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Be My Valentine [Azul & Chiara Event]

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Elder Azul
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PostSubject: Be My Valentine [Azul & Chiara Event] Be My Valentine [Azul & Chiara Event] Icon_minitimeFebruary 2nd 2016, 09:04

The snow continued to fall over the lands as it had done for the past months. White powder gently fell from the sky as it covered the Elder all over. Lifting a paw from the snow, he placed it down to a thick pile of snow. He forced the weight all the way down, seeing just how much snow had graced the lands. It was a lot here, for there were not many trees to cover and protect the floor. The falls were not active. The water was frozen over, though Azul would not trust them to walk across the top. He stared to the frozen icicles that laid over the edge. The were long and almost touched the water itself. The large male stared off into the distance as he thought of how his life had been over the years. So much change had happened, some he controlled, but most of it he did not. What he did control was his rank, and though he felt horrible for her death, he knew he belonged where he was ranked. Elder suited him. At first it was rather hard, moving from doing everything to the pack, to almost doing nothing. He was a wanderer in the pack, and Rose had not yet came to him for advice for anything. He moved closer to the water's edge. He sat on the bank, looking to everything around him. His eyes looked up to the sky, watching flakes of snow land on his nose and immediately dissolve. It was a strange thing, but he knew that was what snow did.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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PostSubject: Re: Be My Valentine [Azul & Chiara Event] Be My Valentine [Azul & Chiara Event] Icon_minitimeFebruary 6th 2016, 21:33

ooc-To make this easier I'm having Magnus be dead to force Chia to be single again, sorry hubby lol Also this post is kinda showing my inner struggle currently, so it may be dark.

Through a heart of stone the black fae pushed through the pain that fell over her. Over and over her chest would heave as the image of her fallen mate's body flashed before her eyes. She cursed the skies, wind and snow at the illness that fell over him and stole his life from her. Gritting her teeth another wave of pain fell over her, this time of hunger. She had been fighting the urge to eat for days, letting the pain be the sole signal that she was still alive and this was real. The pain grounded her, made her believe this was real, even if she wished it wasn't. Her once proud form was now a shadow of her former self. Ribs pushed through dull fur and her spine now stood above her back. The many days since a decent meal and lack of care to herself made her weak, yet she didn't care anymore. Let hunger take her, screw everything!

The snow grew deeper and the cold was affecting her more now. Unable to hold back the shivering she let her body accept the trembling in a feeble attempt to warm herself. Her once bright eyes now shown dully against the falling snow, almost certain she saw a form in front of her. Figuring it was just a mirage she walked forward, until the warmth of fur hit her nose. Falling backwards she blinked rapidly as the familiar scent filled her nose. "Azul?" Her voice croaked out. Her mind flashed back to her days in Helidos and her child-like crush on the older Alpha. His kind nature had been the first se had been around from the male gender and it was refreshing and intriguing to her. Before Magnus, Kodiak and even Damon he was the first male she looked to with a smile; and here he was in front of her. Beyond words to explain her emotions Chiara stood and pressed her maw and head into his warm shoulder fur, ignoring her hesitancy. His scent flooded her senses and soon a smile replaced her saddened face. "I missed you."
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Weather Wolf
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PostSubject: Re: Be My Valentine [Azul & Chiara Event] Be My Valentine [Azul & Chiara Event] Icon_minitimeFebruary 17th 2016, 15:40

– F O R E C A S T –
The snow begins to fall gently as the winds pick up their speed. Should you find shelter? Or should you seek the companionship of one another?

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Elder Azul
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PostSubject: Re: Be My Valentine [Azul & Chiara Event] Be My Valentine [Azul & Chiara Event] Icon_minitimeFebruary 17th 2016, 16:10

As she embraced him, Azul took a deep breath. Immediately his mind withdrew him to times of old.

Within the pack were many faes. Some were incredibly beautiful and silent. Of these were Lucy and Chiara. It was apparent that both of them had a certain liking to Azul. He could not tell if it had been for he was the Alpha or if it were for the wolf he was. But as time drew on, he grew closer to the both of them. In the end, Lucy was his choice his heart made, but every now and then his mind brought up thoughts of the dark brown wolf.

"..Chiara..." he nuzzles his nose within her coat, pulling in her scent as he took a big sniff. The fibers of her fur tickled the onyx nostrils of his nose. It all seemed to be a dream. The last he had seen of her, she was following Esmeralda to Erenyx, wishing to serve new Alphas. The pain of seeing such a treasured wolf leave his lands was bad enough. To think they might have been the Alpha pair at one point, was no better. He wrapped his head around her, licking her head as he positioned himself as close as he could be with her. "Chiara, where have you been all this time? I know of Erenyx's scent and you do not carry it. Is there another pack? Who do you call your Alpha now?"
WORDS: 503 || TAGGED: Chiara
Woot Woot
template by Margie @ Adoxography
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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PostSubject: Re: Be My Valentine [Azul & Chiara Event] Be My Valentine [Azul & Chiara Event] Icon_minitimeFebruary 17th 2016, 21:46

Chiara smiled and plunged her nose deep into his ivory fur. Things seemed to just pick up from where they left off. It didn't seem so long ago that he had met her at the border, welcomed her into the pack and lit a fire within her heart. The flame within her grew back then, into a deep admiration for the Alpha and a special feeling she had never felt before. Breathing in his scent that feeling again flooded her mind and brought warmth to her frozen heart. Was this love again?

"Azul forgive me for leaving, but I had to. I felt a calling outside of your leadership and found it in Erenyx. I grew in strength and rose in the ranks to Beta under the tyrant Teren's rule. I even found a mate within the horrid lands. Alas I left with him not many seasons ago and we formed a new pack called Pyrvanthros. My mate perished this winter unfortunately, but I remain the pack sole leader. I Azul are an Alphess." She answered him, drawing her body closer to him. The snow started to fall around them and she could have sworn the combined heat between them melted more than just her hesitancy. Her smile grew and her tail intertwined with his. "Tell me Azul of you, what has become of you?" She then questioned, bringing her amber gaze up to his.
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Elder Azul
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PostSubject: Re: Be My Valentine [Azul & Chiara Event] Be My Valentine [Azul & Chiara Event] Icon_minitimeFebruary 19th 2016, 08:16

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live

Time had long but seemed to stand still. Azul and Chiara pressed one against the other. The soaked in each others' essences and smiled unto one another. She spoke of her life, of the things that had changed for her, for the better. She had escaped the tyranny, and formed a new life. Everything seemed to be going in her favor, but alas, horror struck her. Her mate had been taken from her, just as his own was reaped from him. Azul breathed slowly as she spoke to him. Now it was his turn to speak of what happened.  

"After you left, much changed for me. My mate, Lucy, grew ill from a sickness that the healers knew nothing of. They helped her with everything they could, but Lucy took her lest breaths with me by her side. After that happened, I declined my throne, giving to another wolf who had appeared within my past. Quinn was noble and wise, kind spirited and loved all. She was a blessed being. But she was taken too soon. I stepped down to Elder, and months to a year later, war was waged between Erenyx and Helidos. She was killed by Teren. My son, Lucas, was also killed by Teren. Fel killed my daughter, Athena, right before my eyes. Not exactly in that order. I went through a  depression, for some time. I was unable to work through, but dear Marrok assisted me. I made it and here I am today. I have tried to find another, but none can replace Lucy... None could replace you either. I have not felt my heart flutter as much as it does when you are around. I may be an 'Elder' now, but I still feel young in my heart with you by my side."

The winds picked up and snow started to fall heavily over the top of them. He looked from left to right and behind the waterfall, was a small indentation of the earth. There they would be protected from the weather, with the sheet of ice barricading the winds from them. He looked to her with a smile. "Come with me to seek shelter. I do not wish for this joining to end anytime soon. I have nowhere that I would rather be right now." He led the way to the cave, moving to lay down and to the back of the cave. He would wait for her, hoping she would be inclined to rest up besides him.

"Speech" // 'Thoughts' // Actions

Table by Sieglinde; Image credit to Dawnthieves

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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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PostSubject: Re: Be My Valentine [Azul & Chiara Event] Be My Valentine [Azul & Chiara Event] Icon_minitimeFebruary 21st 2016, 19:26

The snow picked up around the pair, falling softly yet growing enough to become a bother. Annoyed that their moment had been disturbed her eyes scanned to the waterfall and the cave she knew was behind it. Some time ago she had been behind there and plotting with Esmerelda, but that was long ago. "I am deeply sorry for your losses my dear Azul. They say pain makes us strong, if this is so we must be the strongest out there." She said as he spoke to her. Her nose pressed into his neck fur again and her tongue flashed out, licking his cheek. "None can replace my mate either, but I too feel the flutter in my heart when I am by your side. You make me feel warmth again and make me want to try and find happiness once again. Over and over I have had doors shut in my face, but finally I feel like you are opening one before me." She said, pulling back and nodding at his request.

Once inside the cave she shock out her fur of the fallen snow. Inside was cold, but safe from the wind and the company was much better. Near the back was a patch of moss still soft and slightly green. Walking over she lowered her body and motioned for him to come close. She longed for the feeling of his fur against hers, his scent to wash over them and for them to nuzzle in the dark. "Come my dear, come lie down close to me." She said softly.
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Elder Azul
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Elder Azul

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PostSubject: Re: Be My Valentine [Azul & Chiara Event] Be My Valentine [Azul & Chiara Event] Icon_minitimeFebruary 24th 2016, 08:20

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live

Azul had rested there, wiating for her. As she shook her pelt, a few speckles of snow landed on his nose. He chuckled softly, and licked the top of his muzzle clean. He watched her and as she laid down, she beckoned for him. Who was he to deny a lady? He got up from his position as quickly as he could, hiding just how much time had hindered the elder wolf. Being with Chiara, he felt a spark of youth within him. He laid by her side, resting his head upon her back as he breathed in her scent. He sifted his nose through her fur, now fully immersed in her scent. She was warm to the touch. Carefully he laced his tongue over her shoulders and the back of her head, all the way to her muzzle. He cleaned off what he could and rested his head beside her on his crossed paws. Azul smiled as he looked up to her. "So tell me Chiara, what do you do in your spare time now? Do you ever just go out and hunt for yourself? I do it from time to time, it keeps me fresh and lively. Plus I don't like to take from the kill pile, so the pups always have food to eat."

"Speech" // 'Thoughts' // Actions

Table by Sieglinde; Image credit to Dawnthieves

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