhaps, Athena thought, when it was her turn to finally give back to the world, herbs or flowers would grow where she fell. Her focus flew back to the one who called himself Teren as he continued to rant. He seemed to think highly of himself. A few questions laced with insults were thrown to her, but she did not care for how they were asked, or really what they meant. Each deep breath stretched her lungs; it was such a strange feeling. They contracted and expanded, her sides swelling and falling back accordingly. It hurt slightly. With every breath she took, she understood that no one would care if another never followed.

The fae’s ears slowly turned around to face him in attention. She had been taught to treat others with respect, no matter where they were from. Creek also taught her to give aid to any wolf in need regardless of pack, even if it meant sacrificing herself. But that side of the lesson did not currently apply. Amber hues stared up at Teren as he showed aggressive dominance. Her words slowed and softened by her numb emotional state, she answered, “I am Healer Athena of Helidos. Lucas is my brother. And…” She paused to sniff the warm air emitted from her mouth as she spoke, “The weakness you smell is chamomile.” Finished replying to his questions, she ducked her head and side-stepped away from him. One swift stride later, and she was by Lucas’s side. Her trained gaze scanned over him analytically but found no serious harm anywhere on him. The small bit of her that was currently sane became relieved. Athena reached over to touch her nose to her brother’s ear softly before she backed away. She began to look around, confused by her surroundings and her state of mind. Where was she, to be found by both her brother and his new alpha? She could’ve sworn she was in the expanse of the neutral territories. She glanced up to the sky. How long had she even been gone?
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Lucas Of Erenyx
Lucas Of Erenyx

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PostSubject: Re: The Dead Can't Testify [Private] The Dead Can't Testify [Private] Icon_minitimeAugust 16th 2014, 07:20

The scene before him seemed to be moving in slow motion. When he was ripped from Athena, he laid in the snow and stared to the wolves before him. He was scared for Athena's sake, knowing full well what he was capable of. He had taken one life already and for much less than this. He could only imagine what the midnight male would do to either of them. But it was in this instance that he did something so stupid. "Don't you bother her! She did nothing wrong. These lands are neutral, that means any wolf can come here and do as they please. Even if she is not my sister, I would still come and see any wolf I wanted. Helidos was my pack not too long ago and sometimes, one wolf just needs another!" Lucas stood up and stared to the black wolf. He pushed his chest out and even started to curl his tail behind him. Was he scared for his life? Yes, but his sister's life was more of a concern for him. He would do literally anything to keep her safe, even if it meant sacrificing himself. Lucas did not stand down, no matter what the wolf said to either of them. And when Athena moved to his side, he snarled to his Alpha. "If you even come near her, or touch a single fur on her body, I will make you pay for it." Lucas did not know what he was saying or why in the world he was saying it. It was as if all the thoughts in his mind shut off, his intelligence left him high and dry. The white male looked to the other male, keeping his ground.
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Alpha Teren
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PostSubject: Re: The Dead Can't Testify [Private] The Dead Can't Testify [Private] Icon_minitimeAugust 27th 2014, 19:25

How pathetic, he thought to himself. What a strange pair these two were becoming right before his eyes. So they were related and not in love with one another... Pity. How amazing it would be to make an example of the young male wolf, though it would not harm him to make an example of him all the same, and of this Helidos bitch as well. An evil snicker escaped from the clenched teeth which were slightly exposed. His lips curled back, unyielding to close his mouth completely. The Alpha snarled, feeling the hair on his spine stand as tall as it possibly could. He did not like that this brute was speaking to his new Alpha in such a way. He growled louder than before, showing off more of his teeth. His bright glistening eyes stared to the golden ones right back. "Fine." The Alpha lowered his tail and dropped the fur along his back. He even turned from the pair and started to walk away. When he felt the pair would feel at ease, he pressed his weight on his front paws and turned back around with such agility which would not even be considered of by the Alpha. Without any hesitation, he attacked the pair. First he went for Lucas. He wrapped his large mouth around the young wolf's throat. He tossed him as he did before, watching his body slide against the snow, leaving marks in stride. Quickly he charged the other, his tail curled over his back as he used his unrelenting force to keep the young wolf down. He snarled and pressed his fangs into the flesh. Red blood splattered onto the blanket of snow around them. The white coat was now tarnished with life fluid. Quickly, he killed the male. He left no moment for the female to fight back and when Lucas was no longer breathing, he turned to look to the female. Blood stuck to the black and grey hairs of his chest and around his maw. He approached her silently, showing his anger aggression with each step. "Looks like your brother is not here to stop me from killing you as well!" He snarled and lunged for her, trying to go for her neck, but if he missed, it would be no concern to him. He would catch something in his miss.

[Rest in peace Warrior Lucas]
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Athena of Helidos
Athena of Helidos

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PostSubject: Re: The Dead Can't Testify [Private] The Dead Can't Testify [Private] Icon_minitimeAugust 28th 2014, 21:35

Athena blinked at Lucas’s words, not fully understanding the danger. They were, indeed, in neutral territory. Why would anyone fight? She glanced at her white sibling, nuzzling his fur. There was something comforting in his scent. So wonderful and familiar… So warm…

As the darker male began to walk away, she mumbled into Lucas’s ear, “I love you, brother.” Her words lingered in the silence, and faded with the introduction of a rolling set of thumping paws. Her world once more was ripped away from her as she saw her brother be thrown aside, leaving a trail of crimson behind him. Suddenly, everything that had been pacifying Athena evaporated, and her insides filled with fire and ice. Cold fear and burning rage. “Lucas!” She yelped for him, but before she could take a step forward, she saw her only remaining sibling’s life be pulled away and his body go limp. Amber eyes stared at the poor brute, wide with a maelstrom of emotions. How could the only remaining wolf who cared about her be ripped away? How was this even possible? Athena, feeling her outrage and grief blind her, pinned her ears back and snarled at the murderer. “Bastard!” He had left no room for any more words. The healer saw him lunge at her throat, sidestepping it in a fairly accurate attempt to land a stinging bite to his flank. And yet, half a heartbeat later, a searing pain blasted into her haunch, ripping at her leg muscles. Surely, something was torn and certainly punctured. The wound throbbed, pulsing out blood steadily. Athena snarled in agony, pulling her leg away at the next possible moment and making a break for it. Three swift paws loped on with what strength she had left, her beautiful amber eyes shut from anguish. Panting, she kept the useless leg tucked up as it left a trail of blood drops. The fae knew she had little time to get to her pack’s lands. She could not allow this incident to die with her. In respect for Lucas's legacy, she could not.
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Athena of Helidos
Athena of Helidos

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PostSubject: Re: The Dead Can't Testify [Private] The Dead Can't Testify [Private] Icon_minitimeAugust 28th 2014, 22:05

To be continued here: The Martyr and the Pariah
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