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Feel the Freedom in the Air (private) pt2

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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Feel the Freedom in the Air (private) pt2 Empty
PostSubject: Feel the Freedom in the Air (private) pt2 Feel the Freedom in the Air (private) pt2 Icon_minitimeAugust 1st 2015, 13:34

ooc-time of day: early morning. Season:summer

Early morning and dew still clung to the blades of brown grass that surrounded of mountains. The moisture made the fae's feet grow wet, but she knew with the climb and heat they would dry quickly. Looking up at her opponent of rock she smiled, pleased that she finally had time to climb to the peak again. After her demotion Chiara no longer accepted wolves at the border. Heck even if she hadn't been demoted the last thing she would do is increase pack numbers for Teren, no instead she'd chase loners off to Helidos or the rogue pack. Yes, one of these days Erenyx would be overthrown and a true leader would emerge, one who didn't resemble a walking corpse covered in tar nor smelled as bad. Smirking at the mental insult in her mind Chiara started the climb, taking this opportunity to work out a new training method she had heard about.

During her time as a loner she passed through a territory that held a pack that lived on the side of a steep rocky ledge. As a pass time one wolf would stand at the top as the "leader" and others would try to climb up. The "leader" would send gravel and rocks down at the wolves, trying to knock them down and keep them from reaching the peak. As a sort of keep away game Chiara over heard from a pack wolf how agile it made them and how it roughed up their pads enough to have better grip from running in grass. Taking a second to glance at her own paws she saw them to be soft, unscathed and worn. Not rough and broken like the mountain packs. She began to wonder how much better she could be if her grip improve as did her agility. Teren always had focused on the strength and brawn of a wolf to win, but Chiara knew even the smallest wolf could win a fight if the opponent never caught them. Glancing back to the mountain Chiara started up, ignoring the scratches and pricks from the slate below. Once she had her brings she started to kick small rocks up ahead of her, causing a small avalanche to head at her. The fae dodged the rocks, improving by the minute and learned how to interpret where they would roll and bounce. Almost enjoying herself Chiara let herself become engrossed in her activity, slowly making her way up and leaving the pack lands behind.

Last edited by Warrior Chiara on August 10th 2015, 17:56; edited 1 time in total
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Delta Braelyn
Delta Braelyn

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Feel the Freedom in the Air (private) pt2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feel the Freedom in the Air (private) pt2 Feel the Freedom in the Air (private) pt2 Icon_minitimeAugust 1st 2015, 13:54

Slender but muscular legs would act as power, propelling the fae forward in long strides as she moved from the safety and security of her chamber. It was an unusual occurrence, but the Delta would not complain. It was an opportunity which she would take with no hesitation. Banner streaming behind her, the long furry form would act accordingly to her orders as the Delta would sharply turn and move between the forest vegetation, helping to keep her balance upright. Dull claws would contribute as well to her motions, the curved nail hitting the ground and bringing traction for stability as the fae raced. The time of day was still early though being the new Delta, this was normal for the female and already wide awake, it was during this time when she would do patrols. The circular cast of the yellow and heated sun still not even reaching its peak in the Earth's atmosphere it caused the temperature of the territory and most likely its surroundings to still be cooled with the Fahrenheit of the large pouring of night.

It was fresh outside, the feeling soothing on the body of resting souls but with the morning sun creeping fast upon the horizon as it always did each day after being replaced by the moon, the usual dry heat would come back and torture the inhabitants of the area. Spring was now over, the time of birthing and mating now gone again as the surviving new lives where growing and becoming much more aware of their surroundings. Their guardians teaching them how to survive for the time when they would go off on their own during the Summer, which had already started now. Too bad someone would never get to experience it’s full beauty. Lips curled, the Delta would express a deep growl from her throat, the sound having been contained in her lungs for a period of time before it could not wait in containment any more. Weaving between trees and trampling over everything else in her path, Braelyn was determined in her goal, green orbs narrowed and full of concentration as she locked them onto her target. Never taking her eyes if the brown being so she would not lose it.

Dew would collect on her coat as she ran, the tiny drops of liquid falling from the leaves of the tree tops and with her scraping the edges of bushes, the female was soon covered in it. Watching her prey turn towards the left, the fae would steer herself in that direction as well, making sure even with her speed to keep some in holding for the final rush. It had been the end of her border runs when the earthy colored fae made it back to her den, and not even halfway inside, her keen orbs had spotted a sight of brown. It was a young boar, probably born later in the birthing season than its others and with Erenyx low on food, her primal instincts kicked in. Now here the Delta was, racing through the forest for what could be her meal. It was odd for the young one had been alone, usually they were with their mother but her carelessness was the faes gain. Making a sharp right, the hunt was beginning to tire and while the boar was young, it was fast for its size though that made it exhausted more than the Delta.

Heart beating rapidly inside of her chest, her breath intake would only match the rhythm as she inhaled and exhaled the cool air. Finding her striking opportunity, Braelyn threw herself to go forward faster, her legs complaining but she would not stop now. Left paw hitting down on the herbivores rear, she would throw the being off balance as she forced one leg down with the action. The being tripping head first, there was no time to escape the collision and still moving, the Delta could not stop herself from running the creature over. Turning around quickly though, the fae would lock her jaws around the beings throat, paws holding the adolescent down, its squeals and cries blasting into her ears as it whined for its mother to come and save it. Snapping down, its life was soon gone and its soul now in her claim. With no hesitation, Braelyn quickly let go, her breathing uneven as she tries to catch her breath. It was then the Delta realized how far she had gone from the territory.

Shrugging it off, the earthy toned female would lay down near her kill, her head dropping across its stomach as she calmed herself down, taking the moment to look around. The area was much like Isle De Muerto, the land filled with steep climbs and mountains though much dried out and sandy. Smelling something familiar, her nose would direct itself to the sky. It was a faint scent but Braelyn felt as if she knew it. Taking her kill by the neck, she would stand and walk with it, her paws scraping across the rocks and harsh terrain as she climbed up quickly. Reaching the nearest point, the Delta would set her kill down at the site below her. "I would say I'm surprised to see you here, however it would be a lie..." Green orbs watching the now Warrior make her own way up, Braelyn would exchange her greeting. "Hello Chiara."
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Feel the Freedom in the Air (private) pt2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feel the Freedom in the Air (private) pt2 Feel the Freedom in the Air (private) pt2 Icon_minitimeAugust 1st 2015, 15:37

Pushing forward and feeling her leg muscles start to complain Chiara continued her "game" of dodging the rocks to reach the top. A few times a medium sized rock would catch a foot and cause her to slip, but as she continued the task started to grow easier. It was similar to her training game of branch jumping that she had taught two of her pack members some time ago. Back then she had been a guardian of the pack, one those looked up to. As a Beta she had more respect and admiration and could contribute to the pack that at that time she was loyal to. Now as a mere warrior with no ties to greetings loners, training others or patrolling she took to training and occasionally hunting. Mainly she stayed low within the pack as talk between her and Magnus leaving grew. She had yet to catch her daughter and speak to her of such things for she figured it would be better once the plans were final. Her mate and herself longed for a pack of their own, one built of mutual respect and strong loyal wolves. The few patrons Teren had that pledged themselves to him she knew did it under fear, not true loyalty. No, she wanted those devoted to her because she had earned it, for that was the only respect she wanted.

Making it up to a small ledge the scent of another Erenyx wolf came to her. Tensing a bit at the thought of who it could be she relaxed slightly when she saw it was the Delta, but only slightly. Braelyn along with Ariste had been ordered by their "king" to be her babysitters, keep her in line and report back to the black menace himself. Luckily for her Braelyn couldn't read her thoughts of treason or she'd be in hot water. Dipping her head in a greeting Chiara glanced up at the fae before hoping up to the flat area she was on. Before her was a boar carcass she must have killed and blood still clung to her mouth, giving her a sadistic look. Yet Chiara wasn't that intimidated by her. "Hello Delta, I could say the same as you, being surprised. I am merely training my body here on this hill, nothing more or less that you'll have to tell Alpha when you report back to him." She said, feeling a bad taste in her mouth as she spoke of Teren. Unsure of how Braelyn saw Teren since the pup fights Chiara assumed she was now devoted to him and would happily dog her around the rest of the day.

Keeping her eyes low from the Delta Chiara flicked her ears back. She wanted no reports in insubordination coming from her, not yet anyway. Soon the plans would be final and the pair would be gone, hopefully with Piper and any others who wished for a better life. Malachai already seemed interested and he seemed like a wolf worth trusting. The lead Warrior pair also seemed minor keen on the idea, but perhaps they would need more convincing. However she wanted to leave without Irrationality and Teren hot on their trail. This would be impossible if she took half the pack with them. Yes, no matter how far they went Teren would stalk, even if just to kill them all. Perhaps it would be best to just leave as the pair, live as loners and gather a new following that were heading towards the Erenyx border. Yes by doing that they could increase their force and decrease his. Mentally chuckling at her scheme Chiara's focus turned back to Braelyn, glad again for no mind reading to be happening.

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Delta Braelyn
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Feel the Freedom in the Air (private) pt2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feel the Freedom in the Air (private) pt2 Feel the Freedom in the Air (private) pt2 Icon_minitimeAugust 1st 2015, 21:17

The last time the Delta had ever seen the former Beta was during the time of the pup fights. It had been a test to separate the weak from the strongest adolescents, the pups having to brutally murder one another with only one from each litter the pack had last spring being able to survive. The crowd that day was filled with horrified looks and gazes after the Alpha spoke of what would happen there and with a simple go, the moment got only worse as they watched their offspring die. Braelyn had however been unaffected, call her cold-hearted but with no ties to the families that were torn apart that day, she honestly didn't care for the gruesome violence. The fae liked it. She had taken a joy in watching the pups fall lifeless onto the ground and like she had told the Warrior of Agavos, the emotion only came from replacing their faces with the ones of her own siblings, a tiny sadistic part of herself also being a reason.

Chiara had been one of the wolves to step up to Teren, a few moments later being joined by an unknown brute. Like most treasonous acts and objections, the two were met in their cries with attacks from both the king and his minion. Now demoted as a Warrior, the fae seemed departed from the pack though Braelyn couldn't blame her, silence with ones self felt soothing and was often the safest. Green orbs quickly scanning over the warrior, the earthy toned fae would only watch and take notice in the movement of the other. She had been kicking rocks, the small debris being pushed forward to only then fall back down with more in its path, creating an avalanche. It wasn't harmful and the female seemed to be enjoying herself until finally noticing Braelyn. Her voice had been calm as she spoke, no aggression or hints of superiority over the other in her tone yet Chiara had the posture of an unsure wolf.

The ebony fae’s body tensed and in the short glance she had given the Delta before dipping her head, the fae could have sworn she saw a glare of solid ice. The warrior was soon perched on the flat surface with Braelyn and letting her muscles tense at the proximity, the Delta was unsure if Chiara would attack for her having not stood by her side. Had she wished for such a thing? That Braelyn would aid in the defiance. If so, Chiara had obviously been using false hope to think such a thing. The two were not friends, barely close for the Delta to risk herself but she did see the warrior as a good acquaintance. Jaws opening to let her tongue out, the pink form would slide to cross over both sides of her muzzle, the small bristles scrapping the fur to clean up the blood that the Delta was sure stained her mouth. Auds twitching, she would only listen as the warrior spoke and calmly, the fae open her mouth to speak after her short grooming, the blood more than likely still stained a bit around her mouth.

"Now why would I do that Chiara. Honestly you speak as if I would mindlessly follow Teren." It was obvious the warrior despised the Erenyx leader, her tone having been filled with disgust that she seemed unable to even speak his name. Lowering her haunches on the ground, the Delta would sit and rest as the two made conversation or whatever this would be considered. Gaze falling down upon the smaller wolf, Braelyn simply rolled her orbs to see the warrior keeping her structure submissive. Eyes down and ears back. "Don't do that." The Delta would huff slightly irked, her green hues finding the form of Chiara once more. "I want no 'respect' from you. You should know from our first meeting how I feel toward the word from how it's ran inside the pack. I still believe such a thing is earned, not given." Tone much more stern and strong, everything she said had been true.

From the first day she came upon Erenyx, it annoyed her of how submission and respect were merged into a single category. Respect was earned, and was something built up. Showing submission did not mean that being respect the other. The way a pack worked was still something Braelyn struggled to understand, but knowing how much rank got one far in a pack did help. It would be fun to throw it around towards newcomers. The Delta's next words were a long shot, and with the warrior showing distrust towards her, she wouldn't really mind if the dark female dismissed her words and let them fall on death ears. Braelyn didn't truly care, but she was curious as to how the fae was holding up. If she was stable or going insane like her mate seemed to be, which the Delta would notice in short passing's of the clearing. "How are you?"
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Feel the Freedom in the Air (private) pt2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feel the Freedom in the Air (private) pt2 Feel the Freedom in the Air (private) pt2 Icon_minitimeAugust 4th 2015, 20:58

ooc This starts the post count for me

As much as it surprised her Braelyn neither enforced her superiority over her nor brought up the horrible events that had hanged so much for her. Confused by this Chiara allowed herself to relax, her muscle slacking and ears returning to erect and thus she slid into a sit. Not going so far as to say she trusted the fae, she remained alert, but had a feeling no ambush would happen here. Something in Braelyn's stance, however, left her feeling unsure, as if being here with the demoted Warrior worried her somehow. Whether it be anxiety over what to say of the previous matter or fear over her saneness Chiara wasn't sure, but she knew she wouldn't harm the younger fae. Having so few true enemies the sable fae was not inclded on her list, nor would she use the girl out of frustration over now assisting her.

Standing up to Teren had been just her, minus Samael who she would have told to stop had she been given the chance. Even Magnus failed to back her up, which up until now she had been pained by. No, she was glad only her and the male had gotten hurt over this, while his injuries and disappearance pained her still. She had made the choice in defying the king's law, to cast the first stone against is insanity that was the dark cloud of fear he hung over the pack. Chiara din't fear him, nor her life, but only those around her. She had feared for Piper and Magnus and Samael. Only by them had she submitted willingly to the crazed king, only for them. Chiara was not weak. She viewed herself as more smart in the long run. By doing what she had done she was now demoted to a less demanding rank. No longer did she meet others at the border, nor assist with high importance matters. This was truley a blessing to be a mere Warrior again, for now all her time could focus on her new plans.

Braelyn spoke and spoke on not showing respect to her, this make her lip twitch at the corner. "Ah but Braelyn don't we all blindly follow the great king?" She asked, her voice in a very serious voice not hinting of the distaste nor sarcasm it so wanted to ooze out. "I do respect you Delta for you are one of the few here worth respect. Having been demoted wouldn't change that. I remember seeing so much potential in you when we did our little tree climbing game, I knew great things would come of you. A word of advice though, if you want to keep climbing don't jump in the way of certain black males." She warned speaking directly about what had happened now. No sense tip toeing around the conversation for it had happened and was over now. Her family was all but dead, but she still had her life and those of her mate and daughter, so all was not lost.

"How am I? Surprisingly I am fair. Things were rocky with my mate and I for a bit, but now are clearing up. Piper on the other hand I fear for. Since Fel left she had been without a mentor and I fear for her as she goes against me and leaves the clearing frequently. She blames me and Magnus for what happened, only seeing how we failed to protect." She said, sighing in frustration. "The innocence of youth at it's finest for sure." She mumbled, hoping when she returned that day the two could talk, but it was unlikely. Her daughter seemed to be alienating herself from the pack more, even with the emotional space from her mother, when was it going to be enough? "But yes I am doing alright with thing, just out training as I do most days. The pack is getting more cluttered it seems, so I've be exploring out here. How are you?" She questioned, bringing her gaze back to the Delta.
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Delta Braelyn
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PostSubject: Re: Feel the Freedom in the Air (private) pt2 Feel the Freedom in the Air (private) pt2 Icon_minitimeAugust 8th 2015, 15:53

Auds lifted to listen to the warrior, her attention would only slightly be brought to the others words for the Delta was still unsure how or what would happen here and now. The warrior was relaxing, but that didn't mean the fae herself would let herself become so at ease when she was sure Chiara was only doing such things for show. "I don't believe so, perhaps some but I know others do so out of fear." It wouldn't be a surprise if some of the wolves in Erenyx only do listen to Teren because of the fear of what he will do. Braelyn wasn't afraid of the brute, she just didn't care what he did and for that her actions might be taken as loyalty. However, they were anything but the word.

The Beta and her counterpart Delta might be the only two of Braelyn's knowledge that follows the Alpha without a thought to what had or could happen. The brothers seemed close, but the leader and his minion seemed more acquainted than the other brute did with his sibling. Potential? If she could, the Delta would have laughed at such a thing. But instead, she would let a slight smile bring itself upon her lips at the warriors words. "I'll make sure to keep that in mind but for now, you should take your own advice." If Chiara was to stand up once more to Teren, she would certainly be killed or if by some prayer she would make before then, her life might be saved once more. Braelyn wasn't one to wish for another's well being, she didn't care what happened to another.

Things happened and the Delta felt it was better to deal with them then complain about it. If Chiara defied the great king once more and died, her soul being shredded beneath the ebony brute, the fae wouldn't flinch at such a sight as it would happen for reasons between both wolves. However, Braelyn felt the warrior to be an ally so the most she could do would be to offer a warning. Auds twitching, it would be after her question when the shadow fae would answer and give her words. The Delta was a bit relieved to hear the warrior was doing alright. It meant she wouldn't have to sit here and listen to complaints or the others problems. The two could actually have a conversation without all the drama Chiara was dug in. Well, family complications will always be around.

Braelyn didn't know what to think, let alone say, about the warriors daughter. Piper. Didn't Chiara have some power over this, like, couldn't she make her offspring see things how they had been? The Delta didn't have the guidance of her own mother, so she didn't know what would be the proper course of action to give to Chiara. Deciding best to stay silent as she was clueless in such a situation, Braelyn would just continue to listen and speak with the other, the Delta letting her own muzzle opening to converse. "I am doing well. Not much to say or anything to tell." The fae's life was rather mellow, not much action taking course in it so there was no stories to tell or say to please the warriors curiosity. Not much left to say, the Delta would let her gaze fall down to her kill, the fae letting her paw pull the boar closer towards her body. Keeping a lasting topic going was not something the fae favored in; almost always on her own, talking and communicating with another was mostly unusual.

(ooc- Sorry; I couldn't think of anything for Brae to say. Also, apologies this post sucked.)
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Feel the Freedom in the Air (private) pt2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feel the Freedom in the Air (private) pt2 Feel the Freedom in the Air (private) pt2 Icon_minitimeAugust 8th 2015, 17:20

Her companion had little to say, but what she did spoke volumes. From the brief exchange Chiara solidified what she already knew, that Braelyn didn't follow Teren like a lost fawn. She was better than that and for that she was grateful. It would make speaking with her today that much easier as she wouldn't have to sugar coat her words to avoid disrespecting him. "I fear not of what h can do to me, only my family and those that i care for, but I shalt have to worry about him much more. I feel that my time here in these lands is limited, what else that may lay in store for me I am unsure though." She said, taking a risk by diving into this topic. Feeling they were more on the same page helped matters, but still she wondered if she had messed up royally by saying such a thing just now.

"It is good to hear you are fairing well."
She said, trying to fish for topics to speak of now. "Any brutes chasing you around or that you fancy?" She asked, always one for gossip. "I'd ask the same thing of our dear Elite, but I doubt she'd even answer if I asked." Yes the Elite was a tough not to crack, but Chiara still respected her just as she did Braelyn. Just then the Delta started nudging her prey closer and it made the warrior frown. "Delta I'm not going to steal your prey nor cause you any ill will this day r any other day. You have given me no reason to distrust you and I hope I the same for you. Believe me, I am a wolf of honor and respect those who show it back to me."
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Delta Braelyn
Delta Braelyn

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PostSubject: Re: Feel the Freedom in the Air (private) pt2 Feel the Freedom in the Air (private) pt2 Icon_minitimeAugust 10th 2015, 16:01

The Delta would listen to what her 'friend' had to say and like suspected, the ebony fae stated something about Teren striking fear in her for what he could potentially do to the ones she cared for. It was the words the fae almost expected for with only her mate and Piper left, their dear leader could twitch his ear and both the ones Chiara cared for could have their souls stolen by unforgiving jaws. What the Delta didn't expect however, was the sentences that followed after. Limited? Auds twitching as she would take into consideration what these words meant, Braelyn would quickly connects the dots and make her own inquire to what had been put into the atmosphere. "You're considering leaving Chiara?" Immediately, the thought of the new pack she had heard of through gossip and the brute of Agavos came to her mind. Did the warrior wish to seek refuge there away from Teren? It was a bold move, one Braelyn was sure the king would make a fuss over probably but there was also an option of him not even giving a crap. Teren could see Chiara's departure as weakness and just shrug it off as a "good riddance" that she would have left.

Banner motioning to curl around her legs, it's fluffy tip would sway as a tap on her paw as the fae gathered the voice of the warrior once more, a small smile coming to her face. "None that I've seen so far are worth any fancy, but it's too be expected of Erenyx. All the bachelor's are likely too busy from what I've witnessed wishing to rule beside Teren." Desoto had come to her mind after Chiara's question but Braelyn didn't fancy or hold any feelings for the brute. She did feel like he was friend of sorts after their first encounter but having not seen the brute since, he was more of a distant acquaintance now that would only been seen every so often. At the point of nudging her kill closer, it was then Braelyn had noticed the warriors frown before hearing what the other fae had to say to such actions. "Apologies but I did not think you would do such a thing. I'm just at a lose of words, is all." The Delta would admit. The conversation was more of small talk but even then, the fae wasn't one great with words. Especially when there was not much to say. It was Braelyn's curse and after living half her lifetime as a rogue, talk and speech had not been so important back then. Traveling in thought back to Chiara's previous words, the Delta would release her words, hopefully bringing the conversation at a different turn. "Where do you plan to go if you leave?"
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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PostSubject: Re: Feel the Freedom in the Air (private) pt2 Feel the Freedom in the Air (private) pt2 Icon_minitimeAugust 10th 2015, 17:04

The fae gulped as her words hit home towards Braelyn. She was not an ignorant wolf and caught on to her subtle words quickly, just as she thought she would. A slight nag annoyed her that she shouldn't speak of her plans with anyone but Magnus, however, she trusted Braelyn to an extent and didn't mind sharing a bit of information if it meant gaining an ally. "I have considered it, mainly for the safety of my family. I also have started to loose faith in Erenyx for it has changed into something much more dark than I remember it ever being." She explained, gazing at her companion. "When I first came to these lands it was to better myself and to follow a leader I thought was strong and deserved respect. Steele was all of those things until his mate and pups left him, after that he grew dark and it tainted him. He denied me and Magnus's mating and instead ordered me to birth his litter. Shortly after that Teren came and all of this started. It would be a lie to say I am happy in this place."

Braelyn then spoke of her previous question and it made her smile. "The right male will come soon enough, probably when you least expect it. I had sworn off males when I met Magnus, and I thank the stars I gave him a second chance when I did." She said going back to a more serious tone now. "I have considered leaving for some time, actually before the pup fights even occurred. I won't say who I have confirmed in for obvious reasons, but know when I leave Erenyx will be short a few members. I doubt Teren will go after us, but if he does we shall fight him off. We simply want to leave peacefully, but to where I'm not sure." She said, she shoulders shifting as she thought of Magnus and possibly a few from her ally list joining her. "I have heard of lands far from here by the ocean shore that seem untouched by packs. It seems a good place to settle and start a new life. I wish to rule as an Alphess with Magnus who treat others with true respect and earn it in return. There will be no fear to govern others, but instead loyalty." She explained, not giving much away to the direction that they would travel. "What of you Braelyn? What are your plans now? You could join me you know, or remain an ally. I hold no ill will towards you and would consider it an honor to call you a friend if the feeling is mutual."
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Delta Braelyn
Delta Braelyn

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PostSubject: Re: Feel the Freedom in the Air (private) pt2 Feel the Freedom in the Air (private) pt2 Icon_minitimeAugust 14th 2015, 19:07

Seated and still would the fae remain, her body never moving or shuffling an inch from its current position as she would play the part of the ideal companion. One who would be seen as intrigued or attentive to what the other would be speaking but in truth, as the conversation would go on to pass the time of day, the Delta would grow slightly uncomfortable and bored with the topic. It was not out of disrespect to the warrior, but more so because if Braelyn's own native instincts. The fae still had her loner tendencies and being around a wolf of her own pack for so long felt foreign and unusual. Nothing she could do would be able to sooth the feeling and as the Delta would continue to stay and pay attention to what Chiara had to say, the experience she was having would continue to stroke its way through her figure, its grasp on her wishing to be noticed and dealt with. But, Braelyn would not give in and satisfy its wishes. She would stay put and still, no inclination to move away being given out as the Delta would watch the warrior with her green iris'. The fae's expression the same as it was before like nothing was wrong or floating through the Delta's mind. Auds adjusted to reach high and capture what the other would voice, Braelyn would take notice of important details throughout the words given. It shouldn't have come to her as much if a surprise that Chiara would now consider leaving Erenyx as after all Teren had done to her family, one would see that day the warrior was fed up and done with living under their king's rule. But, it did catch the fae off guard that the ebony female had considered leaving way before hand, as things with the former leader Steele took a dark turn. Braelyn had only heard tales of the male, that he was a cruel ruler and such but those were only rumors.

One however had now been deemed true as Chiara would give her story. Had she accepted the late Alpha’s request? Braelyn wouldn’t think differently of the fae if she had, but it was a bizarre order that sounded like it had come from a crazed, power hungry leader. Something the Delta would have expected from Teren as he tried to create throughout the pack his all vicious and dominant image. Braelyn could see the large brute doing far worse though, so perhaps it was better that Chiara would be leaving. Along with the warrior the unidentified wolves that would as well be taking their departure from Erenyx. The Delta could not think of herself to be one of them however, not that she had any ties to keep her in the pack but traveling somewhere far off did not sound appealing. Plus, why leave when she had no problem with Erenyx now? No. She would stay, but perhaps as an inside wolf to the warrior which did sound fun the more she thought of it. Braelyn already gathered information now, and always attending the famous Erenyx meetings, it would be an interesting thing to handle. Uncaring to what Teren would and has done, Braelyn’s motives wouldn’t be questioned and hardly seen anyways, the Delta would do well with such a task. “Apologies Chiara, but I have to say I will not be joining you. If you wish to be friends, that is fine but I will remain here in Erenyx should you need intel or anything of the sort after your departure.” Letting her head dip down to the warrior, Braelyn would let herself give a small smile before continuing once more in her voice. “Since I’m sure you would like to get back to training, I’ll be taking my leave but do not worry, this conversation is strictly confidential on my part.” Motioning her head down, the fae would sink her teeth back into the warm flesh of the boar, it’s liquid insides staining her teeth one more from the opening as the Delta would heave her figure up to stand. Without wasting time, Braelyn would turn tail and begin the journey back to the territory and her den where she will be able to finish her meal in solitude.

--Braelyn exits--
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PostSubject: Re: Feel the Freedom in the Air (private) pt2 Feel the Freedom in the Air (private) pt2 Icon_minitime

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