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Why Not? [Open]

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Why Not? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Why Not? [Open] Why Not? [Open] Icon_minitimeFebruary 22nd 2014, 17:21

Venturing from the familiar of her pack's territory, the nearly white fae trotted into the unknown. She had yet to spend too much time off of her own lands, but curiosity drove her to exploring. In addition to the faint scent of a young deer, seemingly alone, a smile lit her lips at the thought of dragging a deer into camp. Her smooth fast pace made her look to be a spirit, her form gliding above the foliage. Her malevolent thoughts did nothing to disperse the idea. But the almost silent tread of her feet did, as well as the brush which she didn't feel it important to avoid.

For some reason even a step outside of the boundaries of Erenyx, she felt freedom wash over her. It's residue lifting her mood, it also helped that her demon hadn't made any sort of noise in a while. Not a feeling or silent thought was sent from him, finally she felt alone. But she had to be careful, like her steady steps the demon could be counted upon, he was never gone for too long. Looking up she noticed a wall of green, the plants attracted to the direct sunlight. She guessed it to be the end of this forest; deciduous trees blocking the sun above her and cardinals serenading her.

She didn't know landscape, so when she broke through the brush and found a lake, it came as a surprise. Slowing the rush of her paws as well as panting, she dipped her head to the still waters. Lapping at the crystal water she shattered the clear mirror which it provided. Finished, she licked her lips and circling, making sure to survey the area well, she couldn't be too careful . Deciding to stay just a bit longer, she sat at the edge of the waters, tan warm sand meeting her thick, creamy fur. She looked down, waiting for the waters to still as she might see the wolf she had become. It had been awhile since she had sat, like this, at a lake so smooth and fragile as this one. It seemed even the smallest touch would ruin it. But the lake was a hard thing to change for good, simply returning to its state of serenity when the deed was done. She could rely upon the unfeeling lake more than anything else, even her demon. This body of water had rules to follow which it had no motivation or ability to break. But trust in a lake was like trust in the sun and moon, it was simply fact, no room to influence or expand upon.

Last edited by Warrior Cassiopeia on February 28th 2014, 23:00; edited 1 time in total
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Beta Irrationality
Beta Irrationality

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Join date : 2013-10-03
Age : 26

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Age: 5 Years Old.

Why Not? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Not? [Open] Why Not? [Open] Icon_minitimeFebruary 27th 2014, 19:57

There was something beautiful about a body of water. Its aliveness clashed, rather ironically, with its lifeless state. Its crystalline surface was capable of lulling the mind, pulling it closer, and closer even still, until it was able to reflect the face of another and peer into their eyes. It was a sense of being exposed, so utterly open and observable; it could make anyone in their right mind shudder at the idea of no longer being able to hide behind their cloaks. Because something, perhaps it was not living - was that of any true relevance? - was seeing you. It was seeing you for what you were on the inside, and there was something both blissful and terribly bothersome about no longer being able to disguise one’s self. Thankfully, a body of water could not find the words.

She sat, perched at the lake’s edge, her mind undoubtedly wandering given the lack of recognition that she spared for his arrival. She stared into the endless abyss before her - he mused the likelihood that her eyes were empty, or perhaps quite the opposite, and thus filled with a timeless passion saved only for the precious, dire moments that she was alone with herself. But she was not alone, no. He was here. Dark eyes, analytical and suspicious, skimmed her cream hued features as though she was an object of delicacy that would shatter should he stray from being too careful. The scent of his home erupted violently into his nasal cavities, intoxicating his very being, and in hot pursuit followed a sense of security, knowing that she was of his own. The Delta took to his approach, his steps flawless; the essence of practiced ease. Each motioning of his body refrained from being accented - he was efficient in the arts of remaining quiet and unforeseen. Frankly, little of his life had been spent as anything more than a shadow. Now that his rank was of a slightly grander importance than once was throughout the merciless kingdom of Erenyx, he found that his face had become akin to something more recognizable and known, but he didn’t truly feel any different. He was comfortable being a shadow; endlessly patrolling the sidelines. But it was only a matter of time before his means of remaining isolated and alone turned against him. He had to learn to branch out, and he could not do so if his only intention was to melt back into the foliage and vanish, as though a trace of him had never befallen the female in front of the shimmering lake.

He appeared from directly behind the creamy she-wolf, seeming as though to materialize from the air itself in the form of a ghostly visitor, beckoning for the smallest hint of her acknowledgment. He angled himself to travel along her side, gathering himself into a seat that mirrored her own as he stared forward, his eyes traveling over the surface of the lake with eerie blankness. Her attention, prior to his interruption, had been focused solely on what of her was reflected from the water. With minimal curiousity, he glanced towards her through the corners of his deep, golden eyes. “Fascinating, is it not?” Irrationality was not known for his conversation starters. In fact, he was not often known to socialize at all. One would be able to see, however, upon looking closely enough, that he was interested in the topic more than he was his companion. It was simply his way of existing - existing with minimal existence. Perhaps it was an oddly worded way of describing one’s self, but he had never been a fan of summaries. “You see yourself in ways that others cannot.” He looked towards her, his eyes scrutinizing every detail that he could manage to pick apart, as though firm with the idea of seeing what of her that he could not, but perhaps the water could.
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Why Not? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Not? [Open] Why Not? [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 1st 2014, 11:13

Surprise is almost never a subtle emotion, its nature does not allow it to be. The heart skips a beat, a sharp intake of breath, adrenaline shoots through the veins. But these did not phase Cassiopeia, she had no heart, it was replaced with the steel of a warrior. Instead she snarled, a vicious sound ripped from curled lips, like metal on metal. Anger, at herself as well as the one dumb enough tp sneak up on her. Surprise only briefly mingled with the overwhelming urge to jump, it then faded to cross annoyance, more familiar to Cassiopeia. But surprise once again made its brief appearance at the realization of who the wolf was, a Delta of her own pack. Delta Irrationality if she was not mistaken, his name had been on the tongue of their gray eyed leader. What her calculating eyes took in, along with his name, was all she knew of the wolf.

Golden eyes similarly analyzed her, easy to get lost in for a swooning fae. Distaste at the thought, she was no such thing and simply noted the fact that she thought them interesting. Hearing his words, she turned her attention back to the lake, she now saw a wolf at her side. But his gold eyes were dampened, making Irrationality the clear cut original. Still watching their reflections, she spoke in a light clear voice, not spoiled with over emphasis, as her mask usually was. Instead there was just the lightest bit of sweet in the clear tones, like waters straight from the mountains. Ice cold and slightly sweet, but in a pleasant way, it was a voice which had previously not been a part of her arsenal. "It cannot surpass the original though, it is a mere copy which can never eclipse its predecessor. Still it manages to transfix us with thoughts of who we really are," The words were laced with hidden meanings and it was really quite ambiguous. Her translation was simple enough, a duplicate could never improve on the original because than it would no longer be a copy. You had to pave your own path, lest you fall victim to comparison of another.

She nearly related it to her past, but the cream fae did not wish to open that sealed book. All attempts to escape her past and the regrets of it would be for not. It was an ongoing battle, but one she was willing to fight. The demon's hold on her mind was made easier the more she regretted the past, he would then take care of the present. Dark eyes no longer rested on the water, she was done studying Irrationality's insufficient imitation. They took in his handsome form and finished with a simple stare at his rich eyes. She expected nothing of him, so any reply would be a welcome addition to effortless company.
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Beta Irrationality
Beta Irrationality

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Age : 26

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Age: 5 Years Old.

Why Not? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Not? [Open] Why Not? [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 2nd 2014, 16:47

A vicious snarl sounded from her jaw, lips peeled back to reveal pointed fangs that sought to tear at the throat of any that dare wish to wrongfully pursue her. Of course, the Delta was far from intimidated by her performance. The tips of his multicoloured ears rotated towards her as the sound of her thunderous threat attempted to invade his eardrums, but he remained otherwise neutral and unconcerned. He was well-known for being akin to a ghost; he lurked endlessly, and the silence of his momentum was ominously chilling. One would be required to grow accustomed to his lacking of a general warning, for rarely did he seek to inform someone of his nearing presence until the moment that it was too late and - much as this Warrior had experienced - they found themselves genuinely surprised. But perhaps he was simplistically cold and unfeeling, both inside and out. Undoubtedly, she had suspected to trigger some form of a reaction from the Delta for his uncalled for, yet undeniably sneaky approach. But she would receive no such thing. Never was he frightened, nor was he known for his explicit exposure of emotion. Eventually, he bothered himself to pull his golden eyes away from their paired reflections to examine the newly arranged facial features of his shocked companion. It seemed as though she had calmed down, but he knew better than to think it had anything more to do than with the fact that he outranked her. He was not oblivious to the she-wolf’s capabilities: he expected that there would be a hearty amount of power tied within her muscles, preparing to be unleashed upon any foolish victim that longed to oppose her. But it remained as so that the finely outlined rules of hierarchy deemed him to hold a status that was above her own, and to overstep their beloved “boundaries” and attack him would be nothing surpassed mere stupidity, especially from the likes of an Erenyx wolf.

“What thoughts have managed to transfix you?” There was no curiousity alight in the large male’s tone - had had knowingly disregarded the she-wolf’s former impudence, caring not for the organization of proper punishment (something of which would have been delivered immediately, had it been any other sovereign) - acting as if he was asking merely for the sake of asking, which wasn’t entirely untrue. The Delta did not often have a tendency for truly treasuring the conversations that he found himself involved in. He would address others because it was polite, and sometimes a piece of him, no matter how small, was actually semi-interested in what it was that would grace his ears. This was one of those cases. Looking towards the female, Cassiopeia as he knew her to be named, he was not a stranger to the mask that she had skillfully woven. He was driven to attempt and pry her free from her mask, revealing the monster that he knew not to lurk just beneath the surface, but he refrained from doing so. Perhaps, it was not something that she wished for the world to know. It was not his place to attempt and alter that for the sake of his mind’s satisfaction, regardless of how much his brain deemed it worthwhile to argue such a statement as false. His question, however, left an opening for the she-wolf to take if she wished to do so. He had baited her like a fish: he wanted her to speak her mind freely, and to declare to him and him alone everything that she possibly could. He knew that his mind was greedy, and it would accept the knowledge without second thoughts. But, of course, there remained the possibility that she more secretive than he believed. Nobody could be one hundred percent sure of their counterparts - only fools thought the world of themselves and their abilities. He did not know what to expect from this Warrior, and thus he approached their conversation absent of expectations.
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Why Not? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Not? [Open] Why Not? [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 3rd 2014, 18:52

The lack of punishment made the Delta's company just the slightest bit more pleasant. Of course, by Irrationality's lack of emotion, she thought it may be more than just luck on her part. Her interest grew in his utter lack of any sign of emotion, maybe slight curiosity merely from his line of questioning, but anything else, nothing. It amused her that she spent so much of her time feigning emotion and voices and this wolf did none of it and hid himself just as well. She felt the urge to laugh, a low chuckle at the odd thing which she found amusing. Refraining, she thought on his question, so many ways in which she could answer the query, so many branches of road which she could take. It could be thought as quite a prying question, what did this Delta need to know of her thoughts, or of the things she saw in the mirror. However she also doubted this wolf to be the type to gossip, she couldn't imagine him caring enough for it. Turning back to its depths, she gazed deeply once again, finding her silhouette to have a new meaning. The glass had reflected her, or rather the persona she choice at the moment. But with her own knowledge and the power of suggestion, she thought she could see the devil hiding in dark eyes, the eyes of prey rather than predator. Irrationality's eyes, deep in color as well as a hint of the mind, were perfect predator eyes. It was really quite trivial, wishing she could gaze out from honey colored eyes. she wondered if the world would take on a different hue, one less crimson tinged than her own. Suddenly she felt a tingling curiosity as to the workings of her Delta's mind, what drove him as well as what haunted him. Deciding she had found her answer she rose her lilting tones, as sweetly colored and toned as his eyes. She could never be blessed with eyes that weren't abysses lacking depth, a dark stain marring her face. But she could control her voice, it departing her in whatever way she pleased.

"I often think of the future and the past, but this lake shows to me the present. Its glistening waters show dark thoughts through the tint of dark eyes. I think of you and the things that hide behind your golden eyes," She turned away from the waters, another time finding his predatory face, her were penetrating, looking for clues as to what hid in this wolf. She left her words to resonate in the air, the question apparent, she had turned her words back on him. Her words had been careful and deliberate, 'things' not an error, she had meant her words. Inadvertently revealing a part of herself, she had more than thoughts hiding behind the dark brown which was the cage on her soul. She had a demon itching to get out, his crimson fire might have shown if her eyes weren't dark in their hues.

She broke her stare, her whims changing, it was possible that he hid worse things than her and she might not want to know. Her eyes now fell upon the forests behind them, its trees seemed to hide something, secrets among the oaks. The beach was overexposed, nothing could hide, unless they planned on getting wet. It was fitting that she answer Irrationality in such a fashion while neither of them could hide. The calm was eerie, as if they were preceding a grand event, a storm just over the horizon. She didn't expect such a thing to occur, just an weird feeling to accompany her odd companion and their queer conversation.
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Beta Irrationality
Beta Irrationality

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Why Not? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Not? [Open] Why Not? [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 3rd 2014, 20:41

Peculiar, was her countering statement. She had found a sly way to take his words, his question, only to once again direct the spotlight upon him. Someone like him had never been made to hold the center of attention. Often he would be looked to, sometimes spoken upon when the situation called for it, but it was unusual that she had felt the need to pry his eyes, hungry for information, off of her and back onto him. If there was something more, something deeper than her quick response that she sought to hide from him, than she was making it incredibly obvious that the answers to which he sought would not be easily achieved. She was concealed beneath lock and key, and it seemed as though nobody possessed the proper fit to uncover her deep, dark secrets. However, the Delta still felt the immense urge to try, the pressing pull to attempt and unlock her many mysteries, even if it meant that he would have to work a little harder than he had originally expected. He wasn’t necessarily used to having to work himself to find his answers. Normally, others of his kind had been generally willing to enlighten him because it was the way of the fragile heart to shatter and crack under the desire to voice aloud one’s concerns and sense of hopelessness. This Warrior did not seem as though her heart ached for similar things. She was comfortable disguising herself beneath the layers of this silky mask; perhaps it was all that she had even known how to do.

Regardless, amusement pricked at the back of his mind, the most unreachable places, when she said that she wished to reveal what lay masked behind his vacant eyes. He turned his head towards her, giving her a full perception, such being a wordless gesture that granted her an unlimited amount of access into whatever it was that she thought that she would be able to see. He knew that there wouldn’t be anything for her to see. It was a pointless gamble, a puzzle that could never be finished, and it was all because most of the pieces did not exist, and thus there would always remain a splendid array of unorganized, and undecipherable blanks. “Nothing hides.” He spoke his words simply, allowing them to flutter towards her ears so that she may take them and analyze them as she saw fit. Unlike her, he had felt no obligation to twist and formulate his sentences into something akin to a riddle. He had nothing to hide from her, and therefore he was relatively at ease with the idea that she could ask him any questions that she wished, because undoubtedly he would have easy answers. He was not monstrous in the same way that she was, and if she longed to believe otherwise than she was merely setting herself up for drastic disappointment. While she could kill, could murder, could slaughter and be able to turn a blind eye towards her victims, he was far more relaxed and at peace in his world. He was a monster in the sense that emotions could not reach him, and thus he was prone to fracturing the delicate hearts of those around him when his words failed to drip of the familiar sympathy that they craved. But he was not worried about this happening to his current companion - it did not seem like she had a heart that was prone to these petty things. “Am I wrong in assuming that I cannot say the same for you?” Just as she had done, he had found a way to cleverly avert the spotlight back to where it belonged. He would have smiled for having such a firm hand in her games, being able to play them just as swell, but he refrained from doing so simplistically due to his own lacking of arrogance.

“I will not make you speak. Hide away, take shelter in the darkness, and I promise to look away and pretend I didn’t bear witness.” The tip of his tail flicked, perhaps a sign of impatience, but he wouldn’t claim such as being true or false. Looking away from the she-wolf’s ominously dark eyes, he instead returned his attention to the waters and thoroughly examined his reflection, attempting to discover what about his eyes, so black and so emotionless, had piqued at her intrigue. Nothing, he saw nothing. What a shame. Some things never changed.
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Elite Nnlya
Elite Nnlya

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Why Not? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Not? [Open] Why Not? [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 3rd 2014, 21:29

(ooc - hope you don't mind if I plop Nnlya in here. I thought this might make for an interesting exchange.)

Her injuries had healed, that much was apparent. Fresh air filled her lungs and did not escape in a cough as they once had. Exercise helped to strengthen her pads back to their former glory and bring her body back into its peak condition. She ran the borders daily, even twice on some days. Her ears were open for the sound of a wolf who had lost their way and needed guidance. But none came. Helidos was stable, for now. They had lost some members, most trying would be the Elite couple. But worse was the disappearance of the Alphas son. Nnlya had met the boy only once but had seen him numerous times. It saddened and worried her to see her Alpha so lost and distraught. To have lost his closest friend and only son was a terrible thing. An entire litter, gone with their mother, journeying to far lands was what she had heard. Only two litters remained from the recent spring, four pups total. And Nnlya helped to care for them all. Though the Guardian Fel's pups were a little more recluse. She often visited Eclipse and his mate, Creek, and their pups, Maia and Ayden. Sweet little creatures they were, inheriting the best traits of their parents. They called her Aunt and she loved it, though one day she hoped to be graced with the title 'Mum' by her own pups.

The heat of summer was trying, sending some wolves to the healers den after strong heat flashes. It prompted the Delta to be vigilant in her hydration. She was very careful to stop by a stream, river or pond for a drink whenever she passed one, or seek one out when her body lacked its usual verve. She was strong and spritely, an easily formidable opponent she was careful to keep herself in the best shape so as not to shirk her duties. With little to do on the borders she would take to training with other pack members on occasion, sharing tips and providing feedback to those who wished it. Collaboration worked well, she found. It allowed her to learn from others just as they might learn from her.

In her regime, this day was set for exploration. She rather found the neutral territories fascinating. Lands that might be traversed freely by both Helidos and Erenyx wolves was wonderful. She hadn't yet met any Erenyx members and thought perhaps she ought to educate herself in their ways. Theirs was a tense alliance, always teetering precariously close to the edge of war. The entire story was not quite clear to her, but her inquisitive nature begged she learn something of it. On the off chance she might meet one such wolf, she journeyed beyond the confines of pack lands and set forth for a place known as Mirror Lake. She had heard of these waters, so still one could see a perfect reflection of themselves upon its surface. But her arrival had yet to see it. Trotting easily through the tree line, the fae spotted two wolves conversing at the waters edge. One white and one sable. The wind picked up and a breeze fluttered itself across her nostrils, bringing the distinct scent of another pack with it. These two had to be of Erenyx. Though she was aware that the situation might be dangerous, she continued at a brisk pace towards the pair, her claws clacking on the stones that lined the lake. Upon closer inspection she found the white wolf to be a female and the sable a male, though she couldn't yet discern their ranks. Hello there. My name is Nnlya. I'm from Helidos, as I'm sure you have guessed, and you two no doubt are of Erenyx. Am I correct? She stood casually, but ready, she was easy going but no fool. Her limbs prepared for fight or flight, though the first she preferred to avoid without just cause. It was a tense few moments for the charcoal fae, waiting to know if she was welcomed or ignored.
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Why Not? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Not? [Open] Why Not? [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 4th 2014, 03:44

When he last set paw on these sacred lands Tye had been in a scuffle with a wolf that was his sworn enemy due to pack rivalry. It was reasonable then that he was neither fond of these lands even in the slightest or possessed even close to affectionate memories about any part of Mirror Lake. For all the picturesque tranquility and serenity of the lake it held equal amounts of irritation and displeasure for the obsidian male. He had pushed all of that aside in favour of searching for the perfect place to spend time with that one special female that had somehow found a way inside his heart. He was not one to dismiss something merely because of one bad experience that had been in retrospect, an abnormal situation. Exploration was what most sought from venturing out here and the lands were neutral so meeting a wolf from the rival pack was expected. Fights would spring only from heated emotions from disagreements. Tye’s emotions were quite limited in how far they could be expressed but that did not mean he wouldn’t retaliate if he was attacked and that was what had happened. His level of sarcasm as well as the tone could be used to distinguish how he was feeling and he supposed in some way, a form of bonding when relinquished with the intention of jesting. Since his emotions would not rise to any levels that would involve him snapping a fight was a distinct impossibility. He would not deal the first blow if provoked, that much was for sure. It was ironic that the most peaceful place that possibly existed in Erenyx was ultimately the thing that unleashed a flurry of chaos in his otherwise emotionless, cold heart. Though none of this was apparent in either his movements or expression. As usual, his countenance was one of absolute calm. His strong, handsome features revealed only indifference. His movements, as he strode past the towering ever-greens and pine were smooth and powerful without a single falter in his steps. Here, in the neutral grounds he did not care if he was noticed, which was a huge possibility with his night-cloaked pelt. With the hues of blues, greens and whites dominating the scenery his form was like a phantom hat ghosted past trees and across grass leaving nothing in his wake except for that eerie, disturbing inner sense that there had been someone here. He started to slow, sensing three scents upon a cool breeze as it wafted by. One he recognized instantly, seeing it as the Warrior Cassiopeia. The other was of their newly appointed Delta with the enigmatic name, Irrationality and the last, was foreign to him but still somehow familiar. Tye pinpointed the source of the scent immediately as an image of their newest hunter rose to the forefront of his mind. It was a Helidos wolf. Not a flicker of emotion crossed his visage as again, he was reminded of the Helidos-turned-Erenyx hunter Katyusha. As far as he was concerned whatever feelings arose were in the past where they belonged. Tye spotted them, three figures at the lake’s edge. Two pack-mates, one stranger but all being civil with one another. Fascinating situation. He picked up pace, an imperceptible shift in his speed.

As he slowed to stop near the trio among fresh green grass and underneath a panorama of shades of light blues, night and day seemed to converge into one in the form of the midnight-wreathed warrior and the lake. Tye was a riddle at first glance. His overall appearance garnered him the impression of a maniac. His mane of jutting fur, pointing in haphazard directions gave the misleading idea that he either dwelled in the depths of insanity as a natural part of his character or that he was consistently lurking on the edges of it. His eyes, which were so incredibly light blue and as icy as the frozen wastelands of the north, encouraged that idea. One would think his heart was made of pure ice if they dared to gaze too long into them. Yet he portrayed nothing but strength in his stance, solidarity and a soothing reassurance that he was altogether very sane, very calm and very assured of himself. Emotions were processed, turned into tarnished silver until they were nothing but echoes that faded into oblivion. What followed after was doing, acting upon thoughts and desires after dissembling them in his mind to act physically. Customs of course, he would participate in for those were just customs and there was no reason not to disobey them. So when he neared the Delta he lowered his tail and head, muzzle downwards in a sign of respect and acknowledgement. He held that position for a short moment then straightened, piercing blues straying across the rest of the wolves gathered with cold detachment. Something had piqued the interest of everyone here otherwise they wouldn’t have bothered coming. That was simple enough to discern. The motives and reasons were not. Though, they could something as trivial as merely seeking company, enjoying the scenery or finding some certain aspect or something in the personality intriguing. For Cassiopeia especially, her disposition seemed more inclined to the second or third with her additional ploy of playing the mind games she enjoyed so much. Of the new Delta, he had only seen the male twice without a word spoken between them but he supposed the Delta might have been interested in the water again, consumed by his own thoughts or perhaps having discovered some exciting revelation or epiphany while losing himself in the abstract beauty that no doubt lay somewhere in those blue surfaces. For the Helidos Delta, he could guess she had come to examine her Erenyx counter-part for strategic purposes or out of pure curiosity. Whatever the case, for all intents and purposes, it would do no good to remain hidden. His gaze finally lingered on the Helidos Delta, Nnlya it seemed her name was. Out of all them here, she seemed to be the only one that was tense which he guessed was because of the fact that she was outnumbered two to one, now three to one. When he spoke even though it was an astonishingly short two words, it was as if he was a shadow coming to life, flesh and bone becoming solid muscle and silent power embodied in a wolf of few words but very much action,“Greetings, strangers.”

He spoke the last word in half-truths, laced with sarcasm. Really, they were all strangers here. Tye did not know any of them, not beyond the superficial. He knew of the general details of his pack-mates because they were his pack-mates and he was bound to know their ranks, names and surface personalities to some extent having met one and spent a little more time with the other due to their partnered training. So they weren't strangers, not completely. However, he didn’t know their habits, their quirks or innermost feelings nor was he really that vested in doing so.  

occ: Hope you don't mind me joining the party. You guys got my interest.
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Why Not? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Not? [Open] Why Not? [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 5th 2014, 00:59

Cassiopeia loved words, the way they could be twirled and spun just so, a conversation woven like a quilt. Yarn was abundant, but inspiration was the key, one could not simply jumble the pieces together and hope for beauty. No, her words were woven like lace, her voice giving it color, one color would suit but her creativity wanted more. Her Deltas words certainly kept the spark of interest growing, turning into a small flame for this Irrationality. She had no discernment for her emotions for the actual wolf, only reactions to what he had said, and reactions were such a fickle thing. She chuckled at his theory that he had nothing to hide, she knew it to be simply not true. One might be an open book, but they can never be opened to every page at once. Time would reveal him and not all the time in the world could make her know him completely. His mind worked differently than hers, they would always have a different set of answers. But this was the truly intriguing things about other wolves, one completely alone had a limit on their mind. It was the reason isolation became difficult, her demon could hardly be considered a separate entity to another. But driven mad with being a social pariah, shunned and cut off from the world, he became as real as sand under her feet or the waves kissing the shore.

His voice continued, now becoming a welcome tune, entrancing as the words he produced were, or at least the provoking thought brought by them. She knew the answer to the question, she hid all, her words were careful as to keep her secret safe. She would surely be driven from any wolf's presence were she to say that a demon inhabited the cave which her heart had been carved from. Irrevocable it was, those words were not one's to be carried off with the winds of time, no, it would be ingrained into their image of her. She would no longer be Warrior Cassiopeia or even the dark-eyed cream wolf, she would be the banished lunatic. Even the lightest part of her, not anchored by immoral sins or thoughts, could not reveal that secret. So she simply stayed silent, though her next words sparked a different fire within her, anger. She would not run and hide, it only made the demon stronger, she had to live through it. Try to throw as many message bottles into the sea before the crimson fire of the demon burned her ship. She could only hope that a boat on the horizon was a savior not a pillager, sparing their time and effort to save her soul from this hellfire. "I do not need escape, dear Irrationality, I am burning as it is, I can only hope someone might bring water,"

Her rash words were spoken only as she saw the form of another approaching. She only hoped she had been right about the lack of gossip escaping from this wolf's mouth, it would drip through his teeth like gasoline. Only giving her more reason to pull away, her only trust in the terrors that were in store. As Nnyla introduced herself, Cassiopeia roved the wolf for signs of interest, was she worth the conversation that had been lost. But her own dark eyes had yet to see the likes of a Helidos wolf, she certainly didn't expect one to simply walk up on two Erenyx. But her expectations were often broken anyway, so she simply endured the moment as it was, her thoughts branched into the ways of the two wolves she met with. Turning on a hint of charm, a small smile welcoming this new addition, her words sang like a brook. "You are correct in your assumption, Nnlya of Heridos, I am Warrior Cassiopeia and am quite pleased to make your acquaintance. I fear I have yet to meet one of your pack and I thank you for fixing my folly," Her words felt more like song and it was such a pleasure to sing, overt kindness just being the bite that all of her words anchored. Sound could not pass her lips lest she know more than those who hear it, nothing could be clear, because clear was simply no fun.

A surprise came to her as another wolf addressed the, now, trio, Tye forming a quartet of voices. His words gave her humor, it was questionable what his definition of a stranger was because hers spanned all manners of acquaintances because she had no true friends. Still she relished in his manner, strong form, ill kept coat and all, she appreciated his company, though he had come too close to her dirty, little secret before. So she kept on her toes, especially with this rugged black wolf around, tiptoeing the line between the truth and mere riddles. She couldn't help but come to the realization that Tye and herself, at least in her eyes, were utter opposites. His slight crazed look resounding from black fur was the low note to her creamy high note, her appearance being important to her. However in the symphony of their minds, Tye seemed less a bass and more a tenor alto, his psyche actually being relatively put together for a wolf of Erenyx. Hers was the one of the lowest, constantly in a state of psychotic frenzy over the words she had spouted, to the well mannered and relatively put together of her mind at this moment, absent of the demon's noxious stare. She was one off key and not belonging in such a concert, though her voices be songs, she was not fit for the orchestra. So she blended in, hid behind her illusions so that she might not be cast out, unsure if she could survive another stint alone, without a pack. So, while her mind was going the speed of a jet, she simply turned the same small smile to Tye, awarding him a small welcome as well as the sound of her voice meant only for him. "You are certainly welcome as well, Tye,"

[OOC: Damn that was long, and as Cassiopeia so sweetly voiced, you are certainly welcome XD]
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Beta Irrationality
Beta Irrationality

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PostSubject: Re: Why Not? [Open] Why Not? [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 8th 2014, 07:53

[I apologize for the wait. I have been extremely ill since Tuesday, and only now am I starting to feel a little better.]

Her words were so interesting to the common ear, so profound and so beautiful. She, herself, was like that of a conundrum: puzzling; a figment of one’s own deceptive trickery. He looked upon her with nothing surpassed a mortal’s curiousity, an eye that dared to read between the lines, to inspect and to investigate the secrets of her unidentified demon. The Erenyx Delta was, simply stated, someone that liked to know things. He could be trusted to harbour her secrets within his own mind, for he would never think to go out of his way and spill them to the world for the sake of his own misguided entertainment. Few things proved themselves able of entertaining him anymore. He preferred the casualties of waltzing through his life, toned to that of grayscale, with an underestimated knowledge and an intriguing disconnection from what occurred around him. His dark gold eyes did not waver from the she-wolf’s own, not even as hers traveled over his head to analyze their newest source of company. He was not oblivious to her presence just beyond his muscular shoulders, addressing the duo with a tone as sweet as honey, though undoubtedly defined by the caution that was to be expected of her. He mused how much more fitted Cassiopeia would be to properly welcoming this Helidos addition, up until the moment where yet another arrived and managed to spew his words of acknowledgement first.

At long last, the multicoloured male believed that it was time for him to turn away from what had formerly been a party for two and confront the two new members. Alliances made themselves known quickly. From the get-go there had been clear lines dividing Cassiopeia and Irrationality from where Nnlya stood on her toes, careful not to portray herself as overly cautious, which was admirable of her if he was in the mood to be offering compliments. Now that Tye, one of the pack’s more notably powerful Warriors, was upon the scene and she was more distinctly outnumbered by her apparent rivals, the Erenyx Delta looked to her briefly out of curiousity for how much she’d be willing to allow her stance to shift to reveal her discomfort, should she possess it. He was subconsciously aware of Tye offering to him his respects, bowing his head in a semblance of reverence to his higher ranking. Dark gold eyes pulled themselves free from the form of Nnlya, turning fully to Tye and allowing his head to momentarily dip in acceptance of his small sign of submission. He wouldn’t have been bothered had the Warrior arrived upon the scene and disregarded Irrationality’s authority. He did not feel the immense need to boast about his ranking, and thus he did not make it a priority of his to showcase it to the world unless it was directly challenged.

“I am Irrationality, of Erenyx as you have guessed and Cassiopeia has confirmed.” His eyes lingered upon the she-wolf, examining her, scrutinizing her, as though his eyes alone were capable of burning through her fur and finding traces of her bones. He kept his stance relatively neutral, caring not to exhibit dominance over his subordinates, or to aggressively counter Nnlya. He had no direct orders from Alpha Steele to mistreat Helidos’ kind if to make their acquaintance. He didn’t think that his sovereign would be extremely pleased in him, should he find that they slaughtered this lone Helidos Delta and started a war between the two packs without his signal. He would never attack one of Helidos unless Steele made it clear that such was to expected of him. He wondered, absently but wondered nonetheless, how this she-wolf would feel if to know that he remained friendly simply because there was no order to be unfriendly? She was safe as of now, for the Delta sought no harm upon her, and he suspected that neither of the two Warriors at his side would go out of their ways to attack her when there was no clear reason to be doing so. She would know better than to try anything smart - numbers were not in her favour. This gathering had ever possibility of being as pleasant as it could be if everyone could maintain their smiles. Too bad that he never smiled.


Delta Irrationality
Delta Nnlya
Warrior Tye
Warrior Cassiopeia
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Elite Nnlya
Elite Nnlya

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PostSubject: Re: Why Not? [Open] Why Not? [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 11th 2014, 01:28

Outnumbered, but certainly not outranked, was the Delta. She could scent it on them. Soon after her own approach came a rather dashing young male. He seemed of a similar age to the female, though his pelt as dark as night. He introduced himself as Tye - or rather, the other female introduced him. It was all quite pleasant. Civil. But she would not let that lull her into a false sense of security. Her mind remained alert for any signals of ill will. Not necessarily aimed at her, but aimed at anyone. Despite the hostilities between their two packs, she still believed the best of everyone. Everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt... until they prove us wrong. Her cheery disposition could not be soured. In fact, it just had a spoonful of sugar added to it. She had more wolves that she might become friends with. She rather enjoyed having friends.

She smiled at the candid nature of the obsidian male. And she grinned at the comment the other female had aimed at her. Well, I'm glad to be of service, ma'am. She said, dipping her head in a joking bow. She couldn't hold back the grin from capturing her features. Irrationality introduced himself to their little group. She nodded to each in turn. Tye, Cassiopeia, Irrationality. I must admit you are the first Erenyx wolves that I have met. And I have to say that so far I'm rather impressed. You are all fighters, no doubt? You are in wonderful physical condition. It seems your Alpha has you work hard. Just as you should. I hope all is well in Erenyx. She took in their bodies individually, their stance, their muscle tone. It was indeed impressive. But she felt sure she could outrun them if she had to. There was quite a pause, in which she allowed for the others responses. She gasped. She had forgotten something. Oh dear, it seems I did not introduce myself properly. You know my name and allegiance of course. But I am a Delta, serving under Alpha Azul and Alphess Lucy.

(ooc - sorry my post isn't as long as you guys. Been a little stuck for muse.)
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PostSubject: Re: Why Not? [Open] Why Not? [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 13th 2014, 06:20

Tye’s eyes strayed back to Cassiopeia’s, ice blue hues meeting her amber ones with cool nonchalance. He had no particular fancy for word or mind games but he was aware of them and their power and the more he gazed at her the more he thought they were completely opposite in the most eccentric way. If she was the chaos in their orchestra of rhythmic hues and shades he was the impenetrable centre whose stoicism was only matched by the steady beating of his own heart. Her mind was probably a hurricane of thoughts, jumbled and frenzied until they were clashing into one another in misshapen, fragmented bits and pieces yet on the outside she appeared like a polished, articulate white angel. He on the other hand looked like an unkempt runaway with some severe neurosis but he was the epitome of strength and calmness, even his voice which never wavered. While she treasured mind games and double-entendres, spinning games with word-plays he did not value it so highly though he could participate if he so had the inclination to. Sarcasm was his shield from vulnerability after all and he used it as he pleased. It had been born from necessity when he had been tormented by the larger wolves in his younger years. When Cassiopeia spoke her words still carried the same honeyed liquor, poison lacquered underneath the veil of beauty. He had no doubt she meant what she had said. To him, she was still a jigsaw puzzle that carried hidden blades that were ready to slash and tear. Her smile, though admittedly radiant, was somehow dangerous and not altogether sincere and he was reminded of their first meeting where he had eventually suspected her to be a little unhinged or at the very least, possessing some destructive secrets. Even though those suspicions hadn’t disappeared they had still yet to be proven so he hadn’t confronted her when there was no need. Their alliance was still in place at any rate and more precisely, he didn’t want to frighten her. That was not his intention, quite the opposite in fact. At her words he inclined his head briefly at her and dipped his head slightly, voice wry with amusement,“Tis’ an honour Cassiopeia.”

Though he was a warrior Tye was not an aggressive wolf by any means despite his appearance. However, he had secured his loyalties to Erenyx and in doing so, attained a fellowship of brothers and sisters that were of a pack that was deemed the darkness to the light of another pack. If there was such thing as honour among thieves, the barest requirement would be to stay by their side and protect them from death or injury from another rival pack member. Well, he would do so as long as it benefitted him. Unfortunately, he was not that noble nor was he that idealistic to believe everyone was wholly good or bad. There were always shades of grey and he had seen the hearts of wolves at their blackest. At the core, the heart desired only its own happiness, comfort and peace. If others suffered in order to gain those two things, then that was just an unnecessary consequence. At least, that was how things were justified to reassure the soul that they hadn’t lost any goodness in them. He had seen starving wolves rip each other to shreds over a meal, brothers pitted against one another for a fight to the death for the reward of living another day and months-old siblings turning their claws on one another in order to save themselves. It’d just been how life was and the only life he’d known until he’d lived as a lone wolf. There was no justice, no sense to the insanity and he had not escaped its wrath unscathed. Perhaps there was some minor truth in his appearance in that the lunacy had just been smothered by complacency temporarily until something triggered it. It had been a coping mechanism of sorts to drown out the sense of growing nobility that had been growing in his heart each time he saw an act of brutality. Justice had no place in his old pack so whatever light he had in his heart had keeled under the evils of the world. Sympathy and empathy to pain and agony were foreign emotions that he could not feel no matter how hard he tried. However he considered the two Erenyx wolves beside him part of his kin and he would act accordingly if the Helidos Delta attempted to harm them. He assumed they would do the same as they were the select few that were not prone to violence for the sake of violence and preferred words as their primary choice of weapon.

All this he processed in a heart-beat but he expressed his thoughts with a simple twitch of his ear and a flick of his tail before sitting down and glancing back at the Helidos Delta with a clinical look to address her, “Astute observations Delta Nnlya. As you can see, we haven't fallen into ruins.” He did not bother to add that though they were all fighters, one was higher in rank among them. A minor distinction but prominent all the same. Perhaps she already knew and they had silently acknowledged it before he had come. He was sure if Irrationality wanted to make his rank known he would do so, either through his stance or verbally. He himself had deduced her own rank from her posture and tone and manner of her words. Tye’s eyes were neither expressively curious nor prying when he spoke again but they radiated the chilling appraising look of one that was picking the soul apart layer by layer. It was not because of his conscious effort to make it so but because of his natural appearance, “So then what brought you over to mingle with our unsavoury selves? Was the comfort of the kingdom of Helidos too suffocating that you had to seek the temptation of danger from Erenyx?” As he spoke he noted the tension was still somewhat there, an under-current simmering beneath her jovial façade. It occurred him that perhaps the Delta had overlooked her former pack-mate’s presence so much that it did not bother her that she had defected to their side at all. Perhaps she didn’t care about the hunter or hadn’t noticed her after all.  

occ: No worries
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PostSubject: Re: Why Not? [Open] Why Not? [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 13th 2014, 12:29

Cassiopeia loved her escapades, but sometimes she tired of the continual switching of masks. It was something she had grown so accustomed she did not know her true form. But this was not one of those moments, this was a momentous occasion of her spectacle. She was a model, staging her show and presenting her costume, they saw what she wanted them to see. Her eyes were wide and bright, her voice smooth and toned, precision being key. She had the motion of a snake, continuous and suave, her expression remaining polished. She acted as a fellow to the foreigner, her very essence of innocence did not fit with the peculiar pack of Erenyx. The wolves of Erenyx all had something in common, they all had their individual reasons as to why Helidos didn't fit them. Her own psyche could never slip so smoothly through the wolves of Helidos, she did not know them well but she knew that she did not belong. The serpent that she had become moved quickly to Nnlya's right and then circled to her left. She stood close, an acceptance so that the sweet Helidos felt welcome in the snake's grasp. She could not know that Cassiopeia had merely laced her scaly coils around her, instead all she felt was the fluid brush of fur. Cassiopeia removed the boundaries which had been placed, the lines which had been drawn. She did not like restrictions and this delicate prey was quite the scrumptious one. She had no plans of harming the exquisite creature, only entwine her in venomously sweet words and welcoming gestures and see how the prey might react. Cassiopeia loved her social experiments, it gave her limited access to the inner workings of her fellows' brains. Not to mention that it did delight her mind with quandaries which she might tug and bite like a cat with a mouse.

Her position was just slightly too close to Nnlya, either she had just deigned her a new friend or she was purposely trying to make this wolf uncomfortable. Cassiopeia left this completely up to interpretation, knowing that the males knew her better and so they would probably go with the latter. But this sweet fae had the freedom to choose and Cassiopeia was entranced as to whether she would take a step away or rub her right back, she also had the opportunity to surprise her completely. The cream fae shared a private smile with this Delta, as if they had some intimate connection along with inside jokes. She even added a fun wink to spice things up a bit, making sure the males did not have the pleasure of seeing her antics. With the wink she turned away from her close interaction with Nnlya to look with mock surprise at Tye, a joking chuckle preceding her words. "I think you have mistaken your words Tye, I am certainly no unsavory character," She left her laughter in the air and gave Tye a cheeky smile, his suspicion surely irked at her act. Her smile then turned to Nnlya, skipping Irrationality because he was not part of her experiment. He was a viewer to her show, not an unwilling participant, it was mostly because she could not trust his actions. She had yet to figure out what drove him and was not even getting close, he was quite the enigma. She enjoyed mysteries, but not when others were present and certainly not in the midst of an trial like this.

"Tye does have a point, have you come to dance with the dark side, Miss Nnlya?" Her eyes had fun disseminating Nnlya's features, she was toying with the Delta for sure. But it was to be interpreted as good fun, nothing malevolent, Cassiopeia had previously promised herself no harm would come to this fae. But the crimson flames wanted more, they could never be satisfied with happiness and friendly interactions, they had blood lust. In this moment Cassiopeia had a reign on those flames though, enough control to douse the blaze. Yet if Nnlya had been caught only hours before, she might have faced the full inferno. The same opportunity faced all, she was uncontrollable and she knew it. She held great scorn for the demon which had made her so, a sweet, normal wolf lurked only in her past.
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Beta Irrationality
Beta Irrationality

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PostSubject: Re: Why Not? [Open] Why Not? [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 22nd 2014, 08:29

He had never been one to indulge himself in the pleasantry that was conversation when there was no true purpose for his words. He had been given no openings, no clear addressal surpassed curious glances, and such fueled him with the initiative to remain unvoiced. Nnlya certainly had her paws full, as it was, with the combined forces of Erenyx’s two warriors. Tye was intimidating based off of appearance alone, though the multicoloured Delta knew better than to hold him solely to that single characteristic. There was more than what meets the eye, as there was with everyone, especially the latter of his thoughts: Cassiopeia was a chilling creature, but exquisite nonetheless. Her momentum was gracefully eerie as it entwined itself with the victim’s (such a strange means of identification to first arise to his mind when referring to his counterpart in rank from the other pack) body, seemingly lustful, captured in longing, but a game if ever there was one. Perhaps he would have been driven to interfere, merely for the sake of the Helidos wolf’s comfort in the presence of such a talented snake, but he remained thoroughly interested to take in the entirety of her reaction. Would she be one to attempt and assert her dominance? Would she simply accept Cassiopeia for the venomous carnivore that she was and offer a smile? Step away to reestablish her personal space?

There was so many options, and thus he could not help but lose himself to the temptation of witnessing which one would be deemed fitting to the antics of Nnlya. Curiousity had, undoubtedly, caught his tongue. He stared blankly at the situation as it unfolded before him, his muscles completed relaxed, able to indicate to the observational eye that he had no motive to put a stop to whatever games the creamy warrior was playing. Nnlya was a Delta, so she claimed, and therefore Irrationality suspected her capable of handling herself. It would prove embarrassing, perhaps, if she required the interference of her rivaled Delta. It remained a mystery as to whether or not he held within the ability to shut down Cassiopeia’s experiments directly in their making, but he’d be willing to try. But for the time being he simply watched, calculated, granting the warrior the time that she sought to toy accordingly with their company from Helidos.

He looked briefly to Nnlya, searching her expression for the hints of skepticism and discomfort that he expected. It was unlikely that she would find the friendship that she desired here: a true friend could not be made out of Cassiopeia, Tye seemed wholesomely indifferent, and well . . . he wasn’t looking for friends, put in basic terms. She was completely alone in this situation without another from her pack; she was left to tango helplessly within the demonic clutches of Erenyx. She could prove herself as being better than what the Delta was currently driven to suspect, withholding elements within herself that surpassed an exterior glance, but for the time being he had not finalized any conclusions about her - except, maybe, that she was inclined to hold onto her happy smile.

Despite the growing tension in the air, he remained silent everlasting. He had yet to be called upon, and therefore he would continue to take comfort in his isolation. He had no desire to voice aloud his ranking, much as she had done - it was not needed information, and unless she went so forth as to request what titles they held, he would persist to lack initiative. A light breeze ruffled through the handsome array of colours that clung to his muscular body, inclining his head a touch in deepening analysis of the situation before him, cold eyes speculating Nnlya as though there was nothing truly wrong with the concept of staring.
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Elite Nnlya
Elite Nnlya

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PostSubject: Re: Why Not? [Open] Why Not? [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 23rd 2014, 02:35

She watched the two warriors interact. They didn’t appear the most friendly. But nor were they enemies. She considered cordial was the best word to describe their relationship. It seemed to fit. They appeared polite enough outwardly. But the signs were there that perhaps there was some underlying issue. Whether it was an old fight or a difference in personal views or something else, she couldn’t say for sure. But it was certainly there.

It almost reminded her of her initial relationship with Guardian Fel. When first they met Nnlya had made a terrible impression. Recently renewed to pack life and wary to trust others she was not the kindest she could have been. Her lips twitched into a secretive smile at the thought. She had nearly challenged the Guardian in her bid to discern the female’s intentions and abilities. She had convinced herself at the time that she was hoping to understand how she fit into the rank she was given, but perhaps it was something else. A lapse of the brain, dehydration, a foolish mistake made by an inept fool. But she digressed, the past was passed and she could not change it. It was a lucky thing that Eclipse had been there that very day to ease the tension. It seemed as if in the seasons since her first day Nnlya had changed some. She had grown and matured rapidly and earned herself the rank of Delta, which was more than she could ever ask.

But in the present day she was faced with three Erenyx wolves. Her sworn enemies by oath of allegiance and yet she found herself somewhat enjoying their presence. The white female with careful soft and playful words would circle to the Delta’s left, sitting easily there and allowing their fur to brush. She knew from all she had heard that this wolf could very well be dangerous and yet she did not get that intention, that off feeling in her gut. Everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt. The femme wolf sat awfully close to the Helidos fae. But in her nature to be friendly and welcoming she allowed the contact and even added a little pressure of her own to the touch, shifting her weight ever so slightly to accommodate the female.

She would spy the sly grin that passed from the others lips and she shot a wide, friendly one right back. She still kept in mind the old memory of the Elite, much as she wished to suppress it. Conceal it, don’t feel it. Don’t let it show. But still she remained friendly with these wolves. Her muscled still readied themselves, coiling and relaxing with each shift, each movement, but not enough to be noticeable. Just enough to be prepared. Both the Wolf of Yin and the Wolf of Yang questioned her choice to travel to neutral lands that day and to converse with them. They went so far as to consider she might defect. As if she ever would. ”Unfortunately, no. I am not here today to join your ranks. I came merely for some fresh air and exploration. I just so happened upon yourself Cassiopeia and you, Irrationality. Curiosity got the better of me and here I am, conversing with you Erenyx wolves. There isn’t much to tell really.”

She carefully left out that she had recently been injured and desperately needed the time away from her den. It wouldn’t do to provide her enemies with such useful information against herself. Yes, she was kind and caring, but not stupid. And definitely not one to test. She would watch their movements, should they attempt to surround her. Careful planning saw her once more shift her weight so that all of her paws had good purchase on the ground. If they attacked, her speed would surely be her friend. She would not fight out of turn and only attack if attacked first. She turned to Irrationality, who yet remained silent on the subject. “So, I have my own suspicions, but I’d like to hear it from you. What ranks might you all hold?”
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PostSubject: Re: Why Not? [Open] Why Not? [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 23rd 2014, 22:32

As expected of the scarlet fae, Tye mused as Cassiopeia slunk around the Helidos Delta. She was playing again, attempting to bait her. How long could she stand it, he wondered. Surely, as a Delta she could handle some games from the opposing pack. There was no abundance of prying eyes here anyway so she had nowhere to hide. Perhaps the good and noble were too busy being their good and noble selves to entertain notions of manipulation and venomous mind games. What a surprise, the good and bad weren’t solely black and white caricatures who were cackling villains and self-righteous heroes. Well, from what he had seen so far. Two wolves out of one pack wasn’t a solid representation of the whole. Tye’s eyes strayed back to her as she spoke again. It seemed she had misunderstood his words or maybe she had overlooked his sarcasm. Either way, he didn’t react locking that thought in the back of his mind along with the smile. Females and their mysterious ways, he would probably never fully understand. He did not ponder every minute action or expression that graced a wolf’s features but he etched them into his memory for future purposes when they became relevant. Expressions could be faked, manipulated and controlled to one’s whims and fancies such as what Cassiopeia did. It sent the mind wandering in directions that were pointless and dead-ended when energy could have been spent on what really mattered. Her laughter, for example was a mere façade. It distracted the eye to what was really important such as the way she stayed near the Delta Nnlya and counted so much on her charade to deceive others into a false sense of security. Then one wouldn’t have noticed that flare of bloodthirsty hunger in her eyes. To be sure, she was a beauty and that was to her advantage. It disguised the more evil, monstrous side of her that he was sure involved carnage, torture and maliciousness. He would have guessed that the same thought had flashed by his fellow pack-mate but only fleeting. Irrationality seemed like a logical wolf who found greater joy in ideas than living creatures. It was befitting. Tye’s attention swivelled back to the Delta, cool eyes raking her form for any signs of uneasiness or weaknesses out of pure habit. He spied none, physically anyway. A slight tilt was given to her response, expression blank and smooth as the surface of the lake in front of them. No mention of hunter Katyusha. Perhaps the wolves of Helidos weren’t as righteous and divine as they were reputed to be. Finally she moved, the wariness creeping back into her limbs at her next question. Her guard was back up. Tye bent his head to the lake’s edge, peering into the surface to see the reflections of the others. They blended in perfectly well with the surroundings. Quite the opposite to him who weaved a cloak of fathomless nocturne abyss over an open veil of daylight with merely his presence. Such was life. He said with a straight face,“Obviously I’m a healer. My ghastly appearance reassures wolves who are in pain you see.”He offered nothing else, turning her words over his mind. He didn’t entirely believe her but she didn’t need to know that.
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PostSubject: Re: Why Not? [Open] Why Not? [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 24th 2014, 16:03

The demon had been near silent, if not acting as a master for his creamy marionette. They were quite the duo when they agreed, a perfect song, where their notes intertwined into a lovely dose of cyanide. The bitter scent of almonds being the only warning that the poison was present, that the King and the Queen finally agreed on the matter. Such was the case at this moment, the slightest hint of almonds wafted through the air. She was the dealer and her fellows, the gamblers, each with their own tricks and cards up their sleeves. Such was common in a game such as this, no one but a pup walked into something like this without a certain aspect or feature which set him off from the rest. The purest, most unstained, could never win at an amusement with her as the card giver, their innocence would not go unnoticed by the monarch. She made sure to strike at such insecurities, naive and artless wolves were attacked with outstretched fangs. Then removed from their seat, slumped to the side so that there might be room for the next victim. She thought she had received a wolf such as that, one absent of riddles and defenses, burdened by the purity which ran rampant in Helidos. But the fae had ran into a good strain of luck and it ran like gold, she counteracted Cassiopeia's attack with pressure of her own. The demon drew away with hate and loathing, the touch of another, without evil intent on the other's part, disgusted him. But the Queen didn't react as such, the riddles on her lips faded and her eyes widened in surprise at her own reaction; delight. The touch of another pulled at something within herself, a warmth, small and hidden, but it was there.

Her devil was quick to retaliate, drawing her into his spell once more. Whispering evil plans into her velvet ears, riddling his way back into his position as King, convincing her that two would always be better than one. Once again entangled in his loom of lies she jumped back into her role, caught up in time for the feminine Delta's remarks. She was not so lost that she didn't catch her pack mates' glimpses, guessing her cause and judging the amount of evil she dripped in her venom. It amused her that she could draw attention such as that, their questioning behavior only proving to herself that no one had figured her out. It gained its traction within her mind, the fact that once they had excavated her reasoning they would leave her, an abandoned mine, absent of her gems and treasures. They would no longer have anything to entertain themselves with her, she would be an open and blank book. Her belief was that the only thing she had was her secrets and riddles, things hidden behind battlements and hidden away in her fortress. It was all she could to make the box ornate and alluring enough that someone might search for the key. She was a riddle with an unappealing answer, someone who wanted attention in the worst way. Hoping, dreaming that her knight in shining armor might save her before she was lost. But she doubted her own wishes, projecting that her knight would only show up for her funeral.

All of this was received from the mere looks in her naysayers' eyes, the ones who assumed her to be thoroughly grotesque. She had, at least, convinced herself of such, forsaking the search for the truth as futile. She chuckled at Tye's words, his sarcastic humor a silent relief from her foreboding thoughts. "It is a shame, Erenyx could truly rise from the ashes with one such as yourself, Nnlya. I could certainly imagine us picking herbs with Tye, skipping through fields of flowers and such. Isn't the chamomile beautiful this time of year, Healer Tye? Her words were soaked with sarcasm, playing Tye's game with her own twist. She had a playful smile, a laugh on her lips and fire in her eyes. She was the image of vitality in the prime of her game, life flowed in her expression and the way she swayed with her words. ”You were quite correct in my case, I am a Warrior, a mere pawn under a Delta,” Her words were once again genial, her cold heart feigning heat, like the moon only reflected its light. She didn't give much sound to the latter part of her words, she wasn't sure how much truth she put into them. She had turned her words on Irrationality more than Nnlya, her eyes finding his warm gold ones to make her statement. But like her fake heat, she couldn't be sure that he wasn't just as coldblooded, warm gold hiding an icy heart. He wasn't hiding like herself, simply mysterious because of the manner which he conveyed himself, unforthcoming, awaiting a question before giving an answer. She took this all in stride, she was actually quite content with his character, preferring him to her other royalty. He would know her loyalty if he were to ask for it, she would give it more willingly than if the strict Alpha or twisted Beta were to demand it of her.
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Beta Irrationality
Beta Irrationality

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PostSubject: Re: Why Not? [Open] Why Not? [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 24th 2014, 18:41

She was angelic, but in complete and total disarray. She was both caged and ruthless, unexpectant of the unexpected, and thus a small part of her argued the path of insanity as pleasurable, if not underlining acceptable, when faced with the unexpected - or the unexpected’s face when it came in the form of Nnlya and her being so horribly pleasurable. The monster’s tainted words posed as her sanctuary; she could weave her way in-and-out of the obstacles that her inner self was inclined to create from naught. Nnlya, Helidos’s beloved Delta Female, was undeserving of Cassiopeia’s retaliation, and the helpless demon that swam beneath the coldness of her eyes. But it remained utterly hopeless to think for even a moment that he could grant her an escape, especially when she did not seem to require it behind the shield of her grin and her returned brushing of fur - it was for the best, perhaps, because he would have never offered her that escape. Instead, he was too caught up in his own web of intrigue, too caught up to even bother himself with the current contemplation of Nnlya’s jab at small talk. Of course, he would return his mind to the rather relentless pondering of simplistic inquiries before it became unbecoming of his behavioural patterns, but he did not believe that it had reached such a point as of yet. For the time being, he could continue to stare into the limitless expanse of Cassiopeia’s wild expression, and wonder to himself in absent thought whether or not she was just another maiden in wait of her rescue. He hoped for the best of her future, truly. He wished upon none the horrors of their own mind. A blank, undefined narrowing of his dark amber eyes - handsome in colour, but too sharp in their vacancy as they scrutinized - was all that he mustered in response to her indirect comment. How unusually worded it had been. Maybe he’d seek to ask her about it another day.

But he knew all too well that he wouldn’t.

Finally, at about the time that it seemed as though Nnlya’s question had been avoided entirely, he allowed his questioning eyes to travel away from Cassiopeia and to their oppositely aligned companion. He did not spare her the knowledge of Tye’s true ranking. Although he, himself, had never fully understood what satisfaction could be derived from the “entertainment” of sarcasm, that did not make it so that he wished to partake in the privilege of crushing his fun. It would grant him insight as to how particularly knowledgeable Nnlya was when it came to using her common sense; looking at a situation in the ways that it was offered, and summarizing a truth in the midst of one’s lies. Tye’s “ranking” had been offered by her request, as well as Cassiopeia’s, and therefore it was left only to him to offer his own in turn. His voice sounded oddly unnecessary in this conversation, as they had all fared suitably without him thus far, but he would not deny Nnlya of such simple things. She had looked to him when the question had risen from her vocal chords, and that left him to suspect that she sought an answer from him in some shape or form. “Look upon yourself -” He gestured curtly in her direction, the edges of an earthly hued jaw inclining ever so slightly. “- and you will have your answer.” It was a peculiar way of enabling her the understanding of his rank; he could only hope that it would make enough sense that it would spare him the efforts of elaboration. The answer was, indeed, entwined throughout her own skin: she was a Delta, and through properly looking upon herself, she would hopefully see that the answer was intended to be that his ranking was a mirror of her own.

He looked to Tye, and then returned his eyes to Cassiopeia. There was something unintentionally calming about holding his gaze. Perhaps, it had something to do with the fact that he held himself in a manner that spoke of being perpetually undisturbed; he looked at a problem in their naturally problematic state and discarded it for the nothingness that it was - or, at least, that it was to him. His woeful thoughts created a life in which the demon (Cassiopeia) battled desperately with herself, wanting nothing more than to be the angel that she so easily represented on the outside. Could it be true of her? He would never know. Of course, he could find out if he extended himself as a means of comfort, left to face the horrifying spell of rejection or the everlasting pull of gratitude. Pity his terrible soul for being so cruel, and being so reluctant to move. She could probably use a hand - maybe his riveting stare could suffice as a metaphorical hand - and yet he was so still. And it was all because he knew that he could not help her.
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Elite Nnlya
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Why Not? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Not? [Open] Why Not? [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 28th 2014, 17:03

Nnlya watched the clear Warrior in his sarcastic remark. She was in do way dull minded. His very physique beheld the telltale signs of a fighter and protector. But she allowed him his jest to smile and nod along as though that was, naturally, the occupation he was so inclined to follow. The hollow way in which he stated his own position seemed to her almost derisive. Perhaps he held no love for those who could not fight to protect themselves. Perhaps he held no love at all. She could not be sure. It seemed to her in a pack where strength, ability and loyalty were valued far above anything else that a healer or caretaker would not be regarded highly. Below the rank of Delta there would perhaps be a clear hierarchy. First the Warrior; then the Hunter, for without them the needs of the many would not be met; then the Healers and Caretakers whose primary goal is to - for all intensive purposes - sit about watching pups and feeding herbs to the sick and injured. And finally of course would be the Omega's. She thought that the great Alpha Steele might not believe ones with such jobs were worthy of note. It might be that those whose lives are dedicated to helping those who cannot help themselves should not be around on this earth, and that those who are not strong enough to survive should be put down.

All of this registered in a mere few moments between responses and the fae was next to speak. Her voice was riddled with sarcasm like an old carcass with maggots. Far too obvious to be ignored. It only confirmed that the ebony male was not a healer. The Delta herself had no qualms with healers, in fact she was friends with a rather excellent one herself. The mother of her adoptive nieces and nephews. Such sweet little pups they were. Ayden as silent as ever, hardly seen in his nervousness. Maia was blossoming into a wonderful little fae, spirited and adventurous as her father. But she would not reveal them to her enemies. There was no real need. They were not integral to the present conversation and she would not betray her friend in such a manner. In stead she would look up to the ivory female. "Well I'm sure that's not true. A Warrior is not a 'mere pawn' as you so put it. A Warrior is the protector of his or her people, just as a Delta is. Without Warriors the system would collapse. There would be none to protect our future generations and their mothers. We would have no envoys for political business. As a Delta I can say with full honesty that my role is just the same as yours, with one or two added duties that my Alpha has seen fit to bestow. We all have our calling, and as a Warrior it might seem that yours is to fight and protect those you serve."

Her words were given no pause for reaction as her opposite then chose this time to speak. His words were cryptic but easy enough to decipher. He, as she had guessed, was also a Delta. She inclined her head at this confirmation, her customary show of respect to her equal. She stood and stretched her paws out, dipping her chest into the ground, her tail flying high a flag of truce. In these neutral lands there would be no need for violence. "To each of you, I hope you find whatever it is you have searched your life for in the lands of Erenyx." Still she watched them, waiting for one to challenge her statement.
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PostSubject: Re: Why Not? [Open] Why Not? [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 29th 2014, 21:38

Truth and lies were sometimes inseparable for sometimes there were grains of one in the other. Tye had seen those that were broken and crushed his entire life, devoid of anything that resembled even a wisp of life or hope or purpose. Their hearts had been ground into dust and mortar, dissolving in the wind leaving nothing but empty shells that searched for some semblance of life in the only ways that they knew how. Or there were merely those that were mad at heart with no reason which was even more dangerous. Illnesses were tricky, fickle things that robbed the mind of sanity. He still had yet to solve what it was that resided in her soul which carried such a thing but perhaps, Irrationality would do that before him or he already had with the silent contemplation he was partaking in at the moment. He lapped up water from the lake, raising his head once more as he heard Cassiopeia speak in response to his words. She had caught his bait though it had been unintentional. The words had only been aimed at the Helidos Delta but she had grasped the opportunity to play. He replied, deep voice riddled with rich darkness, "Indeed Healer Cassiopeia." The words were spoiled as she revealed her true nature, laughing and smiling like the accomplished charlatan he believed her to be. Again, she weaved her words like silver silk onto its next victim but Tye could easily see the intention behind her words and the gaze she gave the other. He made no mention or showed any inclination towards any emotions of the hidden meanings behind her eyes.

When their Delta responded to his counterpart, Tye almost chuckled. Such cryptic words, imbued with a simple answer that was easily derived. It was, at its core, just another way of responding that on the other end of two opposites but in the end, operated on the same principle which was to give an answer without making it explicit. The answer would be implied. Tye's sarcasm was a distraction, one he wielded when he felt the answer could be easily found. Or, he simply liked using it and there was nothing more complex than that. Irrationality looked at him which was a puzzling action. Tye's eyes, his ice blues a stark contrast to his warm ambers, peered back at him questioningly, though without emotion, twin glaciers set in a backdrop of raven black. Then the Helidos Delta's voice rang through the air again, strong and clear. His gaze swiveled back to hers. She had not balked at any of their responses which was expected and he would guess that she was not so foolish as to take his word for truth considering what their circumstances were. She had smiled and nodded to him but it had been a mere courtesy. She most likely had guessed what he really was. She finally spoke. The corners of Tye’s lips seemed to bend discretely, eyes flicking to Cassiopeia to see what she would think of the response to her play. A necessary part of a system was all they were apparently and if they were taken out, then the entire network would collapse. Such an honour to be an integral part of. He watched her incline her head to Irrationality, posture into one of a peace-keeping nature. Her words, he fiddled with them with ghostly fingers splitting them and reassembling into pieces that matched the chords of the pantomime orchestra in play. Then his lips parted once more, responding to her challenge curtly, “I found, most likely, the same things that you have in your home-land but if it were on the side of darkness. Chaos and brutality instead of righteous justice and nobility.”
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PostSubject: Re: Why Not? [Open] Why Not? [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 30th 2014, 19:34

Cassiopeia raged in her fortress, her castle with entangled ivy creeping up the side, in reality, it was a cage. He beautiful citadel was an allure, to those interesting peasants who might risk their life for entrance. Risk their lives they did because they were soon consumed by the insidious beast hiding in the basement. Some came searching for the beast, wishing the pleasure of a good fight. Yet some came for the Queen wasting away in her keep, unknowingly they had come to the beast in disguise. Either way she was trapped behind walls that she had helped build and so she was forced to utter the wished her to. Or at least that was how it might be seen if one wished Cassiopeia to preserve her innocence. Allow her to blame it all on the beast in the basement, ignore the fact that the poison did not come from his fangs alone. She enjoyed the evil all too much, there was too much of a draw to become thoroughly corrupt. It was especially so when that was all she saw, the corrupt beings of Erenyx. It was only when she was challenged with one such as this, an innocent who might be considered noble or brave. That was when she had to face the truth, she was not chained in her castle, she had room to make plans for her escape. But she made the choice not to, the poison sated something deep inside. A force which most of the noble would never understand, it was a lust for the forbidden fruit. The first taste was what had gotten her addicted, but it was questionable that she had not been addicted before that. It was possible that it was breed into her, the spored nestled among her genes just waiting for the forbidden fruit's juices to free them.

Whether she had been long gone from birth or from the moment she licked her lips as her lover was torn apart, it mattered not. All that truly mattered was the silent chuckle of the moment, her inborn laughter at the fae's attempts at nobility among such wretches. She told Cassiopeia something she knew and something she cared not for, though a pawn, she was a satisfied pawn. There was a certain freedom in being thoroughly average, no expectation or time restraints which would chain away her demon. With the rank of Warrior, her demon had leeway, room for his sinister acts. That is why she smiled at Nnlya's words, not particularly agreeing, but nodding at the impasse. At the hint of an end to Tye's words she leapt into her place in the conversation, a volume difference and a bit of movement being the sign that things were changing. "I do so love being a pawn, we always seem to have the most fun. But that aside, Erenyx has always been the choice for me, I mean what would I do without these handsome brutes who accompany me now? I fear I would have gone mad in the wood, stark raving mad, and that would be an unpleasant fate even for the worst of us," She had stood with the beginning of her words, deciding her post at the side of Nnlya was no longer effective. So with each beat of her words she took a step, crossing to a spot equidistant between her pack mates. She turned on the cue of the words 'stark raving mad' and stood tall between her companions. She managed to stay innocent while becoming quite imposing, standing in the slight breeze her stance was as tall as she could muster. Unwilling participants in her scheme were part of the wall which she had created, a line of Erenyx facing off with the lone Delta. Cassiopeia did not acknowledge the formidable structure which she had created. Instead she waited patiently for the Delta's reaction to her own state of singularity. Cassiopeia wondered if it might be possible that fear might enter her or would she weather this storm as well?
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Beta Irrationality
Beta Irrationality

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PostSubject: Re: Why Not? [Open] Why Not? [Open] Icon_minitimeApril 1st 2014, 18:53

Mind games grew tiring after a while. He wondered how Cassiopeia managed to derive from such things the joy that it seemed to stir within her. Although he was known to occasionally partake in mind games, he was far better known for his inclination to reach the answer that he sought, the answer that undoubtedly led to his participation in mind games in the first place. For the time being, it was far simpler to let Cassiopeia and Tye do as they pleased with Nnlya. She was handling herself just fine; she failed to succumb to their level of deceptive trickery and maintained her veil of angelic nobility. She held within her a handful of admirable qualities, though needless to say that he was one to freely give out compliments. He was momentarily content with the matter of watching in silence, for he had done it up until this point, and nobody had seemed to voice aloud their complaints. He was rather mechanical in the way that he approached life - so empty, so drained of emotion. It was almost depressing, but there was no true pain in his eyes. His counterpart in ranking was the essence of purity, a sprinkle of sunshine, if you will. Whereas Irrationality, however, possessed a cold detachment from the happenings that occurred in his nearby surroundings. He analyzed with efficient eyes, even as Cassiopeia planted herself at his side, offering to any listening ears her opinion upon their “handsome” appearances. He discarded the thought as quickly as it had managed to capture his fleeting attention. The only good thing that came from being so mentally unpresent was, perhaps, the fact that he overlooked appearance. He hardly took into consideration the features of another, because rarely did it have anything to do with what truly mattered: that being personalities. Of course, there would be plentiful a wolf out there in the big, opinionative world that disagreed with his outlook. Appearances mattered to some, but through the eyes of a machine, all you truly cared about what picking brains.

“Have you found what you have been looking for in Helidos?” It seemed as though the unlikely had managed to occur after all. The multicoloured Delta actually managed to make it seem as though he possessed an ounce of care for this conversation, questioning the oppositely aligned female through a means of indirectly elaborating upon Tye’s words. He was hoping that she would be driven to give him a fulfilling answer - he’d sooner not put his voice to waste. She’d likely know better than to go into a hearty speech that included every last juicy detail that was happening within the walls of Helidos, but nevertheless, perhaps she’d have a tale or two that would do its part to ease his wandering mind. Although he had no particular interest in involving himself in this conversation any deeper than was necessary, he still had the inklings of an initiative to make some use of what was proving to currently occupy his time. Any information about a Helidos wolf would prove useful in his mind, even if the facts were slight and barely of any use. Of course, he wished not to manipulate her in any way, shape, or form. He was the picture of innocence at its finest, a face naturally arranged into sheer nothingness, enabling the onlooker to understand, should they look closely enough, that he was no gossip - merely a filing system that lived and breathed the need to collect data.
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Why Not? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Not? [Open] Why Not? [Open] Icon_minitimeApril 3rd 2014, 17:16

Nnlya rolled her eyes just slightly at the sarcasm of the one called Tye. That brute, a healer? He had to think her stupid of he thought she would believe that. It wasn't that a healer couldn't be well trained, it would be foolish to assume as such, but her held the bearing of one with a formal training as a soldier and his comment about chaos and brutality just wasn't characteristic of one who's life was dedicated to caring for their pack mates and providing them with solutions to their ailments. It might be that things were different in the lands of darkness, but they were all wolves nonetheless. Their life's purpose to live and pass on their genetic code and ensure the survival of the species and their own bloodline.

Her mind wandered as the female made her views clear. It would seem to some that they were all challenging her and the female was mocking her. But the Delta still held herself with pride, eyes focused and watching, choosing not to rise to the bait. Her sweet disposition still apparent on her face whilst the cogs of her mind were churning away assessing her own safety. Perhaps it would be in her best interests to leave soon with her bodily parts and mental acuity still intact. But it would require timing and finesse. She would not wish to seem rude, not only on her own part, but as an ambassador for Helidos wolves. She would need one of them to provide her an opening, and if none was given she would do it herself.

The Warrior had hinted at what information he wished to glean from her, but the Delta stated it outright. What had she earned from Helidos? She had begun earning rank, ascending her way back to a position which came more naturally to her. Born and bred an Alphess, leadership came easily, though she would never dare ask outright for any position of esteem. She sought to do her work as best as possible and if she was noticed and so rewarded then that was at the discretion of her superiors. It was a careful balance. She only wished to serve and work to her best, to aid those both above and below her status. But her instinct, her memories wished her a higher position of greater responsibility in which she might truly prove her worth. None could say she was not happy. She had found everything she could ever want.

Aside from rank she had found friendship and company among the members of her pack. She had found like-minded fellows and calm, helpful faes. It was quite possible she had found a mate, as was of course the purpose of a wolfs life as well as her greatest wish to be to have pups of her own. But most importantly, she had gained redemption. It was nice to know that others did not blame her for the deaths she had caused, but one in particular had shown her how to forgive herself. After careful thought she chose only one of these to mention aloud. On which the wolves of darkness and chaos were certain to understand. "Redemption," she stated harshly, holding her head up formally. "Among the wolves of Helidos I have found redemption for the sins of my previous life and I have learned to accept the past as past. That is what I sought and that is exactly what I have found." Her paw scratched twice at the ground whilst her eyes stared ahead. If her time as a loner had ended differently it was quite possible she would have stood at the border of Erenyx that day rather than Helidos. But her choice was made and she would not backpedal.
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PostSubject: Re: Why Not? [Open] Why Not? [Open] Icon_minitimeApril 7th 2014, 08:09

To be enamoured by a demon, whether by one’s own creation or by another, was a fool’s game that his spirit would not fall prey to. Tye’s mind was wholly free of any lunacy or mania, as opposed to the other warrior and their Delta (though that was a distinct possibility and not entirely certain yet). Cassiopeia’s inner demons were things that melded her psyche into one single organism. Fragmented into two, her outer appearance was perhaps the soul she wished to be but not the one that had come into existence in the end. It might have been innate or birthed from circumstances as these things were but for all of her words and games Cassiopeia was, to what Tye believed, to be a ticking time bomb. Tye would not react if she were to attack the Helidos Delta or attempt to harm her physically but if it was death on her mind he would step in to help if needed. He had no doubt Irrationality, as Delta, would be the first to restrain her but he had estimated Cassiopeia to have the potential for unpredictability. The stalwart warrior, seemingly sculpted from polished stone, was in a position he had never imagined himself to be in. As a witness and participant in a meeting consisting mainly of nobility in the barest sense of the word. Tye was a mere warrior and he was more concerned with the safety and livelihood of his fellow pack-mates. Politics and formalities were things that were at the outer edges of his mind. He was aware though that both things were necessary for the survival of their pack, lest chaos dawned on the lands if social customs and niceties were ignored. So he remained where he was, as a soothing presence though at the moment reticent and draped in deathly black.

Handsome? He looked at her blankly with his blue eyes, startling against the pitch black of his face. It was charming statement, one that fit her purpose he guessed. Objectively, out of the two from appearance alone the more classically, traditionally handsome one was not him and nor did he care. He was content with his appearance, as roughshod and wild as it was. The heart was what mattered the most because wolves revealed what and who they really were through their actions which they were so inclined to do from whatever desires or feelings that their hearts possessed. Even the emotions in the heart of his fellow pack-mate Irrationality, who was near impossible to read, could be dredged up just a little in this way. Curiosity and inquisitiveness was what had lured him from the shadows into the open and it seemed, were the only two things that breathed in his heart. Gone stark raving without them? Tye was sure she already had but that was par for course in Erenyx. As she came to stand next to him, he glanced at the Helidos Delta to see her reaction. It hadn’t escaped his notice that Cassiopeia had purposefully formed a guard line against the lone female. His expression was as still as the waters in front of them, body unmoving as he appraised her reaction. She stood without fear, with pride in herself. It was impressive, something he would expect of a representative. Courage in the face of intimidation was a strength that was to be acknowledged though he would not as he could not.

Although, from her reaction to his response he would have thought her dismissive of his capabilities which was fine. He had not said anything that was close to the truth so far and all his remarks had been ripe or close to sarcasm, his last response included. Usually, what wolves said had no direct correlation to what kind of rank they held. If so, then every healer would speak of nothing but curing the sick and diseased without any mention of delighting in the brutality and chaos that sometimes came with it. He had seen healers who only seemed to enjoy inflicting pain that was necessary to the healing process and would have been warriors for the same reason if they had not been too cowardly or died trying. But he had no desire to correct what another’s opinion of him was, especially when it worked to his advantage. Perhaps she would go back and tell her fellow pack-mates that he was nothing more than a meat-headed brute that was only capable of violence and carried not a single grain of intellect in his thick skull. At Irrationality’s question, the Delta answered with a hard, steely-edged tone to her voice.  His voice rumbled through the air, “A noble goal no doubt, fitting for you Delta Nnlya of Helidos.” His gaze lowered, eyes meeting hers with a clarity that departed dearly from his overall frenetic appearance. She had challenged them and he had accepted. It was to him, as simple as that so it did puzzle him slightly as to why she seemed a tad annoyed by the proceedings. Though, he did respect her tenacity to stay despite what she had endured by their words.  As to further thoughts about her response the Warrior was as calm as ever, immobile without any window into his thoughts until he spoke again,“Your strength lies in your courage Delta Nnlya. We all have sins to bear, some more than most.”  

Justice and honour, nobility were out of Tye’s reach. He was aware of what righteousness consisted of, what gallantry and chivalry contained and perhaps, if the layers of his soul hadn’t been touched by coldness and the brutality of the world. He could have been an honourable knight or guardian who valued integrity and honour above all and whose duty and purpose was to protect the innocent. Instead, he strayed from that path and became a demonic enforcer whose duty was to serve and defend the vile. So sad. If he truly did care that was. But he had made peace with his past and he had no regrets. His convictions and morals were held firmly in place but integrated with darkness instead of light. Funny how life worked out that way.
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PostSubject: Re: Why Not? [Open] Why Not? [Open] Icon_minitimeApril 7th 2014, 09:33

Cassiopeia, such a lovely name for such a lovely figure which hid away a horrid beast. If the condition of one's mind controlled their looks, surely Cassiopeia would have glowing crimson eyes along with a disfigured body. The characterization of her split mind, with which all parts seemed to be in and out of alliances with the breaths she took. She wished to sneer at this thought, she had no pride in her beauty but it did seem to aid her in certain situations. She was thankful for her outer beauty, it helped with her inner treachery. She stayed silent as her Delta spoke, it seemed to be the first time he had felt it suited him to take part in the conversation. His question seemed to be a good one, delving into the knowledge of another seemed to be his only pleasure. Her eyes then switched to hid reflection, that of Helidos nature, almost like looking into the lake and seeing your counterpart looking back at you. The mirror image held herself high, pride and nobility in her eyes as well as her voice.


Such a word made the cream wolf cringe, inwardly of course, it was a false word. There was no freeing of one's sins, one always must remember there past to move forward. Redemption was for the weak, the one's who weren't strong enough to bear the shackles which they had created. Sins made one strong, there was no way in life without them. This did not mean to cast as many sins as possible, for the load would be too great. But one did need to accept their own sins and carry them with dignity, a look that they knew exactly what they had done and they had accepted it. This is what Cassiopeia had been forced to do, carry along the sins of her past self as well as the things which her demon had forced her to do. This brought back a painful memory, one which Tye took part in, the question of whether she had slain another wolf. It was a question which the demon had had to answer, his torturous game played on with one word, 'Yes'. It had surely been no innocent kill, that was not something she would have locked away, it would have been something so horrid, so terrible, that even her dark soul could not deal with it. This made her want desperately to return to the moment, depart from such painful thoughts. But once again the possibilities flooded her , things which only the demon would condone. With the pain passing, her list coming to an end, Tye's words cut through her psyche, her dark knight.

For the first time in her meeting with Nnlya, she knew not what to say, her lips sealed in silence. Her concealed sins smothered her, the idea of redemption suddenly seeming like not such a terrible thing. But she transgressed too much for the likes of Helidos, even without the likes of her crimson demon lurking in the shadows. The borders of Erenyx, in their harsh, sinful ways, accepted her. She was no black sheep among the likes of the crimson pack, she, in fact, fit better than most. The exact reason she had stayed for so long, her undeserving form allowed to reside with a broken family. She shared an odd love for Erenyx, a love hate relationship if there ever was one. It was where she belonged, a demon taking refuge in Hell, it made sense. Finally breaking her own muteness she let her voice out, breaking its cuffs to be carried away by the lake breeze. "It is the unspoken truth between us, Helidos is the place for redemption from sins, Erenyx, the place for acceptance of sins," She made no effort to twist these words, no web was wound to make it an enigma. It was something she considered reality, she was merely speaking her thoughts aloud. Her voice had no sarcasm, no hatred and hardly any darkness, it was pure and throaty, as close to natural as she wished to be. Her eyes did not light on any of the wolves, instead she turned them to the seemingly endless waters. Her husky voice once again cut the breeze, her eyes turning to Nnlya as she let it soak into the air. "The reason I belong here and you belong there, mirroring each other in this sinful world. Helidos and Erenyx, separated by the way we handle our sins, something so simple," She was barely part of the scenario anymore, the three versus one, Erenyx versus Helidos, she was lost in a world of thought. This created an absent look and tone in her voice, making it obvious that she was moving on from the moment. She would soon make her exit, she had lost her interest in the trio which surrounded her, moving on to deeper and stranger things. But she would wait for their replies, see if anything caught her interest before she retreated into her mind.
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